Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I tossed and turned restlessly in my deep sleep. I began mumbling in frustration as a voice kept repeating my name over and over again. I started to get more and more impatient due to the fact this voice would not shut up. In my sleepy state and in a last attempt to get it to be quiet I struck my hand out to hit it.

My hand didnt get very far because something grabbed it before I could hit anything. I gasped and my eyes snapped open suddenly aware.

In front of me sitting on the edge of a huge bed with velvety red sheets, sat Kaeston. He had a smile of amusement on his face and as my breathing began to speed up in fear, his smile grew wider.

"Now. Now. There is no need to hyperventalate. If I had wanted you harmed you wouldn't be laying inside such a nice bed now would you?"

He spoke this calmly and with a hint of remaining amusement in his voice as he placed my arm back down at my side and patted the back of my hand.

"At least now I know you aren't a morning person," He paused thoughtfully, "Let me rephrase that. At least now I've experienced it first hand."

My eyes narrowed at him as I realized the meaning of what he had just said. How often had he been in my head. Does it go both ways? I was so angry right now.

"You stalker!" I shouted this at him as he had begun to walk away.

I grabbed the closest thing near me and chucked it at his head. Luckily for him the closest thing happened to be a pillow.

I grimaced as he quickly turned around and caught it just in time with both hands.






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