Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

After about five minutes of walking we had to slow down to a stop. We were both laughing too hard at the expression Josh had made at my last comment. Both of us clutched our stomachs as we doubled over in laughter. Once we would think we were done laughing we would glance at each other and the fits of laughter started up again. After about ten minutes of this we both finally calmed down and began walking again.

"His face was freaking hilarious. Where did you come up with that? A kidnapper I get but a thief is just so random but has an extra flare to it." Shay glanced at me in curiosity.

"Im not completely sure....", You didnt want to bring up what actually gave me the idea, "Guess I just thought I'd be original since so many other sayings are overused."

Laughter went through my head right on cue and made me shiver.

"How could you possibly be cold Jinx? This is a pretty warm night."

"I'm not cold", I snapped this then immediately regretted it when I saw a brief flicker of hurt pass across Shay's face,"I'm just shuttering at the thought of how easily I could race you to your house from here."

I stated this challenge knowing by this point we were only about a mile from her home. I hoped I was still in just as good of shape as I had been during school where my horrible P.E. teacher used to make everyone run the mile everyday. I also knew Shay had always been a good minute faster than I ever was and loved to show it off a bit. She was proud of her athleticism and it was a shock to me she didn't ever try to enter sports in school to get a college scholarship. I personally thought she was good enough.

A gleam entered her eyes,"Oh you are so on!" With that we both started off sprinting as fast as we both could in the direction of her house. The stomping of our feet and the loudness of both of our breathing disturbed the stillness of the night. I pumped my arms as fast as I could as I forced my legs to move faster. I was a bit ahead of Shay and couldn't help but smile widely.

That was until I stepped in a huge puddle and my stride faltered. I recovered quickly but Shay leapt easily over the puddle and passed me up. I turned the last corner and landed on her porch step only to see Shay already putting her keys in the lock. She turned towards me after opening her door.

"Nice try Jinx. But it looks like your bad luck got the best of you." We both laughed and hugged.

"I'll see you tomorrow." With that said I turned and began the walk to the bus stop.

I hadn't bothered to tell Josh it was a mile from her house.






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