u n o - grumpy beginnings

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"Captain America, 100%. Have you seen him? That's America's ass right there."

My best friend laughed over the mumble of the TV. "Oh my god! Okay, you ask me now!"

"Would you rather be a deadly assassin or turn invisible?"

"Is that even a question? A deadly assassin obviously because then you're like, basically invisible." Ellie reasoned, sipping at her Coke. "You're lucky, you get like the superpowers everyone wants; assassin, speed and you can - "

I clamped my hand over her mouth which was currently crammed full of pepperoni pizza.

"You know SHIELD have been on my ass for weeks trying to get me to come in and join in on the Avenging, and I'd like to keep the list of people who know about me, very short." I exclaimed in a hushed voice.

"Right okay, jeez. Why don't you just join anyway? They're such a badass group and you'd be apart of it! Just imagine, 'Alexa Sombra - the next Avenger '. I can see it now!" She stood up in excitement and clapped her hands like a seal. I couldn't stop the involuntary eye roll that followed on my behalf.

"Saving the world! Fighting the bad guys! Rescuing all of mankind from destruction! You could kick ass for a living, Al! Why are you wasting your powers when you could be doing something good!"

I looked over to see her body slump onto my couch. I raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse you! I do something good everyday!" I protested.

"Oh yeah, like what? Eat your weight in fast food and binge watch mediocre TV shows on Netflix? I'd like to thank you personally for your oh-so-great contribution to society."

"Exactly! I help keep the Chinese place down the road open by buying from them, and I hand over $7.99 a month to Netflix, so I'm doing them a favour by being one of their loyal customers. Don't tell me I don't do anything good." I explained as I pointed to the large bills and receipts piling up in the far left corner of my living room.

Ellie humphed, before standing up and dusting herself off. "Whatever. Let me know when you decide to actually help the human race. I gotta go and get sleep for work tomorrow."

Grabbing her jacket off the stand, she opened the door.

"Really? I didn't think my humour was that bad tonight!" I complain as I watch her walk into the dim light of the apartment hallways. 

"It's always bad!" She waved before closing the door with a hard slam.

I sighed loudly before walking over to my coffee table and clearing it of any rubbish. I thought over what Ellie said, but I just couldn't bring myself to even fathom the idea. The Avengers Initiative? What was it even supposed to be? 

Sure, I was as all for helping people. I donate stuff to charity, help at soup kitchens and give money to the homeless, but was I ready to sacrifice my entire life? I knew there would be no coming back from it; I wouldn't be able to just walk away from it all once I'd had enough. I sighed, my head all over the place as I locked my front door before switching off all the lights and walking into my bedroom. It was dark outside, yet bright; sirens were still erupting blocks away and the street lights blessed the sky with a luminous glow. The city was bustling still.

A deep voice sounded from the corner of my dark room, a dark shadow hovering in it's direction.

I jumped from surprise and fell into my bedside table.

"Oh god, that wasn't supposed to happen." A hand reached out and pulled me to my feet before the light switched on. I squinted at the person in front of me, taking a second to adjust to the light before groaning.

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