c i n c o - so maybe i'm not okay.

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I was beyond fuming. I was about to lose my shit. Since when was SHIELD so interested in being like HYDRA? They were supposed to protect the planet, not endanger it.

I was pacing around the room that everyone was in, trying to get my head around the idea of it. By now, everyone's attention was on each other. Natasha arguing with Bruce, Tony and Steve shouting at each other, Thor and Fury in a very heated discussion and me, well, I wasn't talking.

"Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds." Steve pushed at Tony's chest while Thor laughed. Everyone went quite and looked at him.

"You people are so petty... and tiny." He laughed again.

"Yeah, this is a tee..." Bruce began before Fury interrupted him.

"Agent Romanoff, would you escort Banner to his..."

"Where? You rented my room." Banner spat.

Fury took a step back in shock. "The cell was just incase.."

It took everything in me not to groan at the situation we found ourselves in. What kind of impression were they trying to make? Was this supposed to convince me to want to stay?

"In case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know, I tried!" He shouted, before his voice lowered again. My heart strings tugged slightly at the gentle man in front of me.

"I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spit it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good," He looked around the room until his eyes landed on Romanoff. "Until you dragged me back into this freak show, and put everyone here at risk!"

I couldn't help but find myself feeling bad as if it was somehow my fault, but I knew it wasn't. I knew how it felt to feel so low, and it hurt to know that somebody else had once, and even perhaps now, felt that way. I began to zone out, not focusing at the scene around me. In my head, I was having a battle with myself. Should I stay? What were the pros? Was I willing to give up everything I once knew? I didn't have long to think before I was thrown through the window and onto the floor below, sirens blaring and smoke piling out from the other side of the ship.

My ears rang and i'm pretty sure I'd perforated my ear drum, and my eyes struggled to adjust the air now filled with black. The heat was intense. I stood up and looked around. Something had hit the Helicarrier and I had a gut feeling it had something to do with Loki. My head was pounding, and I placed a hand to my forehead to find blood on my fingers, obviously a cut from the fall.

Gunshots and screams erupted around me as Steve and Tony ran off in one direction while Natasha and Thor dealt with an evolving Banner just a few floors below. I decided to head towards Loki's cage.

When I got there, it was oddly quiet. The cage that once held Loki, now held his brother and I could see the same Agent from earlier in front of the God himself, with a large gun. An evil grin danced on Loki's lips as he took another threatening step towards the Agent, and I took that as my chance to step out and shoot a blast of current at the villain, causing a ripple in his step. It was clear I'd just managed to piss him off, as he swung for me, moving swiftly when I tried to retaliate. I charged at him, only for him to vanish and reappear behind the Agent, who now had a blade through his chest.

Both Thor and I screamed in anguish as I focused my energy and blasted Loki straight through a wall or two. Immediately, I slid to the agent who's name, according to his card, was Coulson. Blood sputtered from his mouth and he coughed.

"Hello? Anyone there? The front right rotor is down. Cap and I need backup, now."

I panicked, looking between Thor, Coulson and Loki's unconscious body that was bound to wake any second now, unsure whether to respond to Tony or not. I would probably be able to help them reboot the rotors, but I couldn't leave anyone here. Not with such a disadvantage. 

An arm touched mine, before I realised it belonged to Coulson. "Go, kid. We got this."

"B-but what about - "

"We'll be fine. I'll be fine. Now go." 

I nodded once more to reassure myself before making a bolt to Tony and Steve.

The Helicarrier was in utter carnage; debris and rubble lay everywhere, live wires shot sparks from within the walls - which I made sure to repair on the way - and even a few casualties lay helpless. "Who thought it would be a good idea to lock an evil God away on a floating office without any line of defence, anyway? Like, seriously?"

Tony heaved over the comms. "Are you on your way or not?"

I kicked an infiltrator in the stomach before continuing. "I'm coming, I'm coming."

ϟ ϟ ϟ 

"Alright, what's up?" I bent over, out of breathe from running and dodging evil guys before trying to analyse the sticky predicament. I turned to Steve. 'Where's Tony?"

The wind howled and it was undeniably hard to breathe. Steve pointed to the blades of the rotors, "about to get inside that. He needs me to slow down the blades long enough for him to repair the rotor and get back out again. Reckon you could give it a shot?"

I glanced warily before shrugging. "Doesn't look like I have much of a choice." I squatted down, placing both hands on the floor of the Helicarrier and taking a deep breathe. 

"It's a lot of power to hold, Alexa. If you can't handle it, just let us know."

I nodded. "I can do it, but only for a minute or so, otherwise I'll be putting the entire ship at risk. I've never held this much energy befo-"

"Alright, enough of the heart to heart, lovebirds. Get on with it, I'm struggling here." Tony commed. 

I closed my eyes, focusing my energy on the pull and buzz of the carrier, zoning into the zap of currents through plugs and wires and breathing it in. I could feel the power rush through my veins as my body began to glow a electric blue. In the distance, I could vaguely hear Tony shout in success as my body began to charge up and absorb the energy of the ship and fuel my hunger for it. I could see Steve fight off Loki's army in my peripheral vision, which told me I wasn't focused enough, before taking a deep breathe once again and breathing in the power. 

"Alexa, we did it! You can let it out now."

"Alexa? Hey, release it!"

"She's not responding! What do we do?"

I could feel the ship go dark and the sudden drop in my stomach as the carrier made a large crank sound. I could hear the screams as the ship began to drop. I couldn't release it.

"Sir, we're free falling! What do we do?"

"Begin evac to the emergency quinjets. Tell her to get her shit together or she's going down with this thing."

Steve knocked me with his shield to try distract me as Tony landed in front. "How do we stop her?"

"We force it out of her."

Tony lifted his hand, blasting Steve's shield and aiming it towards my luminous body, my eyes piercing blue like never before. They continued to knock and shake it out until I felt a surge of power from the pit of my stomach, bringing my arms out to my sides. I managed to look at the two men. "You need...to go."

With that, my body burst with electricity in a fire-y beam - the helicarrier literally danced to life as I screamed, physically hurting as the energy I was holding finally released. I burnt up the outside of the carrier, floodlights fusing as the atoms continued to violently pour out of me. Steve and Tony crouched behind their line of defences as I finally ran out, sinking to my hands and knees before falling forward and everything went black.

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