Catorce - Not happy.

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Steve stood in front of me, shocked. His blue eyes now held an emptiness to them and his lips moved as he tried to speak, but couldn't.

I looked at him once more, admiring how he looked. His blonde hair a bit longer, more muscly and perhaps even slightly taller. He was wearing his stealth suit - my personal favourite - as he knocked out an incoming pirate and i took this opportunity to leave.

"Hey!" I heard him shout as i continue to climb the stairs, getting closer to where the hostages were being kept.
I placed my hand to the wall of the engine room and focus all my energy onto stopping the engines. Once I heard the propellers die down, I was back in focus on what mattered.

I ran up onto the highest level of the ship where Rumlow and the STRIKE team were waiting.

"On my mark. 3, 2, 1."

A loud explosion opened the door of the hostage room and Rumlow killed the head pirate. I look around the room, ignoring the wondrous stares from the hostages and the STRIKE team before turning to Steve.

"Where's Batroc?"

He clicked, and immediately we were both on the hunt. He threw his shield into a window that surrounded a room, only to find that Batroc had escaped.

"What have you been doing all this time?" Steve asked me, intrigued at my sudden appearance.

I shrugged. "Stuff."

He looked at me once more before speaking to Natasha through his comms. "Natasha,, Batroc's on the move. Circle back to Rumlow and protect the hostages."

No reply came through.


I heard footsteps running towards us and I quickly spun myself around in time to knock Batroc back from attacking Steve. He gets back up and Steve steps forward, prepared to fight as his shield comes up in front of him and blocks a blow.

"I thought you were more than just a mask?" Georges Batroc's chilly voice asked Cap.

He took of his mask again, and placed the shield on his back.
"Let's find out."

I watched as they start fighting again, Steve finally knocking Batroc back into the room that Natasha is in, downloading stuff off a computer.
I follow, a bit helpless as I give Steve a hand in getting up.

"What are you doing?" He asked her, puzzled.

"Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into." She replied before looking at me and nodding. "Alexa."

"Natasha." I nodded back before Steve asks her another question. "Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing in here?"

We walked over to her and looked at what she was doing. He looked at me unsure before directing his focus back to Natasha's actions.

"You're saving SHIELD Intel." He stated, quite obviously confused.

"Whatever i can get my hands on." The tone of her voice was quite snarky, and it pissed me off.

"I thought your mission was to rescue hostages?" I challenged her.

She turned to me with a smirk on her face. "Well you thought wrong. That was Steve's mission." She pulled the flash drive out and continued. "And you've done it beautifully."

Natasha goes to leave but i grabbed her arm, forcing her to turn to us. I was mad that she was so calm about all of this, and i was pretty sure that Steve was too.

"You just jeopardised this whole operation."

"I think that's overstating things." She laughed slightly in a mocking manner.

"Get over yourself Natasha." I spat. That was one thing that always annoyed me about her; her constant assumption that she was the most superior in certain situations. Steve was right, she had just jeopardised their mission and it pissed me off that she didn't care.

She looked at me, a strong darkness in her eyes. "I'm sorry, why are you here again? Last time I checked, you weren't an Avenger, or part of SHIELD for that matter."

I scoffed at her incompetence. "Please, you think I want to be like you people? Marching to Fury's fife? No. Leaving was the best thing I ever did, otherwise i'd be in this exact situation." I quoted Tony's quote from a long time ago, facing her with anger fuelling the fire.

Before she had a chance to respond, Batroc rose and threw a grenade in our direction and ran off. Steve immediately deflected it with his SHIELD and grabbed Natasha, jumping out the window. I powered my energy through my hands, and concealed the grenade in an energy bubble before making my way over to the window to send it into the sea and away from harm.

Unintentionally, my foot caught on an object on the floor and i lost focus as I dropped the grenade accidentally. I immediately ran towards the same window that Steve and Natasha jumped through but just i was about to, the grenade went off and I was thrown out the window anyway, my back slamming off the deck below us. I groaned, sitting up in bellowing pain as I caught sight of the two Avengers walking towards me.

"Okay, that ones on me." Natasha admitted, offering her hand to me. I flashed her a dirty look before dismissing her hand and getting myself up, slowly.

"You're damn right." Steve replied hastily.

I spun the top half of my body left to right, cracking my spine to release some of the painful pressure. Steve grimaced as the popping sounds filled their ears.

"You can get a ride back with us, we're headed back to Washington." Steve offered, referring to the Triskelion I'd heard about before.

"I'm good. The last time i went anywhere with you, you drugged me and used me as a science experiment. I'll just stay on the ship." I reminded him.

His face flashed instant regret and guilt, as he turned and stopped to look at me. "I'm sorry about that. I really am. I just wanted to help my team -"

"And I wasn't apart of that team, no? Not part of the team that practically forced me into all this? The team that fought an entire alien army, where I attempted to take on Loki alone? I take it i wasn't part of the team then." I looked at him angrily, spitting my words in a venomous way.

"Of course you were. We just had to focus on priorities. We didn't think you'd be that bothered by it." Natasha stepped in to defend their actions a year ago.

"You didn't think I'd be bothered that you tried to take my power away as if i was somewhat inferior to the rest of you? I've been dealing with this since i was nine. Thats a lot longer than most of you. So where the fuck you thought that any of you can come along and claim me their property, I don't even want to know."

"We thought we were helping you. We thought you'd want to know about your family." Steve tried to explain, his face riddened with guilt as he realised how badly it had affected me.

"But you knew the whole time that i was some HYDRA experiment! You used me for your own good! That's not what team mates do! You of all people should know that!" I jabbed a finger a Steve's chest.

Natasha stood in between us and swiftly grabbed my arms, snapping me into handcuffs. "Time to get on the jet."
I turned to her and spat in her face, slight shock that i would do such a thing but no regret.

"Bite me."

She looked at me once more before tightening the cuffs. Steve looked on in shock as i was pulled onto the jet with the rest of the STRIKE team.

One of the STRIKE agents wolf-whistled as i walked past, resulting in me turning around and kneeing him in the balls, satisfied with the cry of pain that exited the mans mouth.

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