Diecinueve - A Threat

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I sat still as the doctor dealt with the wound on my head, my concern for Fury drowning my thoughts. He handed me crutches - apparently I'd bruised my ribs on impact from the car and would struggle walking for a small amount of time, although I knew that I'd live with the pain and get on with my life as normal. I thanked him before hobbling out of the room and down the hall in search of Steve. After a few minutes of walking around, I found him with the familiar red head that I wasn't necessarily on good terms with, watching Fury's operation.

They hadn't noticed me coming up the corridor and sparked a conversation.

"Is he gonna make it?" Natasha's face was etched with worry although she tried to hide it.

"I don't know." Steve replied bluntly, his arms crossed.

I could tell that this was affecting them both, even though they would deny it and try tp hide their emotions if I asked. For the two, SHIELD had been everything they'd known for a large majority of their lives and to have to perhaps live without the man who recruited them both and saved them from either death or extreme danger would be hard beyond compare. Steve didn't deserve to lose another significant person in his life and my heart always broke at the thought of how hard it must be for him to wake up everyday and have to accept the way life is without the people he grew up with and learned to love.

My crutches hit the floor with a soft metal clang every time I took a step closer to the pair, which caused their heads to snap away from the intense scene in front of them towards me. I stopped between the two and looked through the glass at an almost lifeless director with multiple doctors and nurses scattered around him. The moments going on in front of me scared me, and made me wonder how the Steve and Natasha made themselves seem so calm. Then again, I can only imagine the things the two have seen on their numerous missions.

"How are you feeling?" Romanoff asked me, glancing gently before redirecting her eyes.

"Good. Nothing serious. There's more important things right now to worry about than a bump to the head, I guess. It's probably why I didn't really notice it until Steve pointed it out." I shrugged, slightly hissing at the movement on my upper half.

"Tell me about the shooter."

I couldn't tell if she was talking to me or Steve, but my mind instantly flashed back to the evenings events. My head burned as I watched Fury fall to the floor over and over again, and the blonde woman rushing in. It was like it was stitched into my brain, and it wasn't comong undone anytime soon. By the time I'd snapped out of my horrific train of thought, Agent Hill appeared and stood beside us. She looked at my injuries and nodded my way as if to say "I hope you're okay." before replying to another one of Natasha's questions.

"Three slugs, no rifling and completely untraceable." Her eyes were set on Fury, staring at him in concern and worry.

"Soviet made?"


I looked up slightly at Steve who hadn't removed his concentration from the operation since I walked in. The rest of us turned sharply at the sound of slight hysteria within the room in front of us.

"He's dropping." One doctor said, rushing around.

"Crash cart coming in." A nurse stated, her voice slightly panicked.

The four of us stood helplessly as we watched our boss slowly slip away from us. I couldn't comprehend the next few minutes as I completely drained out any sound. I could see the doctors and nurses shouting at each other, ordering one another to do this or get that and rushing around the operating table.

Natasha said something but I couldn't hear as they brought out a defibrillator, and I knew that there was a high chance that he wasn't going to make it. I stood on feeling out of control as his body slammed up off the table from the excruciating charge of electricity. His heartbeat went flat and Steve turned away from the scene, my senses coming back.

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