Veinte - Plot Twist

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We made our way to the elevator at the end of the hallway, me still hobbling with my crutches and both equally pissed off at the man a few rooms behind us. It was silent as we walked, our hands both brushing off each other slightly with each step we took which caused butterflies in my stomach and shivers up my spine, a soft smile playing on my lips. Unfortunately, my happiness was ruined when Agent 13 came over to us. Well, Steve.

His face screamed anger at the woman before us, and I had to hold my laugh in with all my might.

"Captain Rogers, I need you to come with me." She ordered, still a bit of nervousness in her voice. I raised an eyebrow at her, which caught her attention.

"He won't be going anywhere with anyone he can't trust." I spat, obviously not particularly fond of the girl. She chose to ignore my comment and ask Steve again.

"Please Captain. They need you over there." The blonde pleaded. I'm surprised she's not on her hands and knees yet.

Steve looked at me for permission which I returned with a look of "really?". I looked at Agent 13 again, and only then did I notice her fidgeting with her fingers and sweating slightly. Steve took my no-reply as permission and headed off with Agent 13.

"I'll meet you outside later." He nodded at me as he walked, a look in his eyes that reassured me that he was unsure of everything going on too. I nodded and continued walking into the glass elevator, demanding Operations Control.

"Confirmed." The system replied and the doors began to shut, only to be stopped by Rumlow and two STRIKE agents. We made brief eye contact as he walked in and the doors closed.

"All STRIKE personal on sight." He ordered the two men which caused me to furrow my eyebrows at the sudden decision. I chose to ignore it and continue minding my own business he then ordered the lift to go to forensics.

"Shadow." He acknowledged me, the two agents keeping quiet beside him and standing still.


"Evidence response found some fibres on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac-team ready?" He asked me, attempting to make conversation to replace the dead silence.

"Have you asked Captain Rogers?" I asked, considering Steve is more of the decision - maker of the Avengers.

Rumlow shook his head. "Not yet."

"Let's wait and see what it is first." I respond.


An awkward silence overtakes the small space once again, and I take the time to notice how beautiful the city looks from this far up building. The weather was nice and the sun was out, making it bright in the glass box and harder to see. Taking account of my surroundings, I notice one of the agents touch his weapon suspiciously. I decide not to do anything and wait for anything else out of the ordinary.

The elevator stops and more agents get on, crowding the box and making me press my back up against the window, studying them all as they got on. It was still silent, which made everything ten times more uncomfortable. They asked to go to Administrations and the lift began to move again, still not very far from where I got on and parted from Steve. I wonder what he's doing, and if he's in the same sticky situation. I look through the glass to my left and notice another elevator about 15 feet apart from me beginning to get crowded and an awkward Steve Rogers in the middle. We make eye contact and shrug at each other, trying not to make it obvious that we spotted each other before quickly looking to the front when an agent turned round.

"Um...sorry about what happened with Fury. Messed up what happened to him." Rumlow speaks up.

"Thank you." I reply. I was beginning to get impatient as more agents got on and wished to go to Records. One of them began sweating profusely as the elevator started going down once again I and I sighed.

I looked over at Steve once more who was clenching his fists and speaking to the occupiers of the lift. I shuffled into the crowded centre before talking to no one in particular.

"I'm really not in the mood today fellas, but try all you want. It will probably end just as badly for you. Does anyone wanna get off before we begin?"

Silence continued to linger in the air before one of the agents turned round and shocked me with an electric rod. I laughed, feeling the familiar sensation throughout my body as it shook with energy although hurting my side slightly.

"Seriously? Do you know nothing about me?"

I placed a finger on his chest and electrocuted him, making him fall to the floor. More agents grabbed me and attempted to strap my wrists with magnetic cuffs onto the one metal wall, causing me to drop my crutches and wobble slightly. I struggled to break myself loose as a tall, muscular man punched me in the face, a groan of pain escaping my lips as I lifted my legs and kicked him back, stunning him slightly. My bruised side burned as I broke myself free of the cuffs and swung at an incoming agent, knocking them down swiftly. I ignored the pain that swarmed my body as I took the rest of them down, coming face to face with Rumlow.

"You son of a bitch." I spat in his face, anger fuelling my rage like gasoline to a bonfire. His eyes held a mocking look as a smirk sat on his lips.

"Woah. calm down. I just want you to know, Alex, this ain't personal." He came at me with an electric rod but I shot a burst of energy at him and he sunk to the floor, helplessly.

"You know, it kind of feels personal." I kicked him in the stomach, getting no response and sighing in relief.

I looked down at the 10 plus fully-grown men lying unconscious on the ground, laughing before turning to Steve. He was surrounded by men too, and I opened the elevator doors to be met with a lot of new STRIKE agents holding their weapons up at me.

"Put your hands up in the air!" One of them ordered me but I closed the door on them, rolling my eyes even though I was slightly panicked at how I would get out. A loud smash came from my left and I looked to see Steve was now in my elevator, having jumped from his to mine. He sliced the wires holding the lift and sent us down, forcing the doors open only to be met with more STRIKE agents. I send a burst of energy through the gap of the doors and knock the first couple of agents down, before Steve closed the door again.

"What do we do now, Captain?" I asked him, half joking but also half serious as I had absolutely no clue what to do. He smiled, thought for a minute and then grabbed my waist, surprising me.

"Do you trust me?" He looked down on me slightly, his height causing him to be the taller one out of us two even if it is only by a one or two inches and his white teeth showing.

I laughed at his question, both of us ignoring the constant shouts from outside the door commanding us to get out and surrender. "Well, an old friend once told me not to trust anyone so I don't know, Rogers."

He took that as a yes and gripped my waist tighter before pulling the shield up in front of us both and throwing us out the elevator window which overlooked the main lobby area. I cursedmentally, knowing this was going to hurt a fucker on my ribs.

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