Vientisiete - Human

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Shoutout to @domcats cause what a babe

Steve and I hadn't finished our childish feud by time we went after Sitwell. We would let alone look at each other, never mind speak or try to get along. It was a bright, sunny day and Sam and I sat at a table outside a cafe, fitting in casually to the innocence around us. The sound of jittery chatter amongst the nearby civilians filled my ears as Sam sat with a scowl on his face, earning a scoff on my behalf.

"Hey, maybe smile and you'll blend in a bit more." I nudged his arm in a scold. I was hit with a cold glare.

"I don't want to look friendly, Alexa. I'm about to threaten the life of a man who seems rather important."

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I dived back into my thoughts. The idea of being surrounded by clueless humans who went on with their lives reminded me that I'd never had what these people have. It made me think that maybe I should've let SHIELD take my powers, and maybe then I'd be able to live life like a normal human being.

But, the perks of not being a proper Avenger was the ability to fit in without having to worry about being recognised was always a plus. Sure, SHIELD or HYDRA knew who I was and would notice me if I walked down the street, but I wasn't Steve, Tony or Thor who are all fairly recognisable and are always asked for photos or signatures. I enjoyed the idea of being able to fit in even when I shouldn't. Perhaps that's the only human part of me left.

Sam got the phone prepared to call Sitwell as he exited the building with the Senator, as I took a sip of my coffee.  If there was anything I could consume for the rest of my life, it would be coffee.

"Can I talk?" I asked Sam, desperate for some action. He looked up at me slightly with unimpressed eyes before sighing and handing me Pierce's phone. "Make it snappy." He responded, sitting back and ravishing the sunlight.

I watched as Sitwell's phone began to ring and he ushered the security guards away.

"Yes sir."

It was weird to watch him talk to me from across the street; making me think of all the times this situation possible could've happened to me, or anyone. God knows how many people watch me daily as I do my shopping or get something to eat, which was pretty freaky.

"Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? I heard the crab cakes here are pretty delicious." I smirked at his appearance - his posture stiffening at the patronising voice as he tried to look around slyly, but failed in panic.

"Who is this?"

"The gorgeous maiden in the cap, and the man in the sunglasses, 10 'o' clock."

He turned the opposite way, causing me to grip the bridge of my nose in stupidity. "Your other 10 'o' clock."

He finally caught our gaze and seemed to relax slightly at the sight of two, what seemed, harmless civilians. I waved at him sarcastically as Sam sighed.

"What do you want?" Sitwell turned from our uncomfortable stares. Sam snatched the phone from my grip.

"You're gonna go around the corner, to your right. There's a grey car, two spaces down. You and I are gonna take a ride."

"And me." I leaned in towards the mic causing Sam to push my face away, his patience running low.

A scoff sounded through the phone as if Sitwell had the upper hand. "And why would I do that?"

With the roll of my eyes I leaned in again. "Because, dumbass, that tie looks pretty fucking expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up."

He looked down at the red dot on the tie that came from the distance, immediately obliging to obey our orders. I could practically smell the fear on him as we met him at the car and took him to Steve.

Now, some people know where their limits are and some, don't. But if you stood face to face with Captain America, you'd hopefully know when to tell the truth and when not to. Sitwell, however, let his mouth run a little too much as he sat in Steve's tight grip. His face screamed anxiousness and fright but his words did the opposite, although we could see through it.

It had always confused me as to why people continue to push the boundaries when face to face with superheroes or extremely powerful people when you know you have no chance. Baffling.

"I said, tell me about Zola's algorithm."
Steve's voice boomed, determined for answers. His eyes searched Sitwell's for any answers, anything he could walk away with that would help his mission.

By this time, Sitwell was on the floor of the roof, panting for breathe and backing away slightly in fear of the man that stood strongly before him. If I was in his position, I'd probably be scared shitless too.

"Never heard of it." He spat, his voice venomous and full of denial. It was almost believable.

Steve took another step forward and took silent satisfaction from the cowardice of the man as he shuffled backwards. "What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?"

"I was throwing up, I get seasick."

By this time, my patience was beginning to run low, but it seemed that Steve's had already reached maximum capacity as he forced Sitwell to the edge of the rooftop, earning a sick smile from the man.

"Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers."

Just the appearance of him sent shivers down my spine. If my father had lived, is this what he would live like? A cruel, powerful man with no remorse? A man so evil and twisted, that he would do anything for the initiative that was drilled into his blood? Would I ever turn out like them?

"You're right, it's not. It's hers." Steve stepped back and allowed me to kick him over the edge of the roof, his scream filling the air as we waited for Sam to grab him and bring him back up. Although, part of me hoped he maybe missed his count and let Sitwell fall to his death. I wouldn't complain.

Mentally groaning as Sam dropped the important man back onto the cold, concrete floor of the high roof, his wings rippled in the air as Sitwell fixed his glasses and stood up hastily.

"Zola's algorithm is a programme, for choosing Insight's targets!" He blurted in a panic.

"What targets?" I stepped up, fixing my hair out my eyes.

"You! A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defence, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now or in the future." He let out a breathe as he finished his rant, as if it brought him to safety. Although we weren't finished yet.

"The future? How could it know?" Steve asked the question the three of us were wondering.

Once again, Sitwell's cocky laugh silenced our thoughts. "How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future."

By now, everything that once confused me clicked into place. They were going to wipe out any threats, before the threats even thought about it. The thought of it shook me to my core and sickened me.

"What then?" Steve asked, desperate for more.

"Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me." He muttered, regret plastered over his face.

"Not if I do it first." I responded under my breathe.

Steve's deep voice rung out, giving us all a fright at the sudden volume and lack of calm that he had. "What then?!"

Sitwell's eyes met with Steve's blue ones, almost as if he didn't agree with the plan himself. A silent plea of sorts.

"Then the Insight Carriers scratch people off the list. A few millions at a time."

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