Veintitrès - Deep Chats

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"Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?"

We were on route to New Jersey. Driving through the country in silence wasn't exactly what I was expecting after our makeout session, so I attempted to make small talk.

"Nazi Germany." Steve replied, keeping his focus on the road.

"Mm." I hummed in response, admiring his side profile from my seat. His blonde hair sat neatly on his head and stare kept straight on the road ahead.

"And we're borrowing. Take your feet off the dash."

I took my feet of the dash and turned slightly to see him better, relaxing into the corner of the door. I sighed in boredom and lifted my t-shirt to inspect my ribs. The bruise was more prominent now, the blue and black coming straight from my ribs up to under my arm but the pain had died down. It still stung slightly to the touch but I would have to put up with it, considering I had to abandon my crutches back at SHIELD.

"How is it?" Steve asked me about my injury, looking at it.

I sighed. "Good. It's a pain in the ass, though."

He chuckled, using one arm to steer the wheel. The weather was still nice, even though it was now later in the day and it was beginning to get dark. The large trees that whizzed past us on our journey went on for miles and blocked a lot of the sunlight from reaching the road, but wasn't dark enough to make our driving dangerous in anyway.

"Okay Captain. Here's a question - " I started before he cut me off.

"Oh no." He whined, waiting for a pointless question to leave my mouth.

"You don't however, have to answer if you don't want to. But, if you don't answer it, I have every reason to believe that you're answering it. Did that make sense?" I rambled, thinking over what I'd said.


"Was that your first kiss since 1945?" I asked, genuinely intrigued.

"That bad, huh?" He smiled lightly, a small laugh escaping from his lips.

"What? No, not bad at all. Anything but bad, believe me. Like, amazing. Probably the best kiss I've ever had. Actually the second kiss I've ever had if you include our one from ages ago but that was amazing too. And I'm.. going to stop talking now." I rambled on, letting my words get ahead of me as I avoided any eye contact with him. He looked at me before bursting out with laughter.

"That was your second kiss? And your first was also with me?"

I blushed. "Well, yeah. I didn't really have time for that stuff. Too busy." Shrugging, I faced away from him in embarrassment.

"Anybody special, though?" He asked and I looked at him, trying to understand.

"Like, in that way? Not right now, no. I like this guy, but I don't think he has any feelings towards me outside of the friend zone. Plus, I don't think anyone's really interested in a girl who killed her dad and can conjure electricity from my bare hands." I chuckled, putting my feet up on the dash out of habit.

Steve looked at me in concern, with a slight hint of pity. "I'm sure you're thinking about it too much. You've got everything - the intelligence, the personality, the looks. I'm sure if he got to know you better, he'd see what all your friends see which isn't a murderer." He reassured me.

"Thank you, I guess. It doesn't bother me that much though. I just sometimes wish he'd look at me the way I look at him. Maybe then I'd agree for definite with what you said." I looked out the window, admiring the beauty of the wild and the ever-growing darkness as we got closer and closer to our destination.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"Believe it or not, it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience." He said, half-joking half-serious.

"Just lie." I stated simply.

"Like you?" He retorted, but in a friendly way.

"What do you mean?"

"Well now that you know about your dad and where you really came from, you won't necessarily just walk up to strangers and spill your life story huh?" He explained.

"I don't know. The truth is a matter of circumstances, it's not all things to all people all the time. If I fall in love with someone and trust them with my life, maybe then I'd tell them. It's all time. I know I'm not the person I was all those years ago when I was a HYDRA experiment. And if my true friend or lover truly cares and understands me, they should know that. And to answer your earlier question, I don't think I'd even go up to a stranger and say hi. Not under these circumstances anyway."

Steve nodded, listening fully and clearly understanding what I had to say.

"I have the looks though. You, however Mr. Rogers, are screwed."

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