Veintinueve - Torture

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Warning: Torture/ angst. I'll put a * where the scene starts and finishes.

"Drop the shield, Captain! On your knees! Get on your knees! Now! Get down! Get down!" Cars, helicopters and men filled my vision as Rumlow shouted in my ear at Steve, the cold barrel of a gun at my head. A strong foot kicked me down onto my knees beside Steve and Sam as them and Natasha did the same, completely outnumbered.

Rumlow stared us down. "Don't move."

His team and fellow HYDRA Agents shoved us towards a custody van, earning a scoff from me and a rough push from the man guarding me.

I tried to wiggle my hands out of his grip and run, but he grabbed me and wrapped his arms around my stomach in a harsh movement, pulling me backwards. Steve whipped his head round at the sound of the sudden movement.

"Hey! Get your hands off her!" He attempted to rush towards me as they dragged me towards a separate van, but failed as they pushed him into another and shut the door.

The HYDRA agent grabbed my legs and threw me into the back of a dark vehicle, my back hitting the metal floor. "Could you be more gentle next time? I'm really not in the fucking mood."

I was met with the slam of the doors and the engine starting up, sighing in defeat. I don't know how long I was in their for as I attempted to shut down the engine but failed with no such luck. The vehicle had some sort of defence mechanism against my powers, pissing me off even more, my rage sending me off to sleep.

I was woken by the opening off the van doors, a strong pair of arms grabbing me roughly and my back colliding with another cold, hard ground. A hiss of pain escaped my chapped lips, the sound of a rusty gate closing in my ears and four dark, stone walls in my vision. I could hear distant screams, sending shivers down my spine as I adjusted to the minimal light and crawled towards the corner of what I assumed was a cell, no doubt belonging to HYDRA.

Where the hell was I? Was I still in DC?

Hours passed before any sign of life except the distant screaming grabbed my attention. It was the familiar squeak of the gate that caused me to snap my head up in relief and slight fear, a face belonging to a stranger looking down on me.

He said nothing as his muscular arms grabbed me and dragged my towards the gate, the brighter lights of the corridor sending my pupils into a frenzy as the squinted and I stumbled slightly at the lack of sight, earning another shove.

I huffed. "What is it with you guys and shoving?"

I wasn't answered as I as thrown into a chair, my arms and legs snapped down and tightened, the familiar feeling from the tower flashing in my mind as I looked around. The room was bare except for the one table with multiple tools on it and a hanging lightbulb above me. It took all the energy I had to try and get it to smash in order to consume its electricity, but my weak state made it hard and I eventually gave up, the hope that Steve or one of the Avengers would be coming soon.

A man in a lab coat walked in, a smug smirk sat on his lips as the latex of the gloves slapped against his wrist. He looked at me, almost admiringly, while he played with the numerous tools.

"Alexandria Sombra. Our own creation, right back where she started." His voice was cold and eery as it echoed around the small room.

I spat in his face. "Fuck you."

He laughed and wiped his face. "No need for that, Alexa. You'll be back to normal soon, we just need some information from you first."

The man earned a scoff as he picked up a knife, twirling it in his fingers patronisingly. "What can you tell me about the Avengers?"

I stayed quiet, staring him down. He didn't accept my answer, and wasted no time stabbing the knife into my thigh. I screamed in pain as he lodged it in and twisted it, before leaving it there in satisfaction.

"I asked, what can you tell me about the Avengers Initiative?"

"I'm not telling you anything!" I hissed, tears pricking my eyes at the constant pain in my leg.

The agent shouted in anger. "Tell me!"

"Over my dead body!"

He picked up a blowtorch and lit it up, holding it close to my face. "Are you sure about that?" He echoed.

When I didn't reply, he placed the torch over my exposed shoulder and let it sit there, burning a hole in my skin as I screamed louder than I had before, my voice bouncing off the walls and amplifying it. 

He pulled the knife out of my thigh in on swift motion, allowing the dark blood to seep through my clothes and no doubt get infected. The pain eased away slightly as he turned off the blowtorch and grabbed my head.

"Where are the Avengers?" He hissed.

I gritted my teeth in pain and anger at his actions, my hate for the man increasing rapidly as he stared me down. "I don't know."

My wounds ached as I stared blankly ahead and he sighed in frustration, calling for two agents. "Take her back to her cell. She's not talking anytime soon."

The two guards wasted no time in picking me up and pulling me back through to the cell, my feet draping across the ground as my weak body collapsed as soon as they let go. My energy was down, I was hungry and my thoughts raced as to how long I'd been here and if any of my teammates were out looking for me.

That was if I was even in the country.

The deep screaming from hours ago erupted again from down the hallway, the horrifying noises similar to the ones I was making minutes ago. I couldn't bring myself to move closer to the gate to investigate, instead I lay down on my side and attempted to get comfy on the ground, ignoring the pain of the burn in my shoulder and the stab wound in my thigh.

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