c u a t r o - where's colin firth when i need him the most

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The air was thick with tension. Nobody really had a clue what to say, and my entire focus was on trying not to empty my lunch onto the laminate table we sat at. Footsteps, heavy footsteps, echoed from down the hall before Fury appeared, seeming unimpressed with the collection of 'heroes' he had gathered.

He eyed us all up in silence, as if he was suspicious of our presence, and began to talk. He grabbed the attention of Tony who was once again making a big deal of Bruce's capabilities, poking and prodding and trying to convince Banner to let him run some tests.

Fury coughed. "I hate to inform you Mister Stark, but Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube. I was hoping you would join him, in peace." He raised an eyebrow at the middle-aged man, who had retreated his arm from poking at Banner.

"So," Steve began, leaning forward onto the table, indicating that he was about to say something important. "Let's start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon."

"I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys."

Thor looked puzzled. "Monkeys? I do not understand -"

"I do! I understood that reference." Steve looked proud of himself while Tony rolled his eyes and stood up.

I sighed.

So much testosterone in one room.

"Shall we play, doctor?" Tony asked Bruce.

"Let's play some." He replied as they both walked out towards the lab.

We all took that as a cue to leave, so I followed the science bros to the lab. It was pretty impressive to be in the presence of such a powerful group of people, but behind even Steve was science and to be just acquainted with people like Stark or Banner was pretty mesmerising.

I walked in to witness Tony pestering Banner, and not actually doing much. The two were in deep conversation about something, i assumed the cube, which halted when I walked in and morphed into hushed whispers.

"What, are we high school girls now?" I rolled my eyes and walked around the room admiring all the different tech they had here. It's a shame that they kept this technology secret when it could help save lives, but even I know the consequences of that. Computer screens and lab accessories lined the walls and tables full of confusing tools and machinery littered the table tops, showing that Bruce had clearly been going at the sceptre before Tony came in and began pestering him.

Stark continued to poke Banner a few more times before Steve himself entered and stood a few foot away from me, an angry look across his face.

"Hey! Are you nuts?" He questioned Tony who dismissed his questions and kept talking, circling Banner who seemed almost dazed.

"You really have a lid on it, don't you? What's your secret? Mellow jazz? Bongo drums? Huge bag of weed?"

I scoffed at his immaturity. "Is everything a joke to you?"

"Funny things are." He snarled.

"Shame you don't share that quality." I sent him a shrug and my head tilted to the side. He wasn't the only one who could throw around comebacks now.

Steve took another step forward, his face still hard and eyebrows still furrowed. "Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offence, Doctor."

I scoffed again. Why were these guys acting as if they knew more about Banner and his secret weapon than himself. "Stop treating him like he's a little kid! Both of you. He's been living with it for years, I'm sure he knows how to control it more than an engineer and a super soldier."

Banner nodded at me in appreciation. I smiled gently back. "She's right. I wouldn't have come aboard if i couldn't handle pointy things."

Tony piped up again, this time picking up a screwdriver and whacking it off his arm. "You're tiptoeing big man, you need to strut."

I sent a hard look in his direction."What I said applies to you too, Stark. Just because he can control it, doesn't mean he will. He doesn't have to put up with you."

The brunette faced me, before walking towards me slowly. "I'm sorry, who are you again? You're not an Avenger, or an agent. Why are you here, and why are you talking?"

A noise case from me, almost like a growl. "Take away that big iron suit, what are you?"

By this time, Steve had left and Banner was back to work, but the rest of the Avengers including Fury had entered the room to defuse the rising tension.

"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." He looked me dead in the eye.

"None of that matters when your still a shitty person on the inside. At least some of us have real power, something we can't rid of so we put it to good use. What would you do without the money, Stark? You'd probably be lying dead somewhere in the Middle East after your nuclear dealership went wrong." I spat.

He laughed sarcastically. "How naive are you, Alexa? You're nothing but a little girl with big power. You can't say you put your powers to good use. Weren't you the one who killed her own father?"

"It was an accident, but I'm sure I could do it again. Wanna see a demonstration?" My eyes turned from my usual chocolate brown colour to an electrified blue and electricity began to run through my arms and highlight my veins. Tony took a step back and turned to Fury.

"What have you been doing in here, Mister Stark?" Fury asked, obviously angered as he noticed they stopped working on the tesseract.

"Uh, kinda wondering the same thing about you." Tony replied.

"You're supposed to be locating the tesseract."

"We are. The models locked and we're sweeping for a signature now. When we get a hit, we'll have a location within half a mile." Banner interrupted after being silent the whole time.

"And you'll get your cube back. No muss, no fuss." Tony said flatly, looking back to his computer before his face changed. He looked back up at Fury.

"What is phase 2?"

The door slammed open and a HYDRA assault rifle was dropped on to the table by Steve.

"Phase two is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow." He was angry and confused, almost betrayed. I knew all about Cap's history with HYDRA and along with my history, I'm sure we shared the same opinion on it.

I picked up the weapon and shuddered before I looked up at Fury.

"Rogers, we gathered everything we related to the tesseract. That does not mean.." Fury began before Tony spun the computer screen round to face everyone, showing the plans of the weapons.

"Sorry, what were you lying?"

"Are you kidding me? What are you doing fucking around with HYDRA weapons and the tesseract? Do you even know the damage both those things cause?" My voice raised at Fury.

"Do you, Miss Sombra?" Fury turned to me. He looked down on me. He thought of me as a child who knew nothing of the way things worked around here or the world, HYDRA and the tesseract included.

"I've had my fair share, and they're not something you mess with! They're not experiments, they are weapons of mass destruction! It's HYDRA, and SHIELD should have nothing to do with it."

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