Doce - Captured

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I woke up in a white room, my vision still blurry as i tried to sit up but failed. I strained my neck to see buckles holding me down to the table i seemed to be lying on. I moved my head to the left and right, trying to see what was going on as i could hear voices from another room. The walls were made of slightly blurred glass as 3 or 4 familiar people stood outside the room i was in.

I pushed against the restraints, trying to break them. Where was I? One minute I was at Steve's and now i'm here.. where is he?

My struggling caused the people outside to look at me, before one of them walked in. Tony.

"Tony. Oh thank god you're here. Please help me get out. I don't know why I'm here. Am I insane? Please don't tell me I'm insane." My brain rattled with reasons as to why Tony would possibly be here as he walked around the room, touching computer screens and looking at statistics.

"Wait, why are you here?" I looked at him confused. He barely looked at me before resuming with his 'studies'.

"Where am I?" I narrowed my eyes at the brunette, wanting answers. I scanned the room, noticing the 'A' plastered on a wall outside along with SHIELD written on some of the computers. "I'm in the tower?"

Tony stopped and looked at me. "Yes, you're in the tower Alexa." He removed the IV from my wrist and attached it to my other one, a slight nip coming from it.

"Hey! What are you doing? Stop!" I thrashed about, noticing the blue liquid run up through the tube and out of my system. He nodded to the people through the door, and they entered one by one. Steve, Natasha, Banner and Clint. I looked at Steve helplessly.

"What's going on?" I began to panic again, trying to move my arms and legs from out the buckles as the table shook.
Tony injected me with another blue liquid and pain shot through me. I screamed in agony as waved through my body, tiring me out. He watched the result before typing something onto the computer.

The other four stood and watched as I lay helplessly on the cold, metal table. The pain slowly subsided and I was brought back to what was actually happening. Before I could ask again, Banner spoke up.

"We're removing whatever HYDRA injected you with years ago." He explained.

I looked at him in confusion. "HYDRA? I've never been caught by HYDRA. It's not possible."

They all looked at each other before Natasha walked over with a file that had my name on it, opening it up.
"The accident, wasn't an accident. Your dad worked as a HYDRA Agent, and everything that happened in that base happened for a reason."

Tears welled up in my chocolate brown orbs. "I did it on purpose?"

"No, HYDRA set it up. Your father put you forward as a test subject, but your mother was highly against it. So, he took you to work and made it look like an accident. You were electrocuted, but you would've died if it wasn't for some sort of serum that they gave you beforehand. That's what we want."

I looked at them as a single tear rolled down my cheek. "How long have you known? About this, my dad, all of it?"

No one answered, making me even more angry. "HOW LONG?" I shouted.

"Since uh.. since Clint picked you up. And before." Tony gulped, guilt written on his face.

My head turned to Steve in horror. "You knew? You knew and didn't tell me? You told me it was an accident, you said it wasn't my fault, but it was!" He looked at me and opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it again.

"I was never supposed to be an Avenger, was I? I was just a test subject so that you could dig deeper into HYDRA's secrets. For your own good." I whispered, loudly enough for them to hear. My tears were uncontrollable as the five of them stood around in shame.

"Let me go, Tony." I demanded, looking at him. He shared a look with the others before shaking his head.
"Let me go!" My voice bellowed through the glass room, frightening the group once again.

"Director's orders." Clint took a step forward and tightened the restraint as I screamed again. I felt trapped, and out of control and I hated it. I wanted to escape and get out of here.

I continued to scream and cry, demanding to be let out of the restraints as they all walked out and locked the door, leaving me on the cold table. I lay there for what felt like hours, as it got darker and darker and the computer screens lit up the room. Two guards stood outside my room, so i occupied myself by listening into their conversation.

"Who are we watching anyway?" One guard said to the other.

"I don't know, that Avenger that's like, part HYDRA."

"Nearly all of them are part HYDRA, dumbass."

"Whatever. I'm just in it for the money."

"Did you here about all the Hydra bases that are still around? I heard they got Cap's old friend in one of them."

"Wouldn't be surprised. That place is weird. God knows what shits going on in there."

They both laughed, and i growled slightly at the mention of Steve. I hated him. I hated him so much. He lied to me. I trusted him, and he used it against me.

I struggled against the restraint again, before suddenly my right arm came loose and slipped out. I quickly undid my other arm before pulling myself up and unbuckled my feet. Silently, I got off the bed and searched the drawers, being careful not to alert the guards. To my luck, I found a Walther P99 AS, and shoved it in my back pocket. I looked at the IV bag full of blue liquid, and decided that if that was my power, i wanted it back. I slowly injected it back into my blood stream, biting down on my lip to conceal a scream. I always hated needles.

After all the liquid was gone, I decided that peeking through SHIELD's data wouldn't hurt anybody, and spent a few minutes finding data on HYDRA and their bases. One was in
Queens, and I decided to start there. Now, to escape.

According to the laptops, it was 1:38am. Tony and the rest should be asleep; meaning hopefully i'll only have to take out a few guards. Thankfully, the two buffoons that once stood outside the room were now patrolling the long hallway side by side, giving me an easy getaway. They disappeared round a corner and i took the opportunity to unlock the door and sneak out the opposite direction, knowing i only had a small time gap and closing it behind me.

I made it to the lift, and quickly pressed the ground floor button. I made sure to be ready in case anybody got on. Jarvis' voice came through the speaker.

"Miss Sombra, I would advise you to make your way back to your holding room. Mr. Stark will not be pleased by your absence." He tried to negotiate with me, but I declined.

"Jarvis, please do not alert Tony of my leave. I will do so myself. Thank you."

"Miss Sombra, I'm afraid I'm going to have to wake Mr. Stark. It is my duty-"

"Let her go, Jarvis." Tony's voice interrupted him. "Let's see how far she gets without her power."

I laughed mockingly as the lift opened. "Yes, let's see." I shot the security camera with my blue energy before blowing at it like you would a gun, walking onto the dark street.

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