Treinta y uno - Refresh

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My breathing calmed as they strapped my wrists to the chair and lay me back so I could admire the rotting ceiling above, the cuffs cutting off circulation as I began to rest.

The familiar buckets of water appeared in front of my hands in the signature pale red buckets and the doctors began placing electrical devices into them to create an energy. Just the sight of the sparks and churning liquid pleased me as I took my hands and placed them into the buckets, an immediate surge of power rushing through my body. It was satisfying - a familiar yet refreshing feeling I longed for after simple missions, a feeling that made me feel invincible, powerful.

Once I had fully recharged, my hands glowing their classic electric blue, they led me back to the cell and threw me in amongst the dust and decay, a slam of the cell door being the only sound I could hear.

The cell was bare. Dark, stone walls surrounded me, markings visible on the left as I faced the door which provided little to no light in the room. The smell; musty, dirty and nothing but the slight waft of fresh air from an agent passing by in one swift motion, succumbing me in complete loneliness.

I turned to the left wall and made my way over to the markings, scratching another tally onto the concrete.

223 Days. 7 months, 11 says and 14 hours.

My mind raged at any thought of the Avengers. I couldn't bring myself to believe for a second they had even attempted to look for me, if Steve had even argued to look for me, and the thought of their hopelessness brought anger and hatred. I had no thoughts or feelings of sympathy for the Earth's Mightiest Heroes, I had no desire to run away from here and into their arms in one moving segment from a shitty love movie, and I had no push to overcome these thoughts and rekindle what was once there.

I had conformed to HYDRA. I didn't need to be brainwashed - I had no intent on running away. I always knew becoming an Avenger was never the right thing, no matter how much Steve tried to convince me. It felt wrong, like I wasn't supposed to be there. I never got the feeling of accomplishment from saving thousands of people from inevitable death and destruction.

HYDRA ran in my blood, it always had and it always will. 

She's Electric ϟ An Avengers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now