Veinticinco - Sorry Doll

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We got back in the stolen car and raced away from the STRIKE agents, going unnoticed. The journey was silent and I couldn't help but let a sob escape my whimpering lips. I placed a hand over my mouth in an attempt to muffle them, but it was no use as tears began to slip from my eyes and roll down my pale cheeks. Immediately, Steve looked over in concern and slight pity before pulling over on the side of the long, empty road. The engine cut off and we were left in an even more deafening silence.

"W-what are you doing? Don't stop here, they'll catch up with us." I looked around out my window for any movement or light from another vehicle.

"We're fine, I took a different route. Are you okay?" His blue eyes looked at me with sadness and I shrugged.

"I've just... never seen a video of it before. I only remembered some of it first hand. But looking at it from another perspective makes it way, way worse." I cried, rubbing my irritated eyes.

His arms widened in reply and I shuffled onto his lap, curling up slightly. His embrace was warm and comforting, something I didn't feel often but missed anyhow. My head lay against his hard chest as I could feel his heart beat and his breathing pattern which nearly sent me to sleep. His hand traced circles on my back, trying to calm me down as my face dried and my vision cleared and I relaxed into his hold.

I looked up slightly at him, smiling before glancing at his pink lips. He did the same and I found myself hypnotised under his watch, leaning in to graciously intertwine my lips with his. This time felt different from the others; it felt more real and meaningful as a zoo erupted in my stomach. I craved the feeling of his mouth on mine as he his grip locked around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I spun round so I had my back facing the windshield as I deepened the kiss, sparks flying. It was unusual to me to feel so connected and so right with someone that it made me want more, something I never thought I'd want from one of my team mates.

His large hands ran up and down my sides, causing me to hiss in pain when he gripped my side.

"Sorry, doll." He mumbled, this confident side of Steve being unrecognisable to me. I laughed into the kiss, before pulling away and looking at him. His lips were swollen but a deep hunger sat in his ocean blue eyes that gazed at me.

"Doll?" I questioned at the term he'd used, never hearing some one call me it. Then again, this man had been around since 1918, so I shouldn't be surprised. He chuckled deeply, gripping my waist as I leaned in again. My hand sat on the side of his face as I kissed him once more before sliding back over to the passengers seat.

"Feeling better?" Steve asked, a cheeky smirk sitting on his now - red lips. I giggled - something I never do, ever - before nodding.


We drove back into the city, on alert in case anyone decided to follow us or recognised us. It was now during the day in Washington and we'd pulled up at someone's house. Steve knocked on the door, hand in mine as a muscular man came to the door,

"Hey, man." He greeted us, slightly confused at who I was and why I was latched onto Steve.

"I'm sorry about this, we need a place to lay low." Steve's inner gentleman shone through as I spoke up.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us."

"Not everyone." He replied before widening the door and welcoming us in.

His house was small yet spacious at the same time. The walls were a sort of grey and the curtains and blinds were an oaky sort of colour which made the main room cosy and warm.

"I'm Sam. One of Steve's friends." He extended his arm out to meet mine which I shook gently and smiled.

"Alexa, but you can call me Alex, or Lex. Whichever suits."

Sam smiled in return as I turned to face a mirror and noticed my dirty appearance. I spun round to Steve in shock.

"Why didn't you tell me I looked like shit?!" I ran a finger through my hair, trying to remove the knots and tugs from within it.

"There's a shower in the guest room you can use, if you want." Sam offered as I nodded repeatedly.

"That would be amazing, thank you." I thanked him as I took a crème coloured towel out his hand and made my way to the bedroom in the direction he pointed me in. I peeled off my dirty clothes and stepped into the hot, steaming water that I'd missed for a few days, letting the droplets run down my back and soak my dark hair. The room soon began to smell like men's shower gel and shampoo as I scrubbed at my pink flesh, ridding myself of the dirt that had attached to me the night before and scrubbed harder as if it would erase the video from my mind.

After 15 minutes, I dragged myself out of the relaxing water and changed into comfortable clothes that Sam gave me. Sitting on the comfy double bed, I brushed through my hair, most of it air-dried as Steve walked in. He had showered and was wearing a white vest, leaving his very muscular arms on show and his abs visible through the white material. It took everything within me not to kiss him, right there and then.

"Are you ok?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me, confused.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

I shrugged slightly. "I don't know, I'm just making sure. You're allowed to have feelings, you know."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questioned, a bit pissed off.

"Nothing. I just mean that it's not normal for someone to hide how they feel. You're allowed to be upset. Just because you're Captain America doesn't mean you're any less of a human being." I looked at him, hanging up my towel.

I knew that it wasn't normal for him to bottle up his feelings, because there's no way that he didn't get upset at certain things or angry at others. He couldn't live his live with everything inside of him and never share them, especially after his life experience.

Steve sighed and rubbed his face. The bags under his eyes screamed that he was exhausted and it worried me a lot. He had to stop thinking about others so much and start thinking about himself sometimes too.

"Yeah, I guess. I never really thought about that." He bluntly answered, lying down. "How are you thou-"

"Steve, stop it! Don't change the subject! I'm asking you how you are, so tell me." I demanded, practically throwing a tantrum.

"I'll tell you later, I promise. Let's just see what Sam's got to say."

He began to walk out the door before I stopped him.

"Steve, about that kiss -"  I began, ready to tell Steve about my new feelings towards him.

He looked at me with tired eyes before cutting me off. "Just forget about it."

And with that, he walked out of the room. I tried to ignore the tug at my heart as he left, scolding myself for not just coming out with what I had to say.

"Alexa you fucking idiot."

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