o c h o - the sun can fuck right off

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My legs cramped at the constant movement, my hands burned at the grip I had on my gun and my sweat dripped down my forehead. Loud crashes and bangs drilled my eardrums and a constant pain burdened my side.

We fought profusely, killing any chitauri that headed towards us but we all knew it wasn't making a difference. They were going to keep coming until the portal was closed.

In the midst of all the ruckus, Banner walked through the street as more of the alien army poured into the city. "So this all seems horrible." He headed towards us, in the same attire he was wearing when he exited the quinjet unexpectedly.

"I've seen worse." Natasha shot back, referring to his outburst earlier.

"Sorry." He replied, obviously ashamed of his uncontrollably actions.

Loud explosions came from all around us as i took the moment we had to admire my new friends. Never in a million years did i think that i'd know the Avengers, never mind be apart of the initiative. I could totally see why millions of people looked up to them - they risked their lives for others just because they could. I was brought out of my daydream when Natasha continued her conversation with Bruce. 

"No, we could use a little worse."

"Stark, we got him."

"Banner?" Tonys voice laced with confusion.

"Just like you said."

Stark shrugged the confusion off and focused back on what was going on around us. "Well, tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

He flew out from behind a building, coming towards us with the chitauri leviathan following him, and fast.

"If that's a party, i'm gonna have to take a rain check." I was worried, I'll admit. I didn't see how us seven heroes were supposed to take down the giant beast and its soldiers by ourselves. The monster followed Tony, barrelling down the street like a freight train as it took out buildings with its tail. Banner began walking towards it as Stark landed on the street.

"Dr. Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve spoke up, his bright blue eyes still in awe at the ginormous creature; most of us the same. We felt unsure of what to do, only Thor had ever fought something like this.

Banner turner and laughed slightly, a smug look on his face. "That's my secret, Captain. I'm always angry." And with that, he transformed into the unrecognisable green giant, jumping up at the chitauri and popping the beast on the nose, flipping it over 180 degrees as Tony fired his rockets at it. The monster fell apart, hitting the ground with a harsh, ground-shaking thump. From above, the soldiers watched on as us, earth's mightiest heroes, found themselves united against the threat.

The Avengers had assembled.

My thoughts were cut short as another wave of pain shot through my abdomen, caused by my injury from earlier. I stumbled slightly, gritting my teeth as the pain numbed again slightly. Steve ran over to me and offered me a hand.

"You okay?" His eyes full of concern as they searched me for any damage. They stopped at the wound, examining it before he reached into his back pocket and brought out a large syringe filled with a blue liquid. My dark eyebrows furrowed as I backed away slightly.

"What the fuck is that?"

"I don't know. Tony gave it to me and said that if you get hurt, i'm to inject you with it. I'm sure it won't hurt." The Captain took a step towards me.

"If it's made by Tony, it's probably going to hurt!" I exclaimed, shooting a nearby soldier that attempted to sneak up on us.

"Oh god, look at that." He tilted his head up to the top of a building, and i followed. "What's what? I don't see anythi-"

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