Veintisèis - Issues

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The feeling of hunger struck my stomach as Sam placed breakfast in front of me. The smell alone was enough to make me slaver, and the sight of it was heaven. I was so used to eating takeaways because of the lack of time I had to make something, or the ongoing matter that I couldn't cook to save my life.

"I made breakfast. If you guys... eat that sort of thing." He sat down with us and the awkward silence over took the three of us once again. No doubt he'd heard the heated discussion between Steve and I which made everything even more awful.

"This is really good.. thanks Sam." I spoke quietly, looking at him and only him. He nodded in reply to say thanks, before continuing to eat the delicious meal in front of us.

I decided to break the silence and start conversation, knowing that we'd end up sitting like this for hours if no one did. "So, the question is, who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?"

"Pierce." Steve replied bluntly, his eyes looking anywhere but me. It took everything in me not to let mine roll to the back of my head at his immaturity.

"Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world." I responded, my voice almost challenging him as I stared him down, waiting for him to look at me. It did exactly that as he looked up, his signature resting bitch plastered on his face.

"But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star." He caught my stare, clearly unimpressed before leaning forward.

I met his posture, our faces a few inches away from each other, one eyebrow raised. "So was Jasper Sitwell."

"So, the real question is, how do the two most wanted people in Washington  kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight." Steve mimicked, obviously finding our little feud amusing.

Sam however, was sat awkwardly to the side, watching us battle each other. He spoke up in an attempt to lighten the situation that sat in front of him.

"The answer is, you don't." He slid a file across the table which Steve picked up.

"Whats this?" Steve asked confused, his blue eyes scanning the paper in front of him before he looked up at Sam, expecting an answer.

Sam wore a smug look on his face. "Call it a resume."

I reached forward and tugged a photo out of Steve's tight grip, which resulted in a death glare from the moody blonde in front of me. My patience was about to run out as I returned the glare.

The picture was of a group of men and Sam in a huddle, posing for a picture. There was scribbled writing on the back, obviously written in a rush.

Khalid Khandil Mission
The Para-Rescue Team

I looked at Steve who yanked the older photo out my hand to see for himself, resulting in my foot colliding with his shin under the oak table. Being Captain America, he didn't seem to feel it. But if he did, he didn't pay attention to it.

"Is this Riley?" Steve asked him, referring to another conversation the two had obviously had between them.
Sam nodded in confirmation.


I looked over a stray piece of the file that held the info on that mission. "It says here they couldn't bring in choppers because of the RPG's. What did you use, a stealth chute?"

"No, these." He opened the file, revealing the withheld information to Steve. I huffed at the favouritism, leaning back and feeling useless.

"I thought you said you were a pilot." Steve questioned. Instantly, I reached forward and attempted to grab the file put his hands, but his grip was strong and it didn't slip out as easily as I'd hoped. I didn't let go but instead tugged at it, my dark eyes glaring at Steve. He stared back, yanking the file back towards him.

"Give me it, Steven." I hissed, my patience low at his childish behaviour.

"Ask nicely, Alexandra."He retorted, his dark eyes meeting mine. I tugged harder as Sam began to panic at the possibility of the file ripping.

"Guys, please put it down. I don't have another one." Whining, Sam reached forward to try and pry our fingers off the delicate paper that enclosed his history.

"Let me see it." I growled as I held my death stare with the mentally-4-year old in front of me. Nobody responded and I sighed.

"Oh for fuck's sake." I cursed at the pathetic situation before reaching forward and giving the dark blonde an electric shock.

"Ow!" He cried, letting go of the file and inspecting his hand. I smirked slightly, reading the file. Pictures and blue prints filled the brown booklet as I flicked through them, multiple images and sketches of electronic wings pasted everywhere.

"Dude, this is so cool!" I cried in excitement, looking up at Sam who stood proud that two heroes admired his work.

But obviously, Steve's mature side came back.

"We can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason." He denied, unsure of what Sam was presenting.
I looked over at him in shock.

"Speak for yourself. I think it's a great idea. A badass one, too." I laughed slightly as Sam joined me, being met with an unimpressed look from the honourable man beside us.

I always knew that things would be rocky as a newfounded superhero, but the awkward and tense situations I were finding yourself in with your fellow teammates was something I still couldn't over it. Perhaps it was my rustiness after being off the team for a year, but ever since I disappeared you could tell everything was a whole lot different. I hadn't even spoken to Tony, Thor or basically the majority of the group expect Steve and Natasha so I had to prepare myself for when I did.

"Dude, Captain America and Shadow need my help. There's no better reason to get back in."

Steve's face showed obvious concern for the offer that Sam had placed upon the table, but I was totally up for Sam's help. The more the merrier.

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