s e i s - okay, time to be serious

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"What happened?"

Steve sighed as Tony looked defeated. "We don't know. We needed to slow down the rotors in order to repair them. She said she could take it - "

Fury stopped him. "Take what?"

A moment of silence passed. "The power of the carrier." 

"Excuse me? Are you tryna tell me, that girl in there held the entire power of this helicarrier, inside her?"

The two men looked at each other before nodding. "But then she couldn't let go. She fed on the current, which is why we began free falling, before something happened and she finally released it all. That's when she fell forward off the ship."

"And thank god one of our agents were there to save her when she did! That was unprecedented, even for you two."

Tony coughed, warily glancing at Steve before speaking up. "With all due respect, sir, this isn't on us. That girl in there she's..." Steve shot him a glare, "uneducated. She doesn't know the full extent of her powers and she doesn't have control over what she already knows. She's got potential, damn right, but putting her on the team right now is a risk to the rest of us."

Steve stood angrily, pissed at Tony's higher way of thinking. "And what makes our lives more important that anyone else's? Let's not forget that without her today we wouldn't have fixed the rotors."

Fury glanced between the two warily, although he wouldn't let anyone notice his clouded judgement. "What are you suggesting, Stark?"

The brunette hovered slightly, almost too scared to say it in fear of a complete shut down. "Lock her down. Two weeks, max. Run some tests - "

"Absolutely not."

"Train her up," Tony continued, sending a glare in the blonde's direction, "then we let her on the field."

Steve was in two minds; on one hand, he knew that allowing Alexa the chance to fully grasp her power was easier and safer for not only everyone around her but herself, too. Adjusting as a super soldier in a time where there was no one similar had been hard for him; with no influence, no guide. He knew how much he would've benefitted not being the only one like him in 1945. However, he also knew it was wrong for her to be a test subject, knowing that all this already wasn't solely for her benefit. 

"And if she doesn't comply?"

"We take her anyway. She may be on our side, but that doesn't make her any less of a threat. And any threat to us, and the people down there, needs to be taken care of."

Fury turned to the super soldier. "Captain?"

He was sat, chin resting on his palm, staring heavily into nothing as moments of silence passed. Eventually, he nodded, and Tony let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding. "Okay. But let her fight first. A war is coming; let us see what she can do, and then we decide."

"Director Fury, sir? It seems there is strong pulses of energy emitting from central New York; those similar to the pattern of currents belonging to the tesseract." The young Agent stood small against the tall man, showing him the computer tablet. He looked at the screen for a mere few seconds before nodding at Cap. 

"Wake her up."

ϟ ϟ ϟ

I sat up in a rush, panting heavily and unaware of my surroundings. Grey walls, grey ceiling, grey door - it was difficult to determine where in the helicarrier I could be. My vision blurred, I reached out for any sign of liquid, my throat feeling scratched and dry as a hand appeared in front of me, gifting a water bottle. 

"Hey, take it easy. You've been out for hours." 


He smiled softly. "Hi."

I took a large gulp of water, the room temperature liquid soothing what felt like agonising burning. "What even happened?"

He coughed. "You absorbed a lot of energy, the whole carrier, actually," I looked down sheepishly, "and then you fell off of it."

"I what?!"

The man waved his hands frantically in an attempt to calm me down, but I think it was more for his sake. "Not far. And you didn't get hurt! An agent caught you and took you here. How are you feeling, anyway?" 

I shrugged, feeling fine overall but in dire need of a cold Redbull. "Bit of a sore throat but other than that, I'm all good."

The blonde grinned. "Great, because we have to go." He lifted the covers off me, pulling me to my feet before handing me an outfit and shoving me into the bland (and dark) bathroom. 

"Uh, Steve? A little bit of light would be helpful!"

"Oh! Sorry!" 

The fluorescent light flickered on with a soft hum and I swiftly changed into the given outfit. It was a squeeze at first, but loosened as I jiggled into it properly and admired myself in the long mirror. It was a black leotard, much like Natasha's, but had transparent lines running from my wrist to my neck, down my legs and to my feet. It came with two gun holsters and a belt, all of which were empty. 

I looked good.

Until I noticed the platinum blonde roots making an appearance at the top of my head and emitted a groan, opening the door. 

Steve looked up, still waiting in the room as I reappeared, seeming speechless. "You look..."

I raised an eyebrow in wonder. "Like a hero." He finished. I smiled satisfactorily at him before he jumped and spun behind him. "I almost forgot."

He handed me an open, silver briefcase. Inside sat two pistols, each with a few rounds for the belt. Right underneath were circular, sticker like stamps able to fit perfectly into a pocket compartment. "Those are volt energisers. Stick them on you and tap it and it will give you a shock; enough energy to keep you going. Tony and Bruce designed them for you." 

I admired the little gadgets in my palms before hiding them away and turning to the tall man beside me. "You ready, Captain?"


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