Chapter One

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Molly sat in her glass cage, her unwashed, greasy blond hair draped over her shoulders, her white, thin dress hanging over her thin frame, and her bright blue eyes glancing nervously around the store. So many giants. 

Tinies were a newly discovered race to the humans, standing about three inches tall and many had already been captured and put into stores to become pets. While very few were sent to become experiments, to take tests that tried to figure out how on earth Tinies came to be. Molly was sent to a store, as you can probably see. But most of them are horribly cared for, being seen as pets, instead of tiny, living beings. Fed this slop, which is a blended mixture of water and bread. All are given white clothes, girls dresses, men boxers. Which never helped, because it was freezing. And they never bathed, hence the greasy hair and dirty skin. 

Molly leaned against the glass, sitting in a corner in the back of the cage, her stomach growling, head itching, and body shivering. Humans were scattered about the store, some Tinies screaming in fear when being picked, some just fainting, others fighting like their life depended on it. If Molly was picked, she knew what to do. She wasn't going to put up a fight, she wasn't going to try and get away. Even if she was terrified, she was going to listen to the humans, and do her best to be a good pet, if that is what she is destined to become.

Just as she closed her eyes to try and relax her exhausted body, a shadow engulfed her, and her eyes opened to stare up into the face of a male human, his eyes scanning her tiny body. He looked to be about 20 years old, but then he turned, walking away, causing Molly to relax just a bit more, trying to calm her pounding heart.

Callan looked at the tiny girl in the glass cage, trying to imagine her without all the dirt and nasty hair. Her pale skin, silky blond hair and blue eyes would be perfect. She had to be around his age as well, 23 perhaps? She'd be so small and precious, a lovely little pet for him. He'd needed a companion for quite some time, so was thankful he found one this lovely, and one that he could easily control if she got out of hand, figuratively, and literally. 

He could see the fear clearly in her tiny eyes, her small body shaking. After thinking for a moment, he turned away, walking through the store, checking aisles for food, clothes, items. He found some dresses, picking out a few he deemed suitable, along with a small collar that he can get his name embedded on if he ever lost her. After a moment, he put the collar back. He'd only get one if she decided to fight him.

He then approached a store clerk with a warm smile. "Excuse me, can you do me a favor? That case, over there." He pointed to the cage that held the tiny girl, then looked at the clerk again. "Open that cage, I want that one."

"That one? She's thin and barely eats. I doubt she'd listen very well." The clerk walked over to the glass cage, opening the top.

When the top was removed, little Molly's heart started pounding. The woman who feeds them was looking down at her, and her hand reached in, engulfing her small body, lifting her out of the cage. Molly didn't fight it, instead closing her eyes tightly. 

She didn't dare speak. She was too terrified to. Instead, she left her eyes shut, quiet tears streaming down her face. "Will that be all sir?" Molly heard the woman speak, and a male's voice replied.

"Yes, thank you," Callan replied. Molly was then moved again, being placed in yet another glass pen which she was not happy about as she looked up at the man who she now recognized as the one who was looking at her previously. Why would he want her? She wasn't anything special, just a Tiny who didn't really eat, or sleep. 

Callan every now and then glanced at the small girl, able to see her fear, but she didn't fight it. Why wouldn't she fight it if she was terrified? That's not right, is it? Most Tinies put up a good fight, but, why didn't she? He continued to run this through his head as he got in his car, put the glass cage on the floor in the back next to the bag of items he bought, and began the short drive home.

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