Chapter Eleven

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Callan woke up in the morning to his alarm and shut it off, groaning. That had to have waken his little one up, so he decided to see if she could get dressed and bathed without him having to tell her this time and looked at his phone, texting Jess quickly. 'I just got up, I have to leave in about three hours.' 

After sending the text, he hurriedly went to the bathroom took a quick shower before work, closing the bathroom door.

The alarm woke Molly up, who sluggishly got out of bed and peeked out the window to watch her Master who ha done something on his phone before leaving the room, which confused her, He hadn't told her to get ready this time. Maybe if she got ready without being told, he would be happy?

Going over to her dresser, she rummaged through the drawer of dresses before eventually pulling one out, laying it out on the bed to look it over.

With a smile, she ran a hand over the blank ruffles before taking off the white nightgown she wore to bed, pulling on the black and white gown with a smile, turning her head to look in the mirror before thinking and smiled, grabbing a pair of white heels to wear with the dress as well.

She was really looking forward to spending the day with him. Last night she was able to see that he did care, just a tiny bit if anything and looked in the mirror, braiding her hair and pulled it up into a bun, admiring herself in the mirror for only a moment before leaving her bedroom and went down the stairs, going outside of the dollhouse before seating herself on the steps, smoothing her dress down to wait patiently for her Master.

Callan rubbed the towel on his head, drying his hair out and whistled a soft tune before looking in the mirror and smiled, then frowned. He hoped everything would go good with Jess and Molly today. Even if it didn't, he needed Jess to watch her. Leaving the bathroom, he looked over to the dollhouse and upon seeing his little pet, a smile crossed his face. 

Her big blue eyes turned over to him and she stood up, smiling. "Good morning Master, did you sleep well?!" She called over, smoothing her dress back down.

"I did, thank you Doll." He walked over to her and plucked her up by the collar of the dress, lowering hr into his open palm. "And good morning. I'm making pancakes for breakfast, and since you were good and got dressed, you can have some instead of that other stuff, alright?" 

Molly's eyes lit up and she grabbed his thumb, hugging it. "Thank you. What are we going to do today?" She smiled up at him.

"Well, I have work." He glanced at her, unsure why she seemed so happy today when she was a crying mess just last night.Placing her on the counter, he grabbed pans, preparing to make breakfast.

"Oh, well, am I going with you? Or am I staying here?" Molly waked, sitting on the edge of the counter and dangled her legs over the edge, avoiding looking down of course as she watched him.

Callan stayed quiet, not wanting to upset her by saying she was going with his sister. What was he supposed to say? 'You're going to my sister who will probably despise you?' 

When he didn't answer, Molly's heart sank just a bit. "Did I upset you?" She asked quietly, looking down to her hands which she rested neatly in her lap.

Hearing this, Callan almost dropped the pan and looked at her. "What? No, what would you have done that could upset me? It's morning, and we've barely done anything."

"Well, you didn't answer, so I thought maybe asking was wrong. Was asking wrong?" She turned her big blue eyes up to him, and his chest tightened at the sad look in them.

"No, no Molly." He frowned and set the pan down. "You're fine. Just relax and let me finish breakfast alright?" He smiled softly as he turned away, Molly carefully standing up on the edge of the counter. 

"Alright, I'll wait." She mumbled as she turned away, walking towards the center of the counter and hummed quietly, smoothing her dress back down. 

After about a half hour, Callan placed a plate on the table and Molly looked over, taking in the sweet smell of the syrup as he poured it over the pancakes. She then watched as he filled a glass with milk, even a glass that looked like he had grabbed from the dollhouse earlier, as well as cutting a tiny bit of pancake off and placed them on a tiny plate that had a fork with it. "Here you are Doll." He cooed gently, smiling warmly.

"Thank you Master." Molly smiled up at him and took up the tiny fork in her hand, eating the scrap of pancake and closed her eyes, a small smile on her face. It was definitely much better than she could have hoped, it had been quite a while since she had something this sweet, and it was certainly delicious.

Callan watched the happy look on her little face as he ate his own, a slight twinge of guilt in his heart at the fact he had made her eat the blended water and bread earlier. It couldn't have tasted good at all, and she was so thin, she needed something to eat. But something else was eating him. And he didn't want to think about it right now as he finished eating and looked at the time. "Molly?" He mumbled her name quietly, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Yes Master?" Molly turned her gaze back up to him as she finished her own pancake, smiling. 

Looking at her smile, Callan couldn't help it and kissed the tip of his finger, reaching out and gently placed it on her cheek. "I hope your day goes well little one. I'm sorry, I don't want to take you to work, not yet anyway."

A small blush spread on Molly's face which she quickly turned her head away to avoid him seeing. "O-Oh, thank you. I hope your day goes well too." She whispered, gripping the skirt of her dress.

He thought maybe he frightened her and took his plate and fork, and glass, standing up and set them in the sink, deciding to take care of them later. 

As he set them in the sink, the doorbell rang and he glanced at Molly. "Stay right here, I'll be right back." He turned and left the room, humming quietly.

Molly sat on her knees on the counter, smiling and tried to listen in on the conversation in the other room. She could hear a woman, the voice sounded slightly familiar, but it didn't sound happy. Another couple of seconds later, Callan came back in, the same woman who was with Samantha yesterday following then looked at Molly.

"I have to admit, for one of those vermin you cleaned her up well Callan. She better be well behaved too." Jess mumbled, definitely not happy she had to watch this thing on her day off and grabbed Molly.

Surprised by the sudden movement, Molly yelped and flinched at the grip that was actually very tight. She did her best not to show any pain and looked over to her Master with a frown, and confused look.

"Thank you for looking after her today Jess. Samantha's in the car I'd assume? They had fun together yesterday." Callan smiled softly and looked to Molly, and he could see the confused look in her eyes and frowned slightly. "Be good Molly, alright? I'll pick you up after work."

Molly, looking at him now understood. This woman, Jess, was going to be a caretaker for the day. At least Samantha would be there.

"I will not have my daughter around this, this thing in my own house. Samantha can deal with it." With a sigh, Jess turned and left the room, carrying Molly with her who struggled in the tight grip.

"M-Miss, y-you're hurting me." Moll whimpered out, earning a small glare from the giant woman.

"Just shut up, alright? Don't make this day any harder then it has to be." Jess spit bitterly and got in her car, dropping the tiny girl into her purse and put her purse in the back beside Samantha before driving off.

Molly whimpered, holding her sides which she was certain were bruised when the top of the purse opened, and Sam smiled down at her, putting a finger to her lips. "Don't worry Molly. When we get back to my house, I can take you to my room." She whispered, just loud enough for the Tiny to hear. 

With a small nod, Molly leaned back against a large wallet, thankful to have a surprisingly kind five year old human as a friend. 

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