Chapter Four

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Callan returned home that day, his feet aching and all he wanted to do was go to his room and lay in bed, but he had to do one thing first: Check on his new pet. So with a sigh, he trudged up the stairs to his bedroom, opening the door and his eyes fell onto the dollhouse. Quietly closing the door so he didn't startle the little one, he walked over, peeking through the window of the first floor, scanning the kitchen, dining room and living room before standing up a bit more and peeked into the bathroom. When he didn't see her there, he moved, looking into the bedroom, a smile on his face at the sight.

Her tiny body was curled into a ball on the bed, her blond hair messy again, draped over her face and arms, the red dress laying neatly around her legs with her arms brought up under her head. She looked so peaceful and relaxed, he'd hate to ruin it, but either way he brought his hand up, tapping lightly on the window. "Come now, wake up. Master has returned home, you should be happy." He spoke softly, trying to coax her awake.

Molly shifted in her sleep, his voice waking her as well as the tapping sound, which was actually quite loud to her. Slowly, she opened her blue eyes, looking at the massive one looking through the window. What did he call himself? Master? That must be what he wants her to call him. So, slowly, she sat up in the bed, stretching her arms above her head, forcing the fear away, for now. "W-Welcome home Master." Darn it. Stupid stutter showing she was a bit scared.

"Did you explore the house? I hope you enjoyed it." Callan said with a smile as he stood up straight. "Now, come downstairs and step outside for me so I can get a better look at you." He spoke firmly, waiting a moment until the small door opened, Molly walking out and looking up at him, her used to be neat bun, now a messy bed head. "Oh, your hair. That positively won't do for my little doll would it? Do I have to punish you?"

At the word punish, Molly tensed. Sure, her hair had gotten messed up, but, he was really going to be that strict? She better be careful with what else she does then. "M-My apologies Master, it won't happen again. I p-promise."

"Alright, I'll take your word for it." Lowering his hand, he wrapped his fingers around her body, allowing her arms to be free, resting on top of his hand, he walked across the room and seated himself on the bed, placing her in his palm.

Molly looked up at him, fixing her hair quickly. "S-Sir, you keep calling me your 'little doll.' Can I ask w-what exactly that means?" She asked quietly, making sure to get her hair back to how he wanted it.

"It means you are in my possession. You are you act properly, dress like this every day, and you will, be perfect." Callan hummed quietly, watching her as she struggled to fix her hair. "I have always been a fan of Victorian Era items. And I would love for you to be one. You do as I say, when I say, and disrespecting me will get you punished. Disobeying, can get you punished." 

Once again, tensing at the word punished, she looked way up into his face. "W-What type of punishments would I-I get?" The Tiny asked timidly, finally getting her hair back to how it was, smoothing her dress out.

"You should hope you'll never find out." He plucked her out of his palm, the back of her dress pinched between his thumb and index finger. "Now, it's almost dinner time. What would you like to eat?" 

When he asked this, her heart jumped excitedly. She was going to get real food! No more water, bread, slop! "C-Can we please have some steak maybe? B-But it's your choice after all, Master."

"You're quite right." Callan placed her on the steps of the dollhouse, which was sitting on his nightstand, before standing back up. He then picked up the bag he had before, pulling out a handful of dresses and set them beside the steps. "Put this away neatly in your bedroom while I make dinner. I expect them to be done when I come back up."

Molly looked up at him. "B-But how am I supposed to get them all upstairs if I can only carry one at a time?!" She basically shouted, panicking slightly. "I-I can't-" Her mouth buttoned when his head snapped in her direction when she said 'can't'. "I-I mean, I-I will."

With a nod, Callan left the room once more, closing the door behind him and went downstairs to prepare dinner, while Molly picked up one of the dresses, carrying it inside the house and started up the steps before tripping, hitting her elbow hard on one of the steps, causing her to yelp in pain.

She pushed the dress away, sitting on the step and held her arm tightly, tears in her eyes as she shut them tight, memories racing through her mind.

"Molly, don't climb up there! I told you before it's too dangerous!" Molly's father shouted up to her as the young child giggled, climbing up some rocks near a stream.

"Then come and get me daddy!" She called back, climbing up, and up and finally stopped on top of a large rock, looking over the water and the hidden homes in the grass below. Her mother always brought her up to watch the sunset, but her mother was too busy this time with her younger brother, so Molly decided to go herself.

After the sun started to set, she decided she had seen enough and turned to start climbing back down, slowly and carefully. 

As she neared the bottom, her foot slipped and with a small scream, she fell, only to land safely in her fathers arms who held her tightly against him, Molly sobbing into his chest. "I-I'm sorry daddy, I-I should have listened!"

Something wet landed on her cheek, and she paused only to look up to her dad's face, seeing tears going down his face. "Daddy? Why are you crying?"

"I thought I was going to lose you sweetie. Don't ever, do that again. Promise me right now Molly, that you won't do anything to get yourself hurt!" He looked at his child pleadingly, Molly hugging him tightly, burying her face against him.

"I promise daddy, I promise!"

"I promise.." She whispered quietly. "That's why I won't take care of these dresses. Not at the pace the Master wants me to. I'll go at my own, and if he doesn't like it, he can deal with it."

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