Chapter Nineteen

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She ran over, taking the small boy in her arms, crying happily. "I-I thought I'd never see you again! I was so scared, but I was hoping you would be alive!" She ran her hands through his hair, her own eyes shut tightly.

Callan watched confused, eye brows furrowed. "He told me his name was Ethan. Did he lie to me?" He crossed his arms, the little boy clinging to Molly.

"I-I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, crying and hiding his face in Molly's chest. "I-I was scared, and m-my mommy was hurt! B-But I got my big sister back now and y-you can know my name..." He slowly turned and his head and looked at this human, tears running down his face. The human didn't look too scary, but when he watched Molly get taken away, he knew that even though they didn't look scary they were.

"It's okay, Callan's not mad at you, I'm not mad at you." Molly pulled him into her lap, running her hands through his hair and wiping his tears away. "I'm just so happy to see you, I was so, so worried." She kissed his forehead gently, closing his eyes. It was still hard for her to believe she had her baby brother back, but, she did. "Do you know where mom and dad are?" Opening her eyes, Molly looked at the child who looked down.

"Daddy's dead. Mommy' hurt really bad. Mr. L-Lock....something has her and is fixing her up he said." Turning his eyes, he pointed to Callan. "Mommy will be okay right mister?" Keith asked hopefully as he laid his head against his older sister, wiping his own eyes.

Her heart sinking, Molly glanced up at Callan. Her father was dead. But her mother was alive, only hurt. Now all she can do is hope that her mother lives. "Will my mother be okay Callan?" She asked quietly as Callan scooped both her and Keith into his hand, Keith flinching at the sudden movement.

"I can't promise that Doll, I'm sorry. But I'm sure he will do his best. In the meantime, are either of you hungry?" He smiled. "Kara can make a mean grilled cheese sandwich." With a light chuckle, he turned and headed out to the kitchen. He couldn't help but let his mind wander, the boy was just as adorable as his sister. Cute, and he seemed very kindhearted, just like his sister. He somehow had to work up the nerve to tell Molly he loved her. There was just nothing he could think of though. How was he going to do this?

Molly looked up to Callan, able to tell he was thinking about something. Maybe her? But what about her? Her eyes then turned to Keith who was looking at her with a knowing smile. "What?" She mumbled, looking at her brother.

"You like him don't you?" Keith said with a giggle, hugging her again. "You like him, you like him!" He sang in a taunting tone, Molly's face turning a bright red and she looked away, before glancing up to Callan who had stopped walking and was now watching them.

"Y-You do?" Callan blinked a few times in surprise. "B-But I was so mean to you at first, and you always seem so scared." His eyebrows furrowed once again, looking over Molly's face and noted the blush. She actually liked him back? How was that actually possible? Though it definitely surprised him, he couldn't help but smile.

Looking away again, Molly hid her face in the soft fabric oh his shirt to hide her face. "M-maybe." She mumbled quietly and Keith giggled again before looking at Callan, who was now blushing lightly as well. 

"He likes you too!" Keith giggled up at Callan and poked Molly's arm. "Now kiss." He giggled again and Molly turned, playfully shoving him.

"Shut up brat." She giggled, her face an even bright red as she once again turned her gaze up to Callan.

Callan smiled softly at her and sat at the kitchen table, Kara already in there cooking at the stove, mumbling things to herself. Lowering his hand, he allowed Keith to crawl off but stopped Molly from doing so, bringing his hand back up, close to his face and planted a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "Molly...I love you. I really do, you're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me, and, a lot has happened to me." He looked away, still blushing lightly.

Molly's face turned an even brighter red, if even possible as she wrapped her arms around his massive index finger, kissing it. "I-I love you too." She admitted as she closed her eyes tightly, smiling. "I don't know how I even do, it surprises me. But, I do, you've protected me, taken care of me, and it's been such a short time but I know that this feeling has to be love."

Glancing over from the stove, Kara grinned. "Told ya when you walked in Callan, you two were each others type. I had a feeling, I could tell and-" She stopped as Mr. Lockshire walked into the room, a sad expression on his face. "Mr Lockshire."

Looking up from behind his round spectacles, he looked at Kara before looking at Callan, Molly and Keith. "I'm afraid her wounds are fatal, the poor woman will not survive. I've done the best I can, but I don't think she'll live much longer. It's best to say your goodbyes now, before..." He trailed off slowly, lowering his eyes.

Covering her mouth with one hand, she looked up at Callan. "C-Come on Callan, Keith. P-Please." She looked at Keith who nodded sadly, tears in his eyes again.

When Callan picked up the small boy once again, he headed to the lab room and looked at the Tiny woman laying on the table, breathing shallowly, her face very pale and her cheeks sunken in ever so slightly. She had already looked like corpse.

Molly was thinking the same thing, holding onto Keith as Callan set her and him on the table, watching silently as Keith ran over, shaking his mother gently. "M-Mommy, wake up!" He pleaded quietly.

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked into the teary eyed face of her son, turning her eyes she also saw Molly. "M-Molly?" She whispered, going to reach her arm up but she felt too weak, her vision only slightly blurry.

"It's me mother, it's alright." Molly laid her hand on her mother's cheek, pushing her blond hair out of her face. 

"S-Sweetie..." A small smile fell on her mothers face until she saw the giant human watching and her eyes widened, grabbing Molly's arm and Keith's hand. "H-Human." She whispered harshly.

Callan's face fell. "Miss, I'm not going to harm you, I can promise you I'm a friend."

"M-My name i-is Lucille." She whispered quietly, letting her son and daughter go as she began to feel even weaker, flinching as pain shot through her torso.

"Mom, what is it?" Molly frowned, eyes filled with worry and slightly panicked. She couldn't lose her just yet, she wanted to talk to her more, tell her everything that had happened.

Lucille's breaths became quick and ragged, and she began gasping for breath as her eyes widened in fear until they slowly closed, her breathing coming to a stop. Kieth frowned, watching this and shook her. "Mommy?" He mumbled, shaking her again. "Mommy wake up!"

This went on for a few seconds before Molly grabbed him and hugged him tightly, hot tears going down her face. "M-Mommy's gone." She whispered as Keith clung to her, crying into her shoulder and she looked up to Callan who was looking at her, pity in his eyes. His large hand came down and scooped her up, bringing her and Keith both to his chest. 

Hos heart ached for them both, and he knew that he had to do everything in his power to protect them both. He had to do the best he could to keep them safe, and do the best he could to comfort them both.

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