Chapter Fifteen

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Molly hummed happily sitting on the arm rest of the couch, smoothing her green and white dress down as she waited for Callan to finish getting ready. She was excited to go and see what his work was like. Maybe he was a lawyer? Or maybe just a businessman. Either way, she couldn't wait to find out.

Callan was nervous about this. He didn't want to take her in, but he had to. As he adjusted his tie, he looked in the mirror. "This is your fault for getting attached. You have to do this, your jab depends on it!" He exclaimed to himself as he left the bathroom and went down to the couch, looking at her in her pretty little dress, her hair hanging loosely over her shoulders.

With a sigh, he walked over, scooping her into his palm. "Are you ready to go little one?" He smiled softly as he ran a finger over her soft blond hair.

"I've been ready for hours!" Molly giggled and hugged his finger tightly, planting a tiny kiss on the tip of it before turning her head away as she blushed.

Callan's cheek's flushed only slightly before he cleared his throat. "Then lets get a move on shall we?" He hummed as he picked up a briefcase. 

Looking at the briefcase, the tiny tilted her her head. "What's in there?" She asked curiously, looking back up to him as he stepped outside.

"Paperwork for well, work." He chuckled lightly as he glanced to her before going out to his car and set the briefcase down for only a moment to open the driver side door then set the case on the passenger seat before taking a seat as well, placing her in the cup holder as he had done the previous day when picking her up from Jess's house.

"What type of work do you do?" Moll stood in the cup holder, looking up at him with a bright smile.

"'ll find out when we get there, alright?" He forced a small smile as he glanced at her, pulling out of his driveway and drove off.

"Oh, okay. Then how far away is it?" She hummed quietly, deciding to just sit down. She was very curious about this whole thing, and why he didn't seem to want to tell her much about himself, or his job. But, she'll just have to wait and see.

"An hour." Callan sighed, then thought a moment. "Tell me though, where do most Tinies live, if you don't mind me asking. I'd like to know more about my little doll, if that's alright."

Pausing for a moment, she ran it through her mind. It couldn't hurt to tell him just a little bit right? After all, he told her she could trust him. "Oh, most of the time in forests. Our homes are usually in batches of trees, and we use leaves and bushes to hide. And if we got lucky and found holes at the bottom of trees, we'd use those too. Me and my clan lived by the river, where they found most of us." She sighed quietly and seated herself down, leaning against the back of the holder. "I had a brother. And a mom and dad. I remember being little, and my parents would barely ever let me outside. They only let me out at sunset, and my mom would take me up on this large rock so I could sit and watch it, and one time I fell off, but my dad caught me. He made me promise that I would never do anything to get myself hurt, and I intend to keep that promise."

Callan's chest tightened and he couldn't help the sad smile that crossed his face. "I'm sorry to hear that." He murmured, focusing on the road. In bushes, holes in trees, by the stream. Making a mental note of that, he flipped on the radio and listened to some music, making sure that it wasn't too loud for little Molly's ears, but loud enough that he could hear it as well. "Tell me about your family." He sighed.

"My little brother, he's five, his name is Keith." Molly smiled happily, imagining his little face in her mind. "Mother and father always counted on me to keep him safe when we went outside, he loved the outdoors. He'd always watch deer with me. Deer weren't scared of us, they'd know we were there, but they wouldn't pay any mind. My father, he and mom both were overprotective, but I knew they were just wanting Keith and I to stay safe." 

With a small smile, he glanced to her once more. "They sound wonderful. Maybe one day I could meet them all." He looked back out to the road, keeping his eye out for people, and even Tinies.

"I don't think it'd be possible. Once I was taken, I don't know what happened to little Keith. Or my mom, or my dad." Tears welled in Molly's eyes which she quickly wiped away. "B-But I'll hope that they're at home, waiting for me to one day return."

"It's good to hope Doll." Callan murmured as he pulled into a driveway, shutting off his car and stretched as he unbuckled. 

"I thought you said it was an hour away!" Molly giggled as she stood back up, waiting her warm, fleshy transportation.

"I lied." He chuckled and grabbed his briefcase in one hand, her in the other and got out carefully, holding her in a fist.

Molly wondered why he was holding her in a fist as he walked to the large building in front of them. The windows were covered, and the doors had two male guards in front of them. What type of work could this be? Was he an important person? She looked up to Callan who had suddenly seemed to grow very nervous as he walked past the guards, into the building and Molly couldn't believe her eyes.

A large row of metal cages, some were empty, some had Tinies inside, the ones with Tinies were small, and the Tinies were bloody, bruised, and unwashed. Worse than they were in the store, and as she looked around, she could see that some were empty because other Tinies were taped down to tables, humans using scalpels and tools to poke and prod at them, clipboards and papers scattered about the different lab tables. Syringes with dark red liquids were also strewn about, as well as more tools. It was a lab. Callan worked at a Tinies experimentation lab.

Fear instantly washed over Molly as she began to shake in Calllan's grip. "C-Callan..." She whispered and turned her fearful eyes up to him.

Callan, now looking down at her with sad eyes began to walk to one of the empty metal cages. "I'm sorry..." He mumbled, as he placed her inside of it and closed it, latching it with a soft 'click.'

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