Chapter Ten

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Through the rest of the day, Molly stuck near Samantha, knowing that Callan was angry with her. And when the time came for Samantha to leave, she stayed in the toy room, hiding behind a stuffed animal, terrified of what Callan would do to her after his niece left. Would he hurt her? Samantha already made him giver her actual dinner, so he can't take dinner away, but he could take breakfast away if he decided to. And if he did, that would basically starve her, since she didn't eat much for dinner anyway.

She trembled, sitting down, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. "I'm so stupid!" She whispered harshly to herself, a few tears going down her face. "What about that promise you made you idiot?! Just be good!"

Callan meanwhile, was closing the door and turning to look at the steps. "Molly!" He shouted, storming up them to find the tiny girl, determined to lay down the law, again. 

First, he looked around his room and in the dollhouse, fists clenched tightly as he searched his brain, thinking of where she could be as he went back down the steps and to the toy room, going in then slamming the door behind him. "Doll!" 

Molly flinched at the loud slam, and then the voice, as she trembled even more, hiding her face in her hands as she sobbed quietly. He sounded furious.

Though they were muffled, and almost too quiet, Callan heard the sobs and marched right over, throwing the stuffed animal away and glaring down at the Tiny in front of him, but the sight he was left with wrenched his heart. Her shaking little body, hair completely hiding her face though her hands were on it. He didn't want her to be completely terrified, just obedient. Hesitantly, he knelt down beside her, sitting on his knees. "Hey now.." He cooed gently, reaching his hand towards her.

Though his voice was soft, when the shadow of his hand fell over her, Molly whimpered, flinching and scooted away slightly, but stopped when he gently scooped her into his palm, moving his hand against his chest, his finger running down the back of her head and back, repeating this process, petting her. Confused, she gave in, leaning into his chest and grabbed the material of the shirt. It was soft, maybe cotton, or wool? Warm too. 

He watched her, eyebrows furrowed, confused. "I don't understand it Doll." He whispered, lightly rubbing her back with a finger. "Why are you so afraid, when you insist on disobeying me?" 

Molly continued to tremble in his hand, sniffling quietly as she held tightly onto his shirt. "Y-You don't know h-how hard it is! M-My family, I-I don't know where they are! I-I was taken f-from my home and left in a store just to be bought as a p-pet! I-I'm not a pet!"

Callan paused, his eyes widening in realization. She was ripped away from those she loved. All of them. They were living their lives when humans just came in and shattered them. His heart ached, and looking at the small girl in his palm, made it ache even more. "Doll...I'm so sorry."

She tensed, turning her head to look up at him. He had apologized? Why? "B-But, w-why are you sorry?"

"I was too blind to see that your kind had more trouble then we can see. Your size, i-it makes it so much harder on you, and you were minding your own business when we grabbed you from your own lives. I'm so, so sorry Molly."

Molly cuddled into his chest, sobbing and gripping the fabric tightly. "M-Master.." 

"'s alright little one. I'm right here, you're okay now." He cooed, closing his eyes and carefully stood, going back to his own room. He wasn't exactly sure what he was doing, but he knew that she was upset, and he wanted to make sure she would sleep well for tomorrow. 

Molly leaned into him, closing her eyes, eventually calming down and slowly opened her eyes, seeing they were back in his bedroom and he was sitting on his bed. "I-I think I can go back in the house now." Although she wanted to stay with him. It was warm, and comfy. 

Looking at her, Callan gently set her on the steps of the dollhouse. "Alright Doll. Sleep well." He cooed, lightly petting her head before standing up to change into his pajamas. 

Quickly going inside the dollhouse, she closed it and leaned against the door, shutting her eyes tightly. Her heart was beating fast, but she wasn't scared. What could that be? Maybe it was just from crying, yeah, that's it. Going upstairs, she took off the blue dress, putting on the white nightgown she used the previous night. She still has to wash that red dress, and now the blue one too.

She then crawled into the bed, pulling the covers up to her shoulders and closed her eyes tightly. "Tomorrow's another day." She whispered before drifting off to sleep.

Callan got his pajama's on, then sat on his bed, running his hand through his black hair. Something was off, he felt, different. But he didn't really know why. As he laid down on his back, his mind was racing, trying to figure out what to do tomorrow. He had to work after all, but who would watch Molly? He could just leave her home, and leave food out on the nightstand for her. Or perhaps he could call his sister. Samantha seems to enjoy having the little one around. And Molly seemed to enjoy his niece. But his sister, Jess, was another story. She swore she'd never get a Tiny because they were, and he quotes, 'Filthy little rodents that belong outside, like rats.'

He'll just have to see how things go. Grabbing his phone, he texted Jess. 

'Hey, Jess? I need a favor.'

After a few minutes, she replied. 'It's late, what do you want?'

'I need you to pick up my pet in the morning, she's a Tiny, and I have work. I watched Sam, you can watch Molly.'


'I know what you said that you weren't fond of them, but please.'

After a while, Jess replied. '...Fine...But you owe me.'

'Alright, thank you.' Callan smiled, setting the phone back down on the nightstand and closed his eyes, going to sleep.

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