Chapter Sixteen

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Molly stared up at Callan through the bars in disbelief, shock, and fear. Her mind at the same time was comprehending the situation, but also wasn't. Her heart was racing and aching."C-Callan..." She repeated as she ran over to the bars and grabbed two of them, tears in her eyes. He's betrayed her. That was all she could really come up with.

Watching her, Callan frowned. He couldn't watch this and turned away, walking away through the lab with his briefcase and sat down at a desk where he wouldn't be able to see her and pulled out his papers, looking at them. 

'Did the Tiny fight you at all during your time owning one?' Was what the first question read, which he thought for a moment. She hadn't really, just disobeyed a few times so he wrote down, 'No.'

'Did they talk or get used to you at all during the time you had it?' He didn't like the way they used the term 'it' either. She was still a living being, and she had. She talked, she giggled, she smiled. She even cuddled just a little bit. So he wrote 'Yes, and even a little more.'

He sat for a moment, looking down. What is he doing? He's sure he loves her, but, how could he? And it would be wrong to love a Tiny after all. Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to wander to try and clear his head.

"Callan, come here." Callan's boss said as he set down some papers at another desk, then looked to Callan. "I want you to go out and get a Tiny, make ityour pet I guess. Try and gain it's trust. Learn some things about their kind, then bring it here."

Calla crossed his arms, having not really planned on buying one, but figured it'd be nice to have  companion of sorts around for just a little bit. And he didn't have to worry about getting attached. They were just vile things after all, like his sister told him when Tinies were discovered.

"Sure thing Mr. Miller. When would you like me to bring it in?" He sighed, putting his papers into his briefcase.

"When you feel like you have to, but only after you've learned some things about them." Mr. Miller smiled. "We've been close to a breakthrough, and it would be nice to get some more information. Because we've noticed that a few of ours are dying sadly. Must be the injections, we'll have to limit them. Take note of that!" He glanced to another female scientist who was nearby who simply nodded and ran off.

"Understood sir." Callan said with a slight bow of his head before heading off to leave the lab to go to the store.

With a sigh, Callan stood up from his desk and straightened his area up. He had to bring her in today so he wouldn't be unable to when the right time came. He didn't want to fail, he had never been known as a failure, and he wasn't going to start now.

Molly huddled in the corner of the cage, cowering in fear as scientists walked by, a few glancing at her and taking notes on their clipboards before moving along. She had already cried all the tears she had left, but was still aching. Her eyes burned, her heart ached, her chest ached from crying. "C-Callan. H-How could you?" She whispered to no one as she laid on her side, pulling her knees to her chest as she tried to calm herself down. It had to be a joke right? He wouldn't betray her, he just couldn't!

Hearing footsteps, she looked up to see a female scientist looking at her. "Don't worry dear, you get used to being here after a day or two, just like the others." She smiled then unlocked the cage, grabbing Molly, not caring to be gentle.

"N-No, let me go!" The Tiny shouted, struggling in the fist. "C-Callan!" She screamed, trying to get away even though she knew she couldn't. She could only hope that he would change his mind.

The woman just chuckled quietly as she set her on a table, laying her on her back and used tape to hold her down, having to put another strip to keep Molly from struggling too much. "Calm down and hold still if you want it to hurt less!" She narrowed her eyes at the Tiny who stopped squirming.

Molly swallowed the lump rising in her throat as she shut her eyes tightly, tears threatening to pour out once more, if she even had any left when a male voice made her open her eyes. Slowly looking, there was a man she hadn't seen before who whispered something to the woman who's eyes widened, then brought the scalpel down over Molly who continued to tremble until she felt the tape cut away, and a hand grabbed her. 

"She's supposed to stay in the cage, the boss said." The new man looked at the woman, holding Molly in a fist before walking away and put her back i the metal cage before locking it once more.

Molly instantly ran back to the back of the cage, pressing herself against the bars, eyes shut tightly again. She didn't like this, she didn't like any of this. So many of her kind locked up like animals, used as experiments, used in tests! Humans truly were  horrid race, weren't they? She couldn't believe she had even developed feelings for one who she thought was nice. He took her trust and used her. All he was ever going to do was bring her here. How could he?! She could hear footsteps approaching the cage once more, but she didn't bother to open her eyes until she heard that familiar voice.

"Molly, Doll, please. Open your little blue eyes for me and look at me." Callan cooed gently a he opened the cage, pulling her out carefully and placing her in his palm. "You hate me now, don't you? I don't blame you at all though."

"Of course I hate you!" Molly screamed at him, even though she knew that it wasn't true herself. "Y-You used me, you played with my emotions, you made me think you cared! Then I find out all this time you worked...worked here?! All this time, I describe what it was like, and yet you continued working here?! How could you?!" She continued to scream, tears finding their way once more as they ran down her face.

Callan's heart twisted hearing all of that, and watched her as he tears ran down her face. "Molly, please..." He murmured.

"Please what?! Forgive you for betraying me like this?!" She screamed once more and Callan closed his eyes tightly.

"Molly!" He snapped, opening his eyes and glaring fiercely at her which made her eyes widen and she buttoned her lips, looking away. Softening his look, he moved her into his palm. "You haven't given me time to explain myself." He murmured as he gently pet the top of her head, then gently took her tiny hand between his thumb and index finger. "Can you please just trust me Doll?" 

Looking at her hand between his large fingers, she closed her eyes and took a deep shaky breath. "What else do I have to lose?"

His Little Doll ((G/T))Where stories live. Discover now