Chapter Nine

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Molly stood on the floor of the playroom, out of the way as she watched Samantha lay out a small, bright pink blanket on the floor and spent extra time making it flat before grabbing a stuffed bear and lamb out of a toy box and sat them on two sides of the blanket before turning her eyes to Molly. "The last two spots are for you, and for me. Do you want a doll teacup? I don't think mine will fit you." She giggled and turned away, grabbing a different box and dug through that as Molly watched, smiling.

"Oh, um, okay. Thank you Sam." Molly smiled up at the child as Samantha placed a doll cup and saucer where Molly was supposed to sit as she hummed quietly. Watching the girl, her heart ached, missing her little brother. "Where could he be...?" She whispered, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Molly? Why did my uncle you 'his little doll?' Is that what you are?" Sam asked curiously, paying no mind to the sad actions Molly was doing.

"Hmm?" Molly looked over to her with a small frown. "No, I don't know. I guess he just wants me to be this perfect, little thing that he controls. A doll." 

Samantha giggled, plopping down on the floor in the place she set up for herself, the ground shaking under Molly who approached her place slowly. "So Molly the Dolly!" The five year old exclaimed, pouring invisible tea into the cups with a smile.

Molly looked at the tea set with a small smile. Her uncle must really enjoy Victorian Era things. Everybody has to have a hobby. Though it was really pretty, and glass. That must be why Sam is so careful with her, as well as the other toys, because Callan taught her that way. Although, she wasn't necessarily found of that nickname, but she doesn't want to upset the poor girl. 

"Molly, when we're done with this, can we play dolls?" Samantha giggled a bit, reaching over to Molly and wrapped her hand around her gently, lifting her up to eye level.

Taken aback by the question, Molly tensed and looked at the five year olds face. "W-What...?" 

Samantha tilted her head with a frown, unsure what exactly made the Tiny tense up. "Did I hurt you? Did I do something bad?" Her face quickly fell as she placed Molly back on the blanket, sitting on her knees. "I-I'm sorry."

"No, you didn't hurt me!" Molly quickly said, her heart wrenching at the sight. "I just wasn't sure what you meant when you asked."

"Oh, okay! What I meant was that I could play with one of my dolls, and you could pretend to be one for the game?" Samantha explained happily, picking her back up gently.

"Oh, alright. I guess that's okay." But before she could say anything else, Callan opened the door, looking around then to Samantha. 

"Ah, there you are sweetheart. Come on, breakfast is ready. Were you and my little doll playing nicely?" 

Nodding, Samantha stood up holding Molly, walking over. "Mhm! Thank you for letting me play with her Uncle Callan. She's very nice, and isn't she very pretty too?" The five year old smiled up at her uncle, Callan frowning slightly before glancing at Molly.

The kid was right. Her blond hair falling over her shoulders, the big beautiful blue eyes, and even though her skin was pale, he's said it before, it's perfect. "Of course she is." He mumbled, not really meaning anything truly by it, just trying to make his niece happy.

Molly's eyes widened. The human thought she was pretty? A small blush came to her face, but she quickly turned her head away to avoid it being seen.

"Yay!" Sam smiled and looked at Molly. "Let's go eat!" She then left the toy room, running to the kitchen but held Molly close to avoid jostling the small woman around too much.

Callan followed, watching his niece carry his pet, sighing quietly. "Honestly." He mumbled to no one, sitting at the table next to Sam, who placed Molly on the table. 

Samantha looked at her plate happily, eggs and toast, just like Callan had on his plate, but there was a small bowl with some sort of mush in it, which confused her. "Uncle Callan, what's that?" She pointed to it, Callan glancing over.

"That's Molly's breakfast. Blended water and bread." He answered, picking up his fork and began eating the egg, Sam crinkling her nose and looking at him. 

"That's gross. And she likes it? Do you like it?" The young girl looked at Molly, who glanced at Callan, able to tell that his look was forcing her to say she did, so after simply nodding, Samantha frowned. "But, that's gross!"

Looking away, Molly went over and took a bit of the mush, rolling it into a ball and slowly nibbled on it, the blandness quickly taking over her mouth and Callan smirked watching this, knowing how awful it had to be.

Seeing the smirk, Molly's heart sank to her shoes as she ate, envying the eggs, the toast, and just eating all she could of the horrid mush. 

Samantha was watching her, eventually cutting off a piece of her own egg and held it out. "Here! Try this, it's yummy!" She giggled, Molly looking at the bit of egg, then to Callan, who shook his head and Molly turned her gaze back to Sam.

"N-No thank you, I'm okay with what I have." She mumbled, looking back down and took another bite.

"But, please?" Sam whisered, setting it on the table next to her and smiled. "It's really, really yummy! Isn't it Uncle Callan?" She turned, smiling happily at her uncle who simply nodded.

Molly couldn't stand it anymore, and she set the mush down, grabbing the bit of egg and dug right into it, eating it quickly and Samantha giggled, Callan clenching his fists silently in anger at her disobedience under the table. He'd have to 'talk' to her later.

Molly had a feeling she knew what was coming, but the egg made it all worthwhile. Maybe.

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