Chapter Seven

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Twirling her hair, Molly sat on the steps of the dollhouse nervously, waiting for Callan to finish taking his shower. Her head was spinning with what could go wrong today. Her stomach growled, and she wrapped her arms around herself with a frown. "Still hungry. Right." 

Closing her eyes tightly, she stood up, then walked over to the edge of the nightstand, peeking over the edge before backing away. "Oh, high. Very high." She closed her eyes again and looked around the top. All that was on the nightstand was the dollhouse and his alarm. His alarm!

Running over to it, she looked, and to her luck it was plugged into a wall, the outlet close to the floor. Now she had to climb down the cord, then get from the outlet to the floor. Great. With a sigh, she grabbed the cord, hesitantly beginning the climb down. She wasn't certain what she'd do once she reaches the floor, but, she'll figure it out once she's there.

It took longer than she thought, but she made it to the floor, after jumping off the outlet and almost breaking an ankle of course. Now that she was there, she went out from behind the nightstand, looking around the massive room before straightening out the blue dress she was wearing, also fixing her blond hair was laying over her shoulders in curls.

She sighed, pulling on the corset around her body. She guesses since he calls her his doll, maybe a Victorian doll? That's what she guesses anyway. Slowly Molly began her trek across the floor towards the bedroom door. It was open just a crack, thankfully, which she pushes open a bit more with a grunt, then leaned back against the door frame, panting and trying to catch her breath.

She hadn't actually been in a giants, well, humans house a lot, and she'd never had to actually open a door, or move around the whole place. "Calm down Molly. You're fine, just hurry." She whispered to herself, taking off down the long hallway, holding the skirt of her dress up so she didn't fall.

Her stomach growled once more, and she winced as she kept running, having to stop suddenly so she didn't fall down the steps, looking down at them all, gulping quietly. "That's a long way down." She mumbled, trying to measure the distance down. She could tell though that she wasn't even half the height of one stair.

After a few minutes of thinking, she laid on her stomach at the top, lowering her way down until she was holding the edge of the stair, closing her eyes before let go, landing on her feet but her legs buckled, and she fell a bit to her knees. "Stupid human steps." She mumbled, then looked down over the rest of the steps. "This might take a while."

Callan stepped out of the bathroom, dressed and hair combed down already. "Doll, I hope ready." He murmured, walking over to the dollhouse and peeked in the bedroom window. "Doll?" He frowned slightly, standing up straight. "Come out right now."

When she didn't come out, he lightly tapped the windows. "Molly!" He snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. When she didn't respond , his hands clenched into fists and he looked around the room. "Where did the little brat get to?" He mumbled, sighing and walked around the room, seeing the door was open a crack. "There's no there?" He opened the door, looking around the hall before walking down it, stopping at the steps and looked down them, able to see the tiny girl halfway down them, trying to get downstairs. 

Molly was holding onto the stair, about to drop down. "Molly!" The loud voice startled her and she dropped with a yelp, looking around, seeing she still had about halfway to go. Her heart was racing again as the ground below her shook and she saw the massive man standing above her, looking rather angry.

"M-Master.." She said quietly as his hand approached, quickly wrapping around her tightly. 

"What were you doing?!" He demanded angrily, storming down the steps, eyes narrowed at her.

Molly trembled in his grip, eyes shut tightly. "I-I...I-I'm so s-sorry..." She whimpered out. "P-Please, I-I was just h-hungry, and I-I wanted something t-to eat..."

"I was almost done with my shower, you could have waited!" He stormed into the kitchen, dropping her onto the counter, Molly wincing in pain and tears filled her eyes.

"I-I..." She couldn't form words, instead just closing her eyes tightly and sat down, bringing her knees up and wrapped her arms tightly around them, burying her face into the fabric of her dress, sobbing quietly, and fearfully. She could hear pans slamming and drawers opening and closing.

"You're not getting anything but blended bread and water today because of that little stunt of yours." Callan said bitterly, before glancing over at the small girl, his heart wrenching at the sight. Almost guilty, almost, but he quickly pushed that guilt away. "Stop your crying unless you want something to cry about!"

Molly jumped and put her head up, tears running down her face. "I-I'm sorry.." Was all she could say as she wiped her eyes, shutting them tightly. She should have thought all of it through. She shouldn't have done this, she should have waited. After promising herself she would be a good pet. She went and messed up already.

Ignoring her apology, Callan quickly made some eggs and toast, buttering it before setting the plate on the table, Molly looking at the plate and her stomach growled more. Once Callan's back was turned, she dashed over to the plate, grabbing a tiny bit of the egg white, the smell completely enchanting to her as she downed that piece, grabbing another. She knows it's a bad idea, but she's so hungry.

When Callan put the bread and water in the blender, he glanced over to find the tiny girl eating his eggs. "What do you think you're doing?!" He snapped, storming over to her as the doorbell rang and he looked over to the time, seeing that it was an hour till noon, but his sister was always early.

"I'll deal with you later." He grumbled as he grabbed her, storming out to the front door and put her on the coffee table before heading to answer the door.

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