Chapter Twenty

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Whoa, twenty chapters? O.O


The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, dinner, getting ready for bed. Callan had to watch Keith and Molly to make sure they ate something, but has barely taken his eyes off of them since their mother passed. He knew how much it had to hurt, his father died when he was younger, and he watched his mother struggle to take care of both him and Jess. He could remember asking for stuff and getting mad when his mom said no, because he didn't understand what little money they actually had. Now he knew how that worked, but he didn't have any kids, or anyone but himself to take of. It's funny how quickly things can change, because now he has two. 

At the moment he had to leave, and was debating whether or not to take his Tinies with him. He needed to get them some pajama's, but had to drive back to his house. 

Molly, holding onto Callan's shirt cuddled into his chest. "Can I please go with you?" She pleaded to him, turning her desperate eyes up to his face with a frown. She really didn't want to be left alone, even if she was with her younger brother. She didn't know Kara or Mr. Lockshire well, and she wanted to keep Keith and herself safe.

"No Molly, you'll be better off here with your brother, Kara and Mr. Lockshire. They'll protect you, alright?" Callan brought her up, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "I love you, my little Doll. I'll be back shortly." He placed her down carefully on the soft pillow laying on the couch, Keith already curled up asleep. Turning away, he felt a bit bad leaving her there, but knew that this time it was for the best.

"I love you too!" Molly called to him as he walked away and looked down, sitting down on the pillow with a soft sigh and looked at her brother before walking across the squishy surface of the pillow and carefully laid down beside Keith, running her hand through his hair in a way he wouldn't wake up before pulling him close to her and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"Molly..." A soft, sweet voice called out to her. She'd know that voice anywhere, there's no way she wouldn't. Looking around the darkness, a small frown was on her face. She couldn't see anything, why couldn't she see anything?

"C-Callan?" Turning herself around, she searched frantically, trying to see through the very dim light. Fear was starting to kick in, and Molly didn't like. She could hear her giant protector but couldn't see him, or well, anything.

"Molly." His voice called again, this time from above her and slowly she turned her head up, able to see his big blue eyes staring down at her, only there was an evil glint in them. "Why do you seem so scared? You're not afraid of me, are you?" Callan said with a smirk as he pinched the collar of her dress between his thumb and index finger, lifting her off his palm and high into the air.

"O-Of course not!" She exclaimed, not daring to struggle as the floor below her was now miles away, and she started to tremble, closing her eyes tightly.

"Then why do you look so scared? Are you afraid...I'll do...this?" He smirked once more as opened his fingers, dropping her down to floor below.

Molly woke up with a scream, only to realize she was laying on something soft. Looking around, she looked up to see Callan looking down at her, worry filled his eyes as he held her in his palm. "Molly." He mumbled, bringing her close to his chest. "You fell off the couch in your sleep, luckily I caught you, but are you okay?" Genuinely worried about his little darling, he ran a finger over her arm which she quickly pulled away.

"I-I'm fine." She stuttered out, gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly. "I-I had a nightmare is all, w-what time is it? W-Where's Keith?" Looking around again, she wasn't able to see Keith anywhere around her, and the curtains to the living room were always drawn shut.

"Keith is with Kara in the kitchen, he's 'helping' make breakfast." Callan gave a small chuckle as he stood up, his white buttoned up shirt hanging open slightly near Molly, and she reached out, lightly running her hand over his tan, warm skin, able to feel every bit of muscle. 

Feeling her hand, Callan closed his eyes slowly before opening them again and looking down at her with a small smile, and as soon as she looked up at him, she yanked her hand away with a bright blush. "O-Oh, okay. Thanks." She looked away from him, playing with her hair. Why she did that she didn't know, but now she felt dumb

Callan walked from the living room to the kitchen, looking at the Tiny boy who was on the table enjoying a piece of toast, Kara sitting at the table, watching him with a grin. "He's a cute kid Callan. Are you going to keep him with you and Molly now?" Glancing over, Kara gave him a smile before looking back to the boy.

"Naturally, he's Molly's brother after all. Can't have them be separated again." Placing Molly on the table, Callan smiled at her. "Now, what would you like for breakfast Doll? Anything at all, what do you want?"

Molly wasn't listening, instead in her own little world, humming quietly to herself, playing with her hair and thinking about a few things. Are her and Callan a couple now? If so, how would that work out? What if things didn't work out? No, she couldn't think like that. As long as they love each other, it'll work out just fine. Feeling a light nudge, she looked up to Callan who was looking at her worriedly again. "Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry. I was dazed. Um, eggs work fine, and if not just a bit of toast."

With a small nod, Callan turned away to the stove. "Oh, Kara, how are we coming along with busting the illegal experiments? Giving myself away like that yesterday wasn't a good idea, but I had to protect Molly. I felt awful for all the others though." He sighed quietly as he pulled a pan out. He did feel horrible about watching all those other Tinies get hurt and not doing anything about it.

"Lockshire's working on it right now Callan, I don't know how long it'll be sadly. Hopefully though it shouldn't be too long, oh and speak of the devil, good morning sir!" Turning her head, Kara ave a big smile to Mr. Lockshire who was panting as if he just ran into the room. "Sir, sit down." Kara stood, helping the elderly man sit at the kitchen table. "Now, is something wrong?"

Mr. Lockshire adjusted his round spectacles and looked from Kara to Callan before grinning widely. "Our officers are going in today. We got them."

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