Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter is dedicated to @thundercat2016 who inspired me to write a G/T with their own work, and @StarDreamer17 who has been supporting this the whole way! So, thank you guys so much! ALSO we reached 100 votes!!


Samantha sat at the table, eating lunch quietly and glanced towards her mother. "Mommy, can I take some food to-"

"No." Jess interrupted, taking another bite of her own meal. "I already told you I don't want you to go near her." She turned her eyes towards the five year old with a frown.

Looking down, Samantha stood up. "Then I'm not going to eat either." She crossed her arms, pushing her plate away.

"Don't be ridiculous Samantha. Sit down and eat." Sighing, Jess once again took another bite of her meal as Sam stepped away from the table.

"No mommy. Because...because Molly is a person too, just tiny! Everybody needs to eat! She's just like us only-"

"That's enough, Samantha!" Jess snapped, rising from her chair and Sam flinched and frowned, tears brimming in her eyes. 

"Why are you so mean?! And not just to Molly, but to me too!" She turned, running off to her room and slammed her door shut, locking it and sunk to the floor, crying quietly. Being only five, she didn't understand much, and she couldn't understand why her mother, the one person that was supposed to love her and care for her was so mean to her. 

After a moment of thinking, she decided she'd ask Callan if she could move in with him and Molly. Maybe he'd let her. If he didn't, she didn't know what to do anymore but suck it up and go through thirteen more years with her mother. She looked at her arm and rolled her sleeve up, looking at the bruise resting there and more tears ran down her face. All she had done yesterday was talk about how pretty the dress was Molly had on, and how she looked like a princess when her mom hit her and told her to shut up about it. 

Jess meanwhile had gone to her room and was glaring at the box Molly was in. What was so special about those dumb little brats? They'd be easily killed and caught, so why was everyone making such a big deal out of them? Walking over, she opened it and grabbed Molly tightly, glaring daggers at her. "What is it with you?!" She shouted.

The loud voice made Molly flinch, and if her arms weren't pinned to her sides, she would have covered her ears. But she could only flinch and close her eyes tightly in fear, trembling in the tight grasp, unable to form words as more pain shot through her body.

"I asked you a question!" Jess shouted again, tightening her grip on the small body.

"Y-You're hurting me!" Molly choked out, hot tears still streaming down her face as she tried to struggle.

Jess continued to glare when a hand grabbed her shoulder and she turned, Callan standing behind her. "I do believe my little doll said you were hurting her." He said calmly as he took Molly from Jess, holding her in his palm and against his chest. "Do explain. Was she misbehaving? If so I will punish her."

Crossing her arms, Jess nodded. "She was misbehaving Callan." She lied smoothly, pushing her long red hair back behind her ear.

"Then you should have waited until I came and got her. I had a bad feeling after all, and I wanted to make sure things were alright." He sighed and looked at Molly who was cuddled into his chest, sobbing fearfully. He knew Jess was lying, but didn't want to make the situation worse. 

Turning away, he looked at Molly. "You're in trouble when we get home. Would you at least like to say bye to Samantha?"

She didn't want to hurt the human child, but she was in too much pain to care and just shook her head. "I-I want to g-go home.." She whimpered, cuddling closer into his large chest, listening to his thundering heartbeat.

"Alright. Let's go home." He brought his his other hand up and cupped it over her as he turned and left the room, going down the stairs and out the door before looking back to Molly who was still shaking and had her eyes shut tight. 

"I-I'm sorry M-Master, I-I'm so sorry!" She cried out, scared he believed Jess and will hurt her, or something will happen to her, her head was spinning, she didn't know what to think or do.

"Shh..calm down now." Callan murmured quietly, getting into his car and placed her in the cup holder. "Just hold on until we get home little one." He cooed gently as he drove off.

Laying in the cup holder, Molly wrapped her arms tightly around herself, shaking violently. He didn't believe Jess. That's all she wanted. It went from being a happy morning to...this. 

After what felt like hours, Callan's fingers wrapped around her and lifted her out into his palm. With a small whimper, she wrapped her arms around his index finger, hugging tightly. With a frown, Callan rubbed her back with a finger. " moment, it's alright."

Turning away, he carried her into his own house, holding her against his chest. Why did he leave her with Jess? He knew it was a bad idea, now he felt guilty, again. She'd only been with him two and half days. How was he attached already? And it seemed she was too. But what he didn't know, was that Molly was thinking the same thing.

She had no clue how she could possibly be this attached to him already, she wanted him to hold her, and just comfort her. Either way, he was being gentle and was trying to calm her, she might as well just let him.

Once she opened her eyes, she was able to see they were already up in his bedroom, and he was laying o  his back on his bed, her placed on the center of his chest. Turning her blue eyes towards his face she wiped her eyes. "M-Master..?" She whispered, and his large finger came around, petting her head. 

"Callan, it's just, Callan." He said with a soft smile. "Now just lay down, and try and relax..."

With a small nod, Molly laid on his chest, curling into a ball and closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat which calmed her, and she slowly but surely fell asleep.

Watching her, Callan closed his own eyes, taking a deep breath and allowed his muscles to relax and his mind to wander as he drifted into his own dreams.

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