Chapter Twenty-Two (Bonus)

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A bonus chapter was requested, so, here ya go! This might be it in the story sadly, but, every good thing must come to an end right?


~Three Years Later~

"Molly?" Keith called as he walked around upstairs floor of Callan's giant house, trying to find his older sister. Now eight years old, Keith understands only a little bit more, but Molly and Callan both are making sure that the young boy stays innocent, just a little longer.

Molly was in the dollhouse, looking in the mirror and humming happily as she pulled her hair up into a bun, her bright blue eyes shining before she heard her brother call her name. "One moment Keith!" She shouted, hoping he would hear her as she left the bathroom, going downstairs and leaving the dollhouse before descending the small ladder Callan built into the side of the nightstand for her and Keith. After pausing, she glanced to the wedding ring on her hand with a small smile before taking off across the giant floor, looking around. "Keith?!" She called out, trying not to trip over the lace of the black and white dress.

Hearing her, Keith went to the bedroom, meeting his sister in the doorway before hugging her tightly. "I wasn't sure where you were. I like to know where you are." He mumbled, closing his eyes tightly. It was true, he never liked to leave her side very long, unless her and her husband wanted to be alone. "So where is my giant brother in law?" He said with a grin, Molly sighing softly.

"He took Amelia to the store to talk to her. It was a bad idea to adopt a human child, but, either way she was the eldest human child, but all the Tinies that were kids yet were quite scared of Callan, it was heart breaking to see them all cowering in fear from him, when he's really such a big sweetheart." Looking at her hands, Molly let out another quiet sigh. "But I don't think Amelia likes me very well. After all, Tinies were originally meant to be just pets. But not anymore since that was outlawed after reports were sent into Mr. Lockshire."

"But who wouldn't love to have you as a mom Molly? You're sweet and kind, and super nice!" Keith said with another dopey grin before hugging her again. "I'm going to take a bath, okay? Will you be okay by yourself for a little bit?" The eight year old laughed before taking off without waiting for an answer.

Molly laughed softly before heading to the giant stairs and used the ladders Callan installed there as well, climbing down them one by one. It took a while, but, she didn't mind. It reminded her of when she had to climb rocks and plants when she was still hidden. Now and then she still missed it, but loved her new life with her husband, daughter, and brother.

The front door opened when she was about halfway down, Callan and Amelia walking inside, the six year old hugging her adoptive father. "Thank you for taking me shopping daddy." She murmured with a smile, holding a stuffed cat in her arms.

"It's no problem sweetheart. Now, why don't we go find your mommy?" He smiled before he turned to the steps, spotting his wife a little more than halfway down and chuckled. "Actually, I already have. Darling, would you like help?" Walking up the few steps, Callan knelt down and scooped Molly into his palm and brought her up, kissing the top of her head gently.

Even though her stomach lurched from the sudden movement, Molly smiled and turned, carefully standing in his palm as she hugged his nose, kissing his lip lightly. "Yes, thank you love." She giggled quietly before glancing over to Amelia. "Did you have fun shopping?" She wasn't entirely sure if the girl liked her, but she wanted to try and make an effort to help make her like her.

"It was okay." Amelia said with a shrug as she hugged the stuffed cat tightly, shutting her eyes. Truth be told, she was afraid that her new mommy didn't like her very much, but she could tell her new daddy did.

Frowning, Molly looked away. The young girl was smiling until she tried to talk to her. Maybe she didn't really like her after all. "C-Callan?" Molly mumbled as she nestled into the fabric of her husband's shirt.

Looking down at her, Callan frowned. "Molly darling, what on earth is the matter?" He brought his opposite hand up, running a finger down her back lightly. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked softly, his eyes widening at the thought.

"N-No, it's alright." She sighed, trying to think of a way her and Amelia could bond in some way. "It's almost lunch, maybe Amelia and I can go play in the toy room for a little bit." She mumbled, messing with the skirt of her dress.

Hearing this, Callan gave her a soft smile, now understanding. He has always been able to read her quite well, considering she tried to hide it. "Sure. Amelia, take your mother and go on and play." He looked to his daughter with a smile, who seemed a little tense now.

"O-Oh, okay daddy." Amelia held the stuffed cat in her one arm, reaching out and picked Molly up gently and placed her in her other palm before walking off, avoiding looking at her.

Molly seated herself and looked up at Amelia before frowning. Uncertain if she does hate her, it would be best to just flat out ask, so once the door to the play room closed she went to say something before a large drop of water landed on her head and she flinched before looking up and saw tears going down Amelia's face. "Oh, what's the matter sweetie?" She murmured, standing up in her palm.

Amelia was uncertain what was going on, and she didn't like it before dropping the cat and silently started crying. "Y-You don't like me do you?" She choked out, setting Molly on the floor and hugged her knees tightly.

"What? How could you think that?" Molly looked up the giant girl and thought before using Amelia's jacket and climbed up carefully onto her shoulder, sitting down beside her neck and did her best to hug it. "I love you very much, I just thought you didn't like me."  Taking a hand, she she placed it on the bottom of her daughters cheek. "Don't ever think I don't like you, let alone love you. Your father and I love you, and each other, very much."

With a small sniffle, Amelia nodded and wrapped her hand around her, mulling her against her chest in a gentle hug before closing her eyes tightly, the tears slowly stopping. "I-I love you too mommy." 

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