Chapter Two

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Molly remained in the corner of the glass prison she was in, hot tears running down her face as she quietly sobbed, fearful of what could lie ahead for her. Torture? Experiments? Death even? When Tinies had stayed in the wild, all they had to worry about was rain, snow, and animals. Now they had to worry about humans, the elements, animals, and many other things. She couldn't help but think how frightening a humans home is. The only time she's been in one is when she had to get food for her family. Her were they? Was her mother and father safe? Was her little brother alive and well? More tears ran down her face at the thought of her sweet five year old brother at the mercy of the humans. After all, they were only pets, animals, to these giant monsters.

As Callan drove, now and then he'd sneak glances at his new pet. He could hear her sobs, even muffled by the glass. He could see her wiping her eyes and smearing the dirt encased on her arms in a small muddy mess. He'd have to bathe her, make sure she was the perfect little one he wanted. He'd also have to make sure she knew her place, though, it already seemed like she did. 

Once the car pulled into the driveway, he let out a sigh of relief, happy to be home and grabbed the glass cage in both hands, getting out of the car, careful not to drop it. If he dropped it, who knows how badly the little one could get hurt from the glass, let alone the drop.

Molly now was  getting her first good look around, and she couldn't believe her eyes. This human must have a fairly decent job if he's able to afford such a large, beautiful house. There wasn't many other homes around, the yard was large, and turning her head, she saw the old fashioned car, but it sounded pretty tuned up and fixed up to function properly.

Humans that were rich are normally really mean. Her heart raced harder, her eyes snapping shut as she tried to calm herself and relax. But, she was unable to, and more frightened sobs escaped her lips  as she hugged her knees tightly to her chest, burying her face in the soft, yet dirty fabric of her thin dress.

She kept her face buried in her knees when she felt the cage be set down, and she slowly lifted her head to find herself staring into the massive face of that man, who seemed to be inspecting her, from her dirty hair right down to her cold, bare feet. 

"Well little one, do you have a name?" The giant spoke, causing her to press herself against the glass, but she made herself a promise. Be the best pet you can be. 

Slowly, she raised her head to meet one of his large blue eyes. "M-Molly." The tiny girl choked out through tears, wiping her eyes and smearing dirt on her face. 

Callan, watching this, finally reached into the cage, scooping her into his palm and raised her up to eye level to look her over a bit more. Without another word, he lowered her back into the cage and left through the front door once again, leaving Molly alone. Even though she didn't really like being held, being alone made her feel way more uneasy.

She could imagine one of those human's dogs running in and trying to get her, or even a cat. Either one were dangerous to her. She brought her knees back up to her chest, wrapping her arms tightly around herself as she cowered in fear, tears still streaming down her face.

The front door opened, Callan walking back in and placing the bag on the floor, turning his eyes towards her. His chest tightened slightly but he quickly shook off the feeling, scooping her back into his hand, looking over her small body once more. "Let's go get you a bath." He then picked up the bag in his other hand, and began walking.

Molly could feel the ground shaking with every step, even though he was holding her. And she wanted to try and see what was in the bag, but she was scared to lean over his hand to look, so instead, she gripped the skirt of her dress tightly in fear, closing her eyes once more when she found herself dumped from the warm hand, onto a cold counter.

Slowly, she rose to her feet, looking up, way up, to the man's face. She has yet to learn his name, but she plans to soon. She was still trying to work out a way to ask in her head. 

"Can you swim?" Callan's voice boomed overhead of his new pet as he watched her tiny shaking body stand on the counter. "I plan to fill the sink and allow you to bathe there. If you can swim, I will allow you to bathe yourself. If you cannot, I will help you."

Once Molly nodded, Callan turned on the water, making sure he got it so the water was still slightly cool to him, because his type of warmth, would probably burn the little one. And he didn't want her to have burn marks on what could be perfect porcelain skin. 

Molly watched him fill the sink, and a shadow fell over, causing her eyes to shut tightly and she quivered in fear, waiting, but instead her a light click, and her eyes opened to find, he had left the giant bathroom, closing the door behind him. The sink was full, just warm enough that no steam would rise off of it. Slowly, she approached and sat on the rim, slowly lowering her feet into the water. A small smile crept onto her face when she felt the nice warm water soothe her aching feet. Glancing around again, she saw a towel fit for her size, and a tiny piece of soap as well for her hair and body.

Then, she saw the dress. A beautiful crimson red color with a bow to tie around her neck. It was an old fashioned style, perhaps Victorian. Either way, she actually quite liked it. There were even little white flats to wear for shoes. Looking closer, there was a picture of a certain hairstyle, with step by step instructions on how to do it. "He must want me to wear that, with that hairstyle." She whispered quietly to herself as she stripped out of the white dress she was in, diving right into the warm water as she began to scrub. 

Callan, who had been standing outside the door, waited until he heard the small 'bloop' sound of her getting into the water before he walked off, going to take care of one more thing before he went back into the room to grab her. He had a feeling, this girl, would be just the thing he needed.


I'm already receiving positive feedback, so thank you so, so much!!

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