Chapter Fourteen

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Callan woke up to small movement on his chest and opened his eyes, glancing towards Molly who was tossing and turning in her sleep, every now and then giving a small whimper. Bringing his hand up, he lightly nudged her with his thumb. "Molly?" He whispered, worried. "Do wake up Doll, you're having a nightmare." 

Molly's eyes snapped open and she bolted into a sitting position, breathing shakily and looked around the large room as she fought back tears. It was just a nightmare. But it had felt so real. Her eyes darted around before she felt something touch her back and she almost screamed as she wheeled around, looking at the shocked and worried face of Callan.

"Doll..." He whispered as he large fingers wrapped around her and lifted her up as he sat up, holding her in a loose fist as he looked down at her. 

She pulled her arms up and hugged his hand the best she could in that position, closing her eyes tightly. "I-I'm sorry...d-did I wake you?" She mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.

"No, no you didn't." He lied calmly as he used his thumb to pet the top of her head. "I've been up, I just didn't want to wake you. Then when you started tossing around like that, I got a bit worried."

Nodding, she kept her head down as tears forced their way out as she began crying, images of the dream flashing in her head and buried her face into his hand.

Callan's eyes widened, unsure if maybe he was holding her too tight as he moved her into his palm. "Molly, Molly what's wrong?" He cooed softly, continuing to pet her head with his thumb.

"I-It was horrible!" She choked out as she looked up at him, eyes red and puffy as tears ran down her face.

"Tell me, it's alright." He whispered as he held her against his chest, closing his eyes as he waited for her to calm down enough to tell him.

A few minutes of sniffles and sobs later, Molly took a deep breath and began. "I-I was on the kitchen table, waiting for you to get back from work. Th-Then the door opened and slammed shut, and you walked in, y-you were very angry for some reason. S-Samantha was there too, f-first you took me, and locked me in that glass cage, o-only then you had slowly started filling it with water. It was really, really cold too. I-I did my best to stay above water, b-but the dress was making it more difficult to. I-I remember, I got really cold, and my vision was blurry before the cage even got filled up. You were trying to drown me, b-but I froze to death first, before the water even filled the cage!" Tears continued to run down her face as she continued, wiping her eyes again. "Th-The worst part was, y-you were smiling. Y-You were watching me suffer while holding Sam back, who was crying and begging you to stop."

Callan's chest tightened and his breath caught in his throat. "M-Molly..." He couldn't imagine what that could have been like. She relies on him to take care of her, and that dream, it showed her one of the worst things that he could do to her while in his care, well, almost, the worst thing. "I can certainly assure you, that will never happen. I would never, ever hurt you." He whispered, gently petting her head still.

"I-I don't know, I-I'm sorry!" She whimpered and moved to the edge of his hand. "C-Can you please just put me at the dollhouse? I-I want to take a bath and change clothes." She sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"Alright. I'll go make us something to eat. You try and relax, okay?" He murmured softly, gently giving her a kiss on the top of her head and set her down before turning away and left the room, closing his door silently and leaned against it, shutting his eyes tightly. His heart was racing. Let it be from sadness, or his slowly growing love for her. Was it possible to love someone you just met? And what would others think if he loved a Tiny? And he wasn't even sure if he was allowed to keep her much longer! 

Molly sat in her bathtub, steam rising off the hot water as she tried to relax. She used her soap to wash her hair, head tilted back as she ran things through her head. It was true, she had feelings for this human, but it wasn't right. She shouldn't. But then again, she couldn't help it. Her heart wanted what it wanted. And she knew it was what she really wanted as well. Molly could feel a blush on her face as she rinsed her hair out and stepped out of the tub, looking at her arm which had a small bruise on it from when she fell on the steps when she first got here. Callan changed since then, and it had only been a few days. A smile crossed her face as she imagined that she was the one to cause this change.

But that dream. Did she really know he would never do that to her? Or hurt her in any way? She was originally supposed to be a pet, so why would that change so quick? And there was still so much she didn't know about him. Where he worked, if he had a girlfriend, she didn't even know his last name! All good things to learn in time of course.

Hearing the door open, she quickly pulled on the green and white dress she had picked out to wear and smoothed it out, trying to make her hair look decent enough as she heard a light tap on her window and walked over, pulling back the blue bathroom curtains and looking at the large blue eye of Callan's with a smile. "I'll be out in a second!" Molly called out to him as she ran out of the bathroom and carefully went down the steps, holding the skirt of her dress up as she went out the door and looked up at Callan.

Taking only a moment to admire the way the dress fit on her curves, Callan then plucked her up and set her in his palm. "You look lovely." He gave her a small smile as he turned and left his room once more.

"Thank you." Molly giggled quietly and tried to fix her hair again, when Callan brought his hand up and purposefully ruffled her hair with a chuckle.

"It looks fine, calm down." He hummed softly. "Oh, by the way, I have to take you to work with me tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it though." He mumbled, looking away slightly.

"Why not?" Molly turned her eyes back up to him, seeing his slightly disheveled look and frowned, not wanting to push it that much.

"I just...don't think that it's a good idea, but, my boss wants me to, so I have to." He glanced at her, her hair, her eyes, her pale skin. All of her was simply beautiful, and he knew that he wanted to protect her, but certain things might make him change his mind, and not on his own terms.

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