Chapter Three

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Once Molly had finished bathing, she slipped on that crimson dress and white flats, making sure it looked how it was supposed to. to her, it was slightly uncomfortable. The fabric was soft, yet silky, and it fit snugly at her waist and chest. She assumed this was the corset part of it. Now, she wanted to see how she looked, but there was a mirror sitting on the counter which she slowly approached before stopping. "I should probably do my hair before looking in the mirror." The small girl said with a small smile as she went back over, looking at the instructions on the paper that man had left her. 

After about twenty minutes, she had finally gotten it, her hair braided and pulled up into a bun, with one curled strand hanging at each side of her face. It was then that she walked over to the mirror, slowly, wondering if she didn't look as nice as she thought when she looked at her reflection. 

Her eyes widened in shock. Her hair was so silky looking, even up. Her skin was much cleaner, but she could tell she looked rather pale as well. But the dress went well with the hairstyle, an her eyes. She was honestly surprised, and that's when she heard the door open, causing her to tense and look at the man through the reflection in the mirror.

Callan hadn't expected her to get dressed that quickly, seeing as how she was a sobbing mess when he left her alone. But, instead of a sobbing mess, he found himself looking at what could have been a doll, had she not been shaking like a leaf the moment he walked into the room.

He could see her reflection, and he was right. Her skin was perfect, porcelain. Though she was pale, she was very pretty. Her bright blue eyes, though wide with fear, still made her look even more like a china doll to him. And her hair was shiny, and looked clean instead of that greasy mess it had been just a short while ago. And the dress fit her tiny body nicely. A smile crept onto his face as he walked over, gently scooping her into his palm and brought her up to eye level once more.

The sudden movement made Molly's stomach lurch, she swore she would lose what little lunch she had eaten at the store. Now what was this man going to do with her? What was going to happen? Staring into his large blue eye, she trembled, tears in her eyes once again. Finally, she worked up the courage to speak. "W-What are you g-going to do with m-me, S-Sir?"

After hearing the small voice, Callan turned his eyes back to Molly. "Well, I have yet to think on that one. But, you make a perfect little doll, don't you?" He ran his index finger over her hair, causing her to flinch, but her hair was soft, that much he could tell. "And, I have something for you."

When his finger touched her head, she couldn't help but flinch, slowly relaxing and allowed him to pet her head, running his finger from the top of her head to the back of it. And something for her? "S-Something for m-me? W-What?" 

"You'll see little one. How do you like the dress, my dear?" He questioned softly as he carried her into another room, which Molly quickly took in as his bedroom. 

"I-It's very pretty, th-thank you." She stuttered out, gripping the skirt of the dress as she looked around the room when her eyes fell onto this large, Victorian dollhouse. 

Her eyes widened when she saw it, she loved the red colors used, how big it looked, and what could possibly be inside? A chuckle brought her back to reality and she looked up at the man, who was approaching the house. "I'm going to let you explore, my little pet. The inside of this I mean. I have some things to take care of, so, be good." 

Molly simply nodded as she tumbled out of his palm as he dumped her out, and she watched him walk away and out of the door, closing it behind him. It was then that she took a look around his giant bedroom before going up the steps of the house, running her hand along the railing with a small smile. It all seem handcrafted, and it was beautiful.

Her hand wrapped around the smooth golden handle, opening one of the wooden doors with a small smile, stepping inside the dollhouse, the doors leading right into a lovely living room.

A cute little tea cart beside a fireplace, a lovely rug and table with a sofa and a couple chairs. Her eyes wandered to the steps along the wall, showing her there was another floor once she explored the downstairs. Walking across the brick floor, she ran her hand gently along the furniture, a small smile on her face. To her, she almost felt big, like a human. This was for her. That human, got this, just for her. To the right of the room, there was another brown door, which she slowly grabbed, pushing the door open which she was shocked to find was white on the other side.

In the next room, she found herself looking at a quite pretty dining room, with a china cabinet, a lovely table complete with 4 chairs, a chandelier and lights, as well as two other tables fit for other decorations. Almost tempted to tear up, Molly walked over, taking a seat in one of the chairs, sitting up properly with her hands folded neatly in her lap like a noble would in the Victorian Era, but she then giggled, standing from the chair and pushed it back in. "It's all so pretty." She hummed happily. Then, her eyes turned towards another door which she approached a bit quicker, excited to see more.

Opening the brown door, she found herself now in a cute little kitchen, complete with stove, sink, cabinets, and a few chairs even. A table that could with hinges to make it bigger, and some spices, along with jars for other cooking ingredients. Approaching the oven, she knelt down, opening the gold colored door with a smile, seeing that it could be functional, even at her size. With this knowledge, she went over to the sink and turned the knob, water then pouring out. The man had made it so everything was functional too! This news excited her greatly, and she took back off through the kitchen, dining room, and stood back in the living room, going over to the stairs. Slowly, she climbed them. Once Molly had, she was now standing in a little hallway, with one door on each side. Slowly, she went to the door on the right, pushing it open.

Looking around the bathroom, she was surprised that the colors and style didn't really match the rest of the house, but, she still loved it, from something as tedious as the curtains, which she would have to close when she bathed, to the small cabinet in the corner that had a few towels, as well as other toiletries in it. Now she knew what had to be next. Only one room remaining in the house that she had yet to see, and only one room she could think of. The bedroom. So she left the bathroom, closing the door and looked at the door now in front of her, grabbing the doorknob and pushing the final door open.

She stood still for a moment, observing the curtains, the paintings, the dressers. The lovely color of the wooden posts for the bed, which matched the dressers, and the bedding which also matched the the curtains. Her heart raced from excitement. She had this whole house to herself, and she loves every bit of it. She'd definitely have to thank that man later.

Going into the room, she walked over to the bed and sat on it, surprised at how comfortable it actually was. She did need a good rest anyway, and he did say be good. There was no way she could get into trouble while she sleeps. As she laid down on her back, she found herself quickly drifting off into a deep, peaceful, sleep.


I really wanted to describe the house, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, even though a lot didn't really happen! I promise, the next chapter will be better, sorry!

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