Chapter Twelve

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Molly sat in the bottom of the purse, rubbing her one side gently, looking down. Glancing around the purse, she saw  phone, chap stick, the wallet she was leaning on and some alcohol cleansing pads. Just a basic purse she guesses. But she still couldn't get over the fact that Callan, as she now knew his name, had kissed her. Not exactly, it was his finger, but it counts right? Maybe he likes her? Just that thought made a small blush creep onto her face and she smiled a small smile. 

Suddenly the car hit a bump, and Molly bounced and yelped quietly, Samantha then peeking into the bag at her. "Are you okay?" She whispered, reaching in and pulled her out gently, setting the purse down and looked at Jess before tucking Molly in her jacket pocket. "We'll go to my room right away." She whispered again.

Molly shifted in the pocket, getting herself comfortable an nestled into the warm fabric, making sure her dress wouldn't get wrinkled. Jess was definitely not fond of her, and she could tell. She really hoped Samantha would keep her hidden until Callan picked her up later.

Once the car finally came to a stop, Jess reached back and grabbed her purse, not even bothering to be careful as she got out, unaware that her daughter had snuck the Tiny into her jacket pocket. "Samantha, when we get inside I want you to stay away from that thing." She mumbled, opening Sam's door who quickly got out.

"Anything you say mommy." Sam smiled innocently, looking at her mother before carefully walking up to her house, humming a small tune happily.

Molly felt Samantha moving and positioned herself so she wouldn't be jostled around as much, still holding her side gently. She'll have to check for bruises later. But her heart was aching. She was so looking forward to spending the day her Master, but he handed her over to Jess for the day. At least Samantha would be there. It was hard to believe she was relying on a five year old for her protection though.

After getting inside, Sam went right upstairs to her bedroom and shut the door, carefully pulling Molly out of her pocket and held her between her thumb and index finger. "Molly, are you okay?" She whispered as she placed the Tiny on top of her bed.

Molly, looking up at the giant child gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Yes, I'm alright. Thank you Sam." She murmured, hugging the hand which is still larger than herself.

"Okay good. I was worried mommy might have hurt her." She mumbled, grabbing her and held her close to her chest in a hug of sorts before setting her back down. "Can you tell me about your mommy and daddy? And maybe your baby brother!"

Looking down, and closing her eyes, Molly nodded slowly in agreement. "O-Oh, alright." She mumbled, looking down.

Keith ran around through the tall grass, giggling. "Molly, come and get me!" He called out, ducking into a large area of mushrooms and put a hand over his mouth to muffle the giggles.

"Keith?" Molly called out, looking around for her little brother. He had always been running off, and she did the best she could to make him think it was all a game. She didn't want him to know the dangers of the world for them just yet. She wanted to keep him sweet, and innocent. 

As she ran to try and find him, she heard a loud caw and looked up to the sky, spotting a large hawk flaying above them. Instantly her heart started pounding and she looked around frantically. "Keith!" She shouted, panickally. "This isn't a game, come here right now!" 

A few seconds later, the young boy ran over and hugged her legs. "What's wrong big sis?" He smiled up at her and She picked him up, running under a bush. "Molly?" He mumbled, frowning. "You're scaring me."

"I'm sorry, but there was a hawk." Molly hugged him tightly, and he tilted his head to the side curiously.

"Hawk?" He cuddled against her, wrapping his arms around her.

"A big, scary bird that could carry you away and gobble you up as a snack. There's lots of bad animals like that." She sighed quietly, hugging the small boy tightly. 

"B-But you never told me about that!" Keith frowned, looking up at her.

"I know, I'm sorry. Mommy and daddy wanted me to look out for you though. We love you, okay?" She kissed his forehead gently and smiled softly at him.

"I love you too Molly." He murmured, kissing her cheek and smiled happily.

Molly sighed quietly. "But, he was so little, I should have told him sooner about the dangers, and other things that could hurt him before humans came and-" She stopped and looked up at Samantha, deciding to shut up before she upset the giant child.

"He sounds cute." Sam giggled, jumping up onto the bed, sending Molly flying into the air and came back down on the soft covers before laughing. "Oh, Molly, are you okay?!" Samantha frowned.

"I'm okay Sam, thanks." Molly giggled, sitting on her knees. "That was actually a little fun." She stood up, smoothing her dress down. "How long until you think your mom notices I'm missing?" Molly asked quietly and frowned, looking down and stomping on the stairs made her tense and look towards the door, Samantha grabbing her. 

"Shh." Sam whispered, shoving the Tiny back into her pocket and ran over to her toy box, acting like she was looking for something as Jess opened the door, arms crossed.

"Samantha, did you take the Tiny out of my bag?" She asked angrily, walking over to her daughter who looked over with an innocent smile.

"No mommy, maybe she ran away! Uncle Callan won't be happy if you lost his little doll. He likes to call her that." She giggled and went back to the toy box.

"Alright, let me see your toys." Jess walked over and looked into the toy box then looked around the room, frowning. "If I find out you are lying to me, I won't let you go to Uncle Callan's anymore."

Tensing inside the pocket, Molly frowned. She couldn't let Sam get hurt like that because of her and grabbed the top of the pocket, hoisting herself up and dropped onto the hardwood floor with a soft thud and Jess's eyes darted to her and she grabbed her tightly. "You. There you are, you stupid little vermin."

The words hit her hard and Molly gave a small whimper in response, cowering and closed her eyes tightly from the tight grip. "I-I'm sorry ma'am.." She whispered, the grip tightening and leaving her eyes closed, Molly had to fight back a cry of pain.

"Oh, hush. It doesn't hurt." Jess mumbled, leaving the bedroom and went to her own bedroom, walking over to her dresser and dropped Molly into a box before putting the lid on, then poked a few holes in the top, the pencil she used coming down and scratching Molly's arm.

With another small whimper, Molly moved to the corner of the box as tears silently slid down her face. "M-Master, p-please get off of work soon." She whispered as she buried her face in her knees which she was hugging tightly to her chest.

Callan meanwhile set down his pen and looked straight in front of him. "Molly..." He whispered with a frown, somehow able to tell something was very wrong with his little pet.


Hey guys, I've almost reached 100 votes already! It means a lot to me. And I'm sorry that this story has been updated slowly, I have school, and another story up I really need to work on again. It's called A Love To Never Be, if you could take a little peek and tell me what you think there. It's not a G/T though, but I'm hoping to write another G/T after this one. Anyway, thanks for reading, love you guys! <3

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