Chapter Eight

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Callan opened the door to find his sister and lovely little niece standing there, his sister smiling. "Hi Callan, it's nice to see you. Here's Samantha, and you be good for Uncle Callan okay? Do what he tells you." She smiled and kissed her daughters forehead, the child giggling before nodding, smiling happily at her mother.

"Yes mommy, I promise." Samantha hugged her mothers legs before going inside and hugging Callan's legs. "Hi Uncle Callan!"

Callan knelt down, hugging the girl tightly and smiling. "Hello sweetheart. Have you been good for your mommy?" He asked as he stood back up and closed the door. 

"I've tried. But she doesn't get off her phone a lot, and I wanna play with her!" She pouted, looking up at her uncle before looking around the room, her eyes falling onto Molly and they widened. "You got a tiny!" She squealed happily, and excitedly, running over to the coffee table.

When the giant human child ran over, Molly's heart nearly leaped into her throat, and she shut her eyes tightly, waiting for her to be grabbed, or hurt, but the only thing she felt was a light tug on her dress, and she opened her eyes to see the giant child admiring the dress.

"I like your dress Tiny. It matches your eyes!" Samantha giggled, oblivious to the fear emitting from the little woman in front of her. "Did Uncle Callan name you yet? If not can I? If you have a name what is it?" She giggled again.

Molly only sat shocked at the child's behavior. She thought for sure she was going to be killed. Almost missing the questions, she snapped herself out of her stunned daze. "N-No, my name i-is Molly." She spoke quietly, but loud enough for her to hear.

"That's a pretty name too! You're very pretty too!" The child giggled again, reaching her hand out and gently poked Molly's hair. "It's all curly. Mommy used to curl my hair a lot like that, but she's been really, really busy with work." She looked sad only for a moment before smiling. "Uncle Callan, can you make me breakfast?" She turned her attention back to her uncle, who was watching curiously before nodding.

"If you want me to Sam. I'll leave my little doll with you okay? Be good Molly." He turned and left the room without a second a thought, Molly folding her arms over her chest before nodding. Tell the kid to be good, not her.

Molly turned her attention back to Samantha, slowly standing on the table. "S-So your n-name is Samantha..?" She asked timidly, the girl nodding.

"Mhm! But you can call me Sam if you want to! My mommy doesn't though, but Uncle Callan knows I'm okay with Sam!" 

"O-Oh, okay Sam." Molly couldn't help but smile at the child, she reminded her so much of her own brother, Keith, wherever he was at least. 

"Do you have a mommy and daddy?" This question made Molly pause, and lower her head as tears threatened to push their way into her eyes, but she forced them off.

"I-I do, somewhere." Molly replied quietly, giving a small yelp when a much smaller hand than her Master's wrapped around her, lifting her up, but the grip was so gentle.

"Somewhere? You don't know where your mommy and daddy are?" 

"No, I don't. I-I also don't know where my little brother is either. I-I miss them so much." She whispered, a few tears going down her face. "I-I don't know if they're safe, o-or if they're alive even!" Molly had to pause for a moment and closed her eyes. This child was five, she didn't want to have to bother the poor girl with this sort of thing . She was too young. "B-But I'm certain they are. What about your mommy and daddy?" She looked up at the young girls big brown eyes, which her dark brown hair covered slightly as she looked at Molly.

"Oh, my daddy got hurt really bad in a car accident. Mommy said that somebody accidentally ran him over, and that he's now with my grandma and grandpa again. But I'm not allowed to visit them for a very long time she said." Samantha smiled, walking off with the tiny girl in her gentle grasp.

So her father is dead. This thought made Molly's heart ache, feeling bad for this poor human girl. So even human's didn't have perfect lives, she thought maybe it was just Tinies. Wanting to change the subject quickly, Molly smiled up at her. "Why don't we play a game? Just me and you while we wait for your uncle to finish cooking."

Samantha's eyes lightened up and she giggled. "Okay! Can we have a tea party? Uncle Callan has a toy room set up for me in another me for when I come and see him, can we go play there?" She asked, already happily making her way to the room.

Molly was surprised when she actually laughed, laying a hand on the child's larger one. "That sounds fun, lead the way." She could tell, this was one human she was definitely going to like, in fact, she already does.

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