Chapter Twenty One

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Callan stood outside the lab, watching the scientists be stuffed in the back of police cars handcuffed, most protesting that they had no idea it was illegal, and all were taken in for questioning except Mr. Miller, who was taken straight to prison for running the whole ordeal. 

Mr. Lockshire walked over to Callan and smiled. "The trapped Tinies will be taken care of, we plan on taking them all back to the cabin and getting them cleaned up before taking them all to pet stores. Pet stores are also being checked to make sure they are treating them like living things, and not animals. Hopefully things will change after that."

"That would be great Mr. Lockshire, thank you. At least this was solved quicker than we thought it would be. Now I can go home with my little one and her brother." Callan breathed a short sigh of relief and looked over to his car, Molly and Keith on the dashboard watching him through the windshield, but he knew they couldn't hear the conversation. "Make sure you give me a call if you need anything." With a smile, Callan turned away and began walking back to his car.

Molly watched the two humans talking, unable to make out the conversation but was trying to at least read facial expressions. Callan looked relieved and happy, Mr. Lockshire looked happy, and Kara looked like she was enjoying freeing the Tinies once they were in Mr. Lockshire's car and her own. 

"Big sister?" Keith tugged on the skirt of her dress with a frown before hugging her legs, laying his head on her. "W-What'll happen to them all? A-And us? Will Mr. Callan keep me too? W-What if he makes me leave you?!" Clinging to her, tears welled in Keith's eyes as he hid his face against her. "I-I don't wanna lose you again!"

Looking down at her brother, Molly knelt to his height and wrapped her arms around the small boy, holding him close to her. "Listen to me when I tell you this. I will never, ever let that happen. I love you, you're my brother, and I don't plan on losing you anytime soon. If Callan tried to take you away from me, I'd simply die, because I can't lose you." Running a hand through his hair, she jumped when the giant car door opened, Callan looking at them both.

As soon as Callan saw the sight his smile faded. The young boy sobbing against his sister, Molly looking slightly disheveled as well. "Hey." He said softly, taking a seat and closing the car door before scooping them both up into his palm. "What happened you two? Is everything alright?" He asked softly, holding the Tinies against his chest.

"Callan...?" Molly said quietly, leaning into his massive chest and holding Keith. "We're keeping Keith with us...right? You weren't going to get rid of me, o-or him right?" She mumbled as she closed her eyes tightly, continuing to rub Keith's back to try and comfort him. She was actually worried now, what if he decided that he didn't want her now?

"Of course Doll. You'll both be living with me in my house, and you can share the dollhouse. I can go out and buy some things, it'll be just fine." With a smile, Callan gently placed them both in the cup holder and started the car.

"What about the other Tinies? What will happen to them?" Molly seated herself down and winced slightly when the car hit a bump, making her arm slam against the side of the holder. Slowly, she moved her good arm around Keith to keep him secure against herself.

"They'll be taken care of before being sent off to the pet stores." Callan said with a small sighed, leaving his attention on the road. "Stores will be investigated every week to make sure the Tinies are fed well, bathed, and have decent clothing. So don't worry, everything will be just fine." 

Keith paused for a moment before looking at Molly, then looked up at Callan. "Are you and my sister dating now? Is she your girlfriend?" He said with a small giggle and leaned against Molly, who's face was now bright red.

A small blush crept onto Callan's face and he cleared his throat before slowing nodding. "Yes. She is. That is, if she would like to be." He glanced over to Molly, just able to see the small bit of red on her cheeks.

"O-Of course." Molly looked up at the human with a small smile. "I-I'd gladly...y-you know..." She stuttered out looking away once more. "I-I love you, Callan."

Callan gave her one last smile before turning his attention back to the road. "I love you too, my little doll."

His Little Doll ((G/T))Where stories live. Discover now