Chapter 6⚠️

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The following morning, was a gloomy and annoying event. It was raining so everyone was stuck inside, with nothing to do. Xander was in our room, sleeping in. I went downstairs and decided that I was going to make breakfast for everybody. Hopefully, it would cheer them. I walked downstairs, to see that it was empty and quite. I decided to go all out today, because the situation we were all in, it seems like this is called for.

In the middle of cooking Cam came down stairs with just some boxers on, and his tiger slippers on. "Good morning Cam." I told him as he smiled as he sat down.

"I heard what happened last night." He mumbled as I turned around and looked at him.

"Are you good?" I asked him as he nodded.

"I'm fine, just weird to know that you have an older sister that you didn't know nothing about until now." He replied as I nodded.

"Do me a favor and try not to mention it in front of nobody. Especially Xander. He took it pretty hard last night." I told him as he nodded. After cooking everything, and most of them up and out of the bed we decided to eat.

We had red velvet pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, French toast, and oatmeal. Xandria and Luke came down and sat down in a random seat.

"Where is Xander at?" Ken asked as I sighed.

"He's up in the room. I'll go get him." I got up and walked up to the room to see him peacefully sleep. He looked like a god to be honest. He had on some grey sweatpants the hung low so I could see his V-Line, he lips poured, cheeks flushed, hair all over the place. He was so...ugh!

"Baby, wake up. Breakfast is ready." I whispered in his ear as he turned the other way. "Xander wake up." I said in his hear as he still laid their asleep. Finally, an idea popped in my head. I turned him over until he was on his back and straddled him. I leaned down and started to kiss his chest, then I started to kiss and suck on his neck. He groaned opening his eyes and looked at me. I kissed him on the lips as he tried to deepen it but I pulled away.

"Good morning to you too..." he trailed off as I giggled.

"C'mon sleepy head. Come and eat breakfast. Everybody waiting on you." I told him standing up as he groaned. He sat up and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I don't want to." He pouted as I shook my head at him.

"Nope get up. And eat something." He smirked at me and pulled me into him.

"Or I can eat you.." he trailed of I punched his arms as he winced. "Fine." I grabbed his hand as he stood up and  walked behind me. We made it downstairs and sat down.

I'm gonna be honest, it was awkward. Nobody said nothing until Xander spoke up.

"Mama?" He mumbled as Mrs. Love looked up, hope in her eyes.

"Yes baby?" He sighed and looked at her.

"I um, am sorry for the way I acted towards you last night. I was just upset to know that your not my biological mother, but I know that you will always be my mother in my eyes." He told her as she smiled at him.

"You know I love you, and I'll do anything in the world for you. And I'm sorry for not telling you this any time sooner." She told him as he nodded. She smiled at him and continued to eat.

After that everything went sailing. Every body was talking and having a good time. Here and there Xandria or Luke would complain about something, but we just ignored it. After breakfast, and having one of the maids clean up, Xander and I walked up to his office and started to do some work.

"Neonata?" I looked up at him.


"I have a question.." he trailed off and looked at me.

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