Chapter 12⚠️

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~Sad Chapter... Warning~

Xander immeditaly ran to his mother side, engulfing her in a hug as I sat across from her. "Ma, what's wrong?" he asked her as she looked up and shook her head.

"It's your grandmother... she-" but she bursted out in a fit of tears as I grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry Xander.." she whimpered in his chest as I stood up.

"Where is she?" I asked her as she looked up at me.

"She's upstairs in her room..." I bolted up the stairs, to grandma Lily's room, to see the twins, the pack doctor, and Giovanni standing by her side. I walked over to them as Grandma Lily looked up at me with a weak smile and coughed.

"What's going on?" I asked as Giovanni looked at me.

"She's been sick for the past year, and she didn't tell no one." he blankly said as she rolled her eyes at him.

"The last time I checked, I am a grown women. I don't have to tell you shit." she weakly said as I little smile spread across my face, at her goofiness. "Can you leave Nevaeh and I alone for a couple of minutes. I need to talk to her." she finished as everyone gave her a nod. They made their way out of the room. "Sit down sweetie. I have some words to tell you..." she told me patting down on her bed, as I sat down.

"Why you didn't tell no one that you were sick?" I asked her as she sighed.

"I wanted to live my last couple of months with out no worries. I needed to wait for-" she let out a cough then groaned. "I needed to wait for Xander to find his mate. I held on for a while, waiting for you to come." she replied as she looked up at the ceiling. "My time here is whining down to the last couple of days. If I'm lucky, weeks. But I need to say this... there is a great war coming. And I see it in your eyes that you will be the one to set the hell hounds on fire. The only person that will be able to save our pack, is you." she told me as I bit down on my lip. "I've waited, and waited for you to come so I could tell you. Now that I've met you, I approved, and told you what your destiny really is, I'm ready to go home with the great ancient father and mothers." she looked up at the sky. I stood up as everyone came through the room, as grandma Lily looked at them, then rolled her eyes.

"A women is trying to die in peace here, and you guys just barge in like that." she told them as Xander ran to her side.

"Why are you-" but she cut him off.

"Son, I can see the fear in your eyes. Your scared to let me go and I get it. You all are. But, everyone has to die to get at peace. I've done my duties as a mother, and a grandmother. And I promise I'll do my duties as a great grandmother, looking down on my future great grandchildren. But now, I have to call my life duties quit. I'm ready to go.." she replied. I looked down as tears rolled down my cheek.

"Wait grandma, you can't leave me. Not now!" Xander yelled, as she lifted her hand on his cheek.

"The heavens are calling my name. The goddess of the moon awaits my child. Please don't cry, where I'm at peace." she looked at me and smiled. "I'll tell your parents when I see them, how well they raised you." she looked at everyone else in the room. "This isn't a goodbye, I'll see you guys in due time." she lifted her hands up at the sky.

"I surrender! I fought my battles, and I won thy war. For all eternity, I shall run with thy ancient wolves of my parents and their parents. Take me now, o goddess, I'm ready for what shall awaits!" and within seconds her arms fell to her side, and her breathing was shallow. A gush of wind went through the room as her breathing stopped and her face started to go pail.

You could hear Natalia cries, as her husband tried to comfort her, as Xander cried in grandma Lily's chest. The twins sat there speechless, as I did too. We sat their for what seemed like eternity, starring at her body.


The next day, everyone stayed in their rooms. No one came out. I haven't seen Xander all day, but I could feel his sadness.

I know it sounds weird, but I found myself sitting in grandma Lily's room in her rocking chair, thinking about her words that she said to me. I was in deep thought until someone opened the door of her room. I looked up and saw Xander.

"We decided that we are going to have her funeral on Saturday." he told me as I nodded. He stood their as I looked at him.

"Come here." I told him as he came over to where I was. I stood up as he sat down in the chair. We stayed like that, for about a good hour just listening to each other heart beats.

It was the day of the funeral, and everybody in the house seemed a little off. Hell, I'm not gonna lie, I was off of it too.

I helped Jesse fix his tie, as he mumbled a thanks. "You should start getting ready beautiful. I know how long it takes for you to get dress." He smiled at me as I chuckled at him. I took his advice and got dressed.

I was sitting on the bed, buckling my shoe when I looked up and saw Xander standing against the frame

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I was sitting on the bed, buckling my shoe when I looked up and saw Xander standing against the frame.

"I'm almost finish, don't worry." I told him standing up and fixing my outfit as he sighed. I grabbed his hands and squeezed it as he looked at me.

"I don't think I can do this..." he trailed off. I placed my hand on his right cheeked.

"Listen baby, everyone here is going through it... okay? You have to be strong, just not only you... but for everyone here okay." I kissed him on his cheek, as we made our way to living room.

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