Chapter 14⚠️

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* Two Weeks Later *

6:32 am

I woke up to someone opening the curtains, and shining the lights in my face. I groaned and rolled over into Xander body as I heard him growl at the person. "Boy stop all that damn growling. Do you remember what today is?" I could tell it was Natalia's voice, but I chose to ignore it considering it was too early in the damn morning for anything.

"Yes mom, can my mate and I have some alone time with out someone barging in?" he groaned rubbing his eyes with one hand, and his other arm occupied because of him holding me.

"I'm your mother. That's what I'm suppose to do. Come downstairs and eat you guys, because it's the only time you guys are going to be together until tonight." she replied walking out of the room, and shutting the door as I groaned.

"I'm so sorry beautiful that she woke you up out of your sleep." he kissed my forehead as I smiled.

"It's okay.." I yawned. I sat up rubbing my eyes as he sat there looking at me. "What?"

"Nothing. Just lucky to wake up next to this beautiful creation." he replied kissing me on the lips as I kissed him back.

"As much as I would love to sit here and kiss you, I think we should start getting ready. Mom is going to be pretty pissed if she finds out we ain't up and out the bed yet." he told me as I nodded. I stood up stretching and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I washed my face, and stepped out and picked out an outfit for today since we will be getting ready in the mansion. After he got out of the shower, I took one, then slipped into some tights and one of his big hoodies. I slipped on my black Puma slippers and walked out and saw him sitting at the foot of our bed, sitting on the chest looking at me and smiled. He had on some black ripped shorts on, with some white converses and a white T-Shirt. He had on a Vans snap back with his gold chain as I smiled at him.

"Comparing me and you, I think you look the best out of both of us." I replied kissing his lips as he chuckled.

"Nah I don't think so. You beat me by a long shot." he replied smirking as I smiled. We walked hand and hand down the stairs as we walked into the kitchen, and saw a whole breakfast buffet.

"We decided that since this will be you last day together as just mates... not Luna and Alpha... you guys should at least leave each other in a bang." Kendall replied looking at us as we smiled at them.

"Thank you so much, it smells so good." I replied looking at all the food. It had all of our favorites. Red velvet pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, French toast.

We all sat around and ate, talking about the ceremony. Finally, the boys had to leave to get Xander ready. They all left so it was now Natalia, me, and the people that were going to do my hair.


Xander: Baby!!

Me: What?

Xander: Nothing. I just missed you.

Xander: What are you doing?

Me: Right now, I'm getting my hair done. You?

Xander: On my way to pick up my tuxedo.

Xander: Send me a picture.

I starred at the phone shaking my head, but did it anyways..

Me: (Picture)

Xander: Damn baby girl!!! You look fine as fuck!

Me: Shut up.. I look like a hot mess..

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