Chapter 10⚠️

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I starred at Xander in complete shock. There were tears brimming at the ledge of my eyes, as I covered my face. I nodded my head yes, as he stood up in excitement.

"Yes!?" he exclaimed as I nodded again.

"Yes!" I yelled as he picked me up twirling me around and kissing me on the lips.

"Oh thank god.. I was a nervous wreck!" he exclaimed as he placed me down. He places the ring on my finger as I examined it.

"How long have you been planning on doing this?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"For about a month. Obviously I wanted it to be a surprised." he told me as I shook my head smiling at him. "You don't know how happy you just made me darling." he replied hugging me as I hugged him back.

"Same here, baby. Same here."


We made it back to the house, and went straight to the kitchen and saw  Nathalia sitting in the eating area. I put my things on the counter as  Nathalia looked up at me smiling.

"So how was y'all date?" Nathalia asked as I smiled at her.

"It was... pretty eventful." I responded as she nodded.

"She said yes." Was the only thing that came out of Xander's mouth as Nathalia screamed and gave me a hug.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" she yelled hugging me as I hugged her back laughing. "Ooh I'm so happy! We have to start planning this ASAP!" She yelled as Xander laughed.

"Mom calm down please, your scaring her." he says as she laughed.

"Ooh let me go get the camerea so I can take a picture of this!" she yelled as she ran out. I was about to tell him something, but he cut me off with a kiss, with me smiling into the kiss. After a couple of seconds, we saw a flash as we pulled away and saw Nathalia smiling at us.

"Aw you guys are adorable!" she screamed as Xander and I chuckled.

"Okay mom, we're going to get some rest for tomorrow since we have other packs coming for training." I told her as she nodded.

"Okay, don't forget we are going to start planning ASAP, Nevaeh." she said pointing a finger at me as I nodded.

"Yes mam." I replied to her chuckling. We went upstairs to our room as xANDER shut the door. He took off his tie, as I took of my shoes. I looked up at him to see that his eyes turned deep blue again, but it wasn't Zeus who had taken over. It was just him...

"Are you good?" I asked him as he didn't say anything. All he did was just make a quick stride across the room and laid me down on the bed, getting on top of me.

*Somewhat Sexual Content... Read at your own Risk*

He kissed me on the lips roughly, but again passionly as I ran my hands through his hair. Somehow he ended up getting my shirt off, and his too within seconds, but the only things that were covering my breasts where the red lace bra from V.S.

He starred down at them long, and hard which felt like eternity, until his lips latched on to my left breast, attacking it with love bites and bruises.

"Xander..." I moaned out as I heard him let out a deep, possessive growl. He did the right one with the same treatment as I moaned out. We both stood up, somehow not breaking eye contact as he unbotton his shirt, giving me view of his nice, sunkissed toned body as I bit my lip.

"Wait, Xander hold up. I-I don't want to have sex... now." I told him as he smirked at me.

"Princess I don't have to have sex with you to show you the love I have for you. For anything I can make love to your emotions." he replied, whispering the last part in my ear making me weak in the knees. "Is.That.Okay?" he replied, every word he said, leaving a light kiss down my jaw.

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