Chapter 28

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"Xander, I can handle myself." I told him as he looked at me and sighed. 

"No Nevaeh, what do you not understand that. You just had our kids, and you should be here resting." he told me as I rolled my eyes.

"How can I be resting if I'm here alone, knowing that you are out there fighting!" I exclaimed at him as he sighed. "Baby please. I am your Luna, and I have to be out there fighting for this pack." I calmed down as he sighed. 

"Fine, but as soon as I say you leave.. you better leave." he told me as I nodded. "Go to the weapon room and get suited up and meet me out back in a couple of minutes. We will be leaving then.." he told me as I nodded. I ran downstairs to see everyone getting suited up, as I started to suit myself up. The talking seemed to quiet down, which I was highly confused about. I looked up to see them looking at me as I sighed. 

"What are you guys looking at?" I asked them as one of the guards, who name is Luke, spoke up.

"Luna Nevaeh, why are you down here?" he asked me.

"I am in charge of a command." I told them as he looked at me confused once more. 

"Did Alpha Xander say-" but I cut him off.

"He said that it was fine." I told them as he nodded. After we were all set up, we ran up the stairs to the back yard to see pick up trucks and Xander giving out orders. He saw us, as he walked over. 

"Okay, Your Luna will be instructing you guys what to do. Luke, I am depending on you to watch over her while you guys cover the back entrance while we attack at the front.." he told us. We were loading the trucks, when I felt someone grab my arm turning me around. I looked and saw Xander starring at me.

"Baby please be careful.." he replied as I sighed. "I'm serious Nevaeh. I don't know I'd do with myself if something happened to you." he told me as I nodded. 

"I'll be careful okay? You be careful to Xander.." I told him as he nodded. He kissed me on the lips then pulled away. With one last look he was gone. 

I turned around to see the truck ready, waiting for me as I got on the back. 

"Alright Luna, on your call what are we doing?" Joe said as I sighed. 

"Nine times out of ten, they know that we will invading the vampires nest... So we take the back road. We kill off any vampires that are hunting around the area, then we go to the back. We'll wait until Xander gives us the cue to attack from the back while they attack from the tunnels. But since these trucks make a lot of noises when they drive we have to ditch them at the back entrance got it?" I told them as they bowed their head.

"Alright, let's go." he turned on engine, and started driving. We rode pass Xavier truck and I saw him staring at me, fear written all over his face. It sort of made me cry in the inside a little but that is a role a Luna have to play.

*A couple of hours later*

It was becoming dusk, as the sun started to get from view as we pulled up to the back entrances. "Alright, we will ditch the trucks here, and make our way to the front. The sun is still out, so that means that they are still in hiding. So it should be easier..." we hopped off of the trucks as we grabbed the bags of weapons. 

It was more traditional stuff like swords, blessed bullets, bombs of garlic powder in which I may say stink like a bitch. I really didn't know the purpose of it all since it would be easier for us to just shift but Xander and his father insisted. I smelled the air, as it was getting rich with blood, guessing from their food supply. 

"Alright it should be about a good half a mile from here.." I told them walking as they followed me. 

My instincts were right, as we pulled up to a black coal gate where there was two stationed people with shades on. They were obviously sleep, so it was quite easy for us to jump the fence even though it was quite high. They still haven't woken up as I gave Joe and Luke a nod as they cut there heads off. 

Now let me just say this, I'm not a cold hearted person. But when they put you, your kids, your family, and your pack members lives in danger, you have to go out of you way to protect them. And I am sick and tired of them harassing me for the past couple of months so now, they get what they deserve.

We continued walking in the woods as we saw big ass castle like house, that was all black. I told them to stop and get low, for we couldn't be seen. 


'Baby are you okay!?'

'Yeah I'm fine, we got to the back side where are you guys'

'We are in the front, we were waiting on you guys, in 30 seconds attack okay?'

'okay, be careful..' 

With that I cut my mind link off as I looked at them. "Thirty seconds.." I told them as they nodded. That's when we heard screaming as I looked confusingly as they started to stand up. 

"No get down!" I whispered yelled at them. 

"Luna, they are attacking-" but I cut him off. 

"Get down now!" I yelled as they got down. And just like that, that's when alarms started to go off. I saw something rising out of the ground as my eyes went wide. 

"GO GO ATTACK!" I yelled as we nodded. We ran forward, as silver bob wires came up from the ground as we jumped over them. In just five seconds there was blood everywhere. I grabbed a sword and was stabbing them left to right. I saw a man, with a white birthmark on his head and hair, knowing that it was the leader. I ran over to him as he looked at me in shock as I pinned him to the ground stabbing him in his stomach, not letting him go no where. 

"Where are they?" I growled at them as he winced. 

"How are you Nevaeh?" he replied as I grabbed my gun, shooting him in his hand as he cried out.

"ALPHA IS BEING ATTACKED!" one of the vamps yelled as a charge of vampires came rushing towards us. 

"Red Night Pack, SHIFT!" and with that everyone shifted into their wolf form I grabbed him by his chest and pushed him against the wall. "Tell.Me.Now?" I grab some garlic powder as he winced.

"We killed them!" he gasped out as I shook my head. "Tell me where they are now!!!" I yelled out. My voice had so much power that everything got quiet. It was like Xander voice, but it was stronger. 

"Dungeon room, they key is in my pocket." I grabbed the keys, and cut his head off as the vamps cried out. Xander looked at me in shock as I grabbed his head, showing it to his people, as they stopped fighting, and kneed down.

For those who don't know... when a leader is in battle and his head has been cut off.. the other side has a victory.

"Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks about harassing the Red Night Pack again." I threw his head on the ground as his wife came up to me. 

"Do you have no mercy!?" she yelled at me as I looked at her. 

"You guys weren't screaming mercy when you killed Grandma Lily. You guys weren't screaming mercy when you guys harassed me and my pack for months. I promise if I find anyone dead, this whole entire vampire  nest will be history. You guys wanted to kill my children and I'll be damned if I let the person who threaten my children or my mate walk again on this earth." I spat out as I threw the keys a Luke. "Go to the dungeon room, and see if their there." I told him as he nodded. Him and a couple of guys left as the vampires looked at me, crying because of their leaders death.

"Luna, Peyton and her mother has died. But the little girl is alive."


I'm sorry you guys! I just had a huge writers block but I am back on track I promise!!

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