Chapter 19

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The following week, went by fast and I was highly upset due to the fact that I wont be seeing my mate until my children are born. And talking about the babies, my baby bump has come a little noticeable. Also, we have heard the babies heartbeat for the first time yesterday

I was in the room, packing a couple of last minute things when Xander walked into my room. He was walking up and down the stairs with my stuff in my hands. He came up to me, and turned me around. "Baby, are you okay?" he asked me as I nodded.

"Yes love, I'm fine." I told him, giving him a weak smiled as he sighed.

"I tried to hide this from you, but seeing you like this got me feeling some kind of way and I hate it. In a couple of weeks, I don't know when yet... I'm going to be coming to visit you for a couple of days." he told me as I smiled at him.

"Really!?" I exclaimed as he nodded.

"Yes, I would've thought that you would know me better, and know that I would never leave you for that much time." He told me as I couldn't stop smiling as he chuckled.

"Damn, I have never seen you cheese that much ever since we seen the babies." he replied as I rolled my eyes. "I just want you to know that I will find this bastard who is doing this to you and my kids. Okay?"



We were in the car, riding to the private airport, as I laid down in his lap as he played with my hair. "The house that you will be living in is pretty big. My cousin, her name is Amara and she will be there to help you with everything. She has a son, and his name is Victor so you can somewhat practice on him since he is a year old." he told me as I nodded.

"The twins and my mom agreed with me for around the last couple of days before your the birth, they will come by and stay with you since they will be out of school." he told me as I nodded.

"Baby, are you sure your okay?" he asked me as I nodded. I sat up facing him as I sighed.

"I mean, I'm going to be in the dump because you wont be here, but this is to protect my babies and I wont hesitate to do my job to protect them." I told him as he smiled at me. He placed a kiss on my lips and pulled back smiling. I on the hand kissed him again, catching him off guard as he kissed me back harder. His hands made there way to the my bottom as he gave it a nice hard squeeze making me moan.

"Listen, I am trying my best not to take you right here for our children sake, so don't make this as hard as it needs to be." he growled in my ear. Over the past couple of weeks Xander and I have been getting.. busy and the doctor told us not to because it causes my hormones to get unbalanced.

I bit my lip at him as he raised an eyebrow at my, and smacked my ass making me scrunch. "Biting you lips is making it harder for me Nevaeh." he mumbled as I shook my head. Finally we pulled up to a white jet, as he stepped out. "Hold up, don't get out yet." he told me as I nodded. He walked over to a group of people, in all black suites and started to talk to them. He came back and opened the door, as I saw people in the back taking my luggage in the car. We walked into the plane, as it like the one from our honey moon, but way smaller. And more home like. It had a bed, a couch, a T.V. Basically it was a house on a plane. He sat me down, and buckled me up as I pouted.

"Now, they are going to take you to my airport in Italy. My aunt and cousin will be there waiting for you, with three personal body guards. Their name is Adrivon, Demetrio, and Nicole. They will stay at home, and report to me every night before you go to bed." he told me as I nodded. "Alpha Xander, the piolet told me to tell you that he needs to hurry up to make it on time." he replied as he nodded. He looked down at me, and got on his knees and looked at me. At this point I was already crying.

"Baby, don't cry okay." he told me wiping my tears away. "What did you tell me when I was at the house?" he asked me.

"I'm not gonna be a lil bitch and cry when you leave." I mumbled as he nodded.

"Your to beautiful to be crying over me. Just think of this like a blessing, Our kids will be born in Italy, I'll be there to watch you guys, then when I find this bastard, I will take you guys home with me... okay?" he asked me as I nodded. "I love you baby girl."

"I love you too.."


It was around 19 hours later, and I was waiting on the plane for them to escort me off. I was packing my things in my backpack, when a girl came on the bus with dyed blonde hair, pretty blue eyes, and a very tall figure with a black pant suit on.

"Luna Nevaeh, It's very nice to finally meet you, My name is Nicole but call me Nicki. I am your main body guard." she replied with a thick Italian accent, shaking my hand as I smiled at her. "Let me carry your belonging Luna." he replied as I smiled at her.

"I am find Nicki. I can carry my things. You already our my body guards, not my personal butler." I told her putting my book bag on my back as she sighed.

"Alpha Xander instructed us that you will not be carrying anything unless it is necessary." she told me as I sighed.

"With all due respect, I appreciate  you offering me the help but I surely can carry my own book bag Nicki." I told her as she nodded.

"I understand Luna." she told me as I nodded. We walked out of the plane, to see two dudes, that looked identically the same.

"Hello Luna." They said in unison, making me a little creeped out.

"Luna, this is  Adrivon and Demetrio. They are identical twins. They are also your body guards." he replied as I nodded. We went to an black SUV, with the twins sitting in the front, and Nicki and I in the back.

"So how long do have to go?" Adrivon asked me.

"I have four months to go." I replied as he nodded. For werewolves, the development of a baby isn't 9-10 months. It's 5 - 6 months, and considering I am alpha blood, it goes a lot quicker.

"Hmm, well isn't that exciting." Nicki replied as I nodded.

"Yeah, I just want to see them already and hold them." I replied rubbing my belly as she chuckled.

"Savor those moments you have with them at a young age. I have a 21 year old, and a 15 year old and boy oh boy ain't they trouble?" she replied making me laugh.

We pulled up to a two story house, that had an old fashion feel to it, which I instently fell in love with. It was white, with beautiful red roses on the edges of the red brick pathway. It had a porch, wiith two chair swings. I had stepped out as the twins grabbed my luggage in walked to the porch. The door opened, and two women opened the door. One had a baby on her hips, and long beautiful curly brown hair that went to her waist. The other women was way more older, and had the same curly hair expect a perfect color grey. I walked up to the porch,  as the older women gave me a hug.

"Hello Nipote , you are so beautiful. I am Aunit Isabelle." she replied as the other women came up to me. "My name is Amara, and this is Victor..." she replied as I nodded. "Well come in, we don't want you waiting in the hot heat." she replied as we stepped in. It was even beautiful from the inside also. Their was antics everywhere, with beautiful white and gold furniture." she sat me down in the kitchen.

"Your bedroom if finish. I just want you to eat something, because I don't want those pups and you hungry." she replied giving me a sandwhich, some chips and some lemonade.

"Thank you. I very much appreciate it. " I told her as she nodded smiling at me.

"So-" Amara started as she placed Victor in a play pen, as he started to put his fingers in his mouth. "-Do you know when the others are going to get here?" she asked me as I shook my head.

"A couple of days before I am due to give birth." I told her as she nodded.

"That's good." she told me. After eating, and talking for a while, I went up to my room and laid down on the bed watching Netflix until I fell asleep.

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