Chapter 27

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Three hours has passed, and they still haven't shown up. I started to get a little worried, and I truly didn't want this thing to blow up on me. I went down to the top security office as I opened the door as everyone looked at me and bowed their heads.

"Good afternoon Luna, may I help you with anything." Joe asked me as I nodded.

"Have the security guards came back that I sent with Peyton and Yvonne back. They were suppose to be back hours ago.." I replied as he shook his head.

"I'll try mind-linking them." He replied. I waited a couple of seconds and no surprise nothing turned up.

"You guys, I need a signal on SUV 08, STAT!" He yelled as I started to bite my lip. One of the guards typed away as he looked at it.

"It says that they are in... Toronto Canada?" He replied as I sighed.

"They are heading towards the vampire nest there. I need you to let the other guards and the fighters to pack their things and get ready to leave." I told him as he looked at me crazy.

"Nevaeh I don't think that's a safe idea. This could've been hacked for all we know." He replied as I looked at him.

"Joe I need you to listen to me. Their is possibly a little girl and three of our pack members in huge danger if we don't get a hold of them." I told him as I sighed. "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Now." I replied, using my Alpha tone as he nodded his head.

"Yes Luna." I ran back to the pack house and up the stairs and bumped into Xander shirtless.

"Xander something is wrong..." I trailed off as he looked at me.

"What?" He replied.

"The car that they took to go pick up Bailey I think was high jacked because neither of them are answering their mind links. The car was seen heading towards Toronto Canada." I told him as his face turned to pure anger.

"I want you to go tell the pack fighters and guards too-" but I cut him off.

"I already did, they are arming themselves up." I replied as he nodded.

"Alpha!" Joe yelled running up the stairs as I looked back.

"The fighters are ready and so are the guards, their just waiting on Luna's call." He replied as he looked at me.

"Go now. Xander and I will be right behind you. Leave about 200 hundred of them behind so they can come with us." I told him as he nodded. He ran back downstairs as I looked at him.

"You are not coming with me-" but I cut him off.

"Last time I checked, I was apart of the fighting squad and everyone is to report for duty on the squad Xander." I told him as he stared at me in shock.

"Go get my dad, Cam and Ken and my mom. I'm gonna call the airport to send the private jet here and send them and the twins to Houston Texas. You and dad meet me in my office in 10 minutes... armed." He replied as I nodded. I ran to their room banging on the door as Giovanni opened it and was already armed.

"Don't worry, Ken, Cam, and Natalia already grabbed the twins and are on their way to the airport as we speak. You go get armed." He replied as I nodded. I went downstairs to where they had everything locked up, as I took off everything I had on except my under clothes and slipped on my armor. I ran back upstairs into his office to see them looking at a map as I walked over.

"Well our plans is to barricade the back and front entrance so no one can escape the trap doors. But they already know that the people are coming from both entrances so that plan is a done deal." Giovanni sighed as Xander slammed his hands on the table.

"Damn it!"

"Look daddy, look at the pretty flowers..." Nevaeh replied playing with the white flowers as her daddy picked her up and smiled.

"Don't go touch it. You'll get dirty and mommy will have you and me in the dog house. Most likely me." He replied as Nevaeh twitched her little nose.

"But they are really pretty. Can I have one daddy?" She asked as he nodded. He bent down grabbing the flower placing it on her head as she started to giggle.

"I look like a princess." She giggled as he nodded. "One day, you'll find a man who will treat you with the respect as a queen." He replied as she smiled. She looked over and saw a door of some kind opening into the ground.

"What's that daddy?" She asked him as he looked at it.

"Those are the under tunnels. This is where the vampires do sneak attack's on enemies who cross their territory. It leads from the inside out, and out to the inside." He replied as she nodded.

"Eric! Come inside now, I don't want her dress to get all dirty!" Her mom yelled as he sighed.

"Come on Vaeh, let's go."

"Their is underground tunnels around the outside panels." I replied as they both looked at me.

"How'd you know that?" Giovanni asked me as I sighed.

"When I was 6 years old, my parents went to the nest in Toronto to sign a treaty with the Alpha. My dad and I were in the garden and I saw it and he explained to me what it was." I replied.

"Well we don't know for sure if it's still there.." Giovanni trailed off as Xander looked at it.

"Well... it does show some kind of tunnels. I think they haven't been used in years though." Xander replied as I sighed.

"If the tunnels are still there then we can attack them that way. Contact Joe and tell him to hold off until we catch up." I told them as Giovanni nodded.

"And if that doesn't work out?"  Xander asked me.

"If the tunnels aren't there.. we attack from the backside. And if the tunnels are there to make sure a proper attack we send half of the men to the back side." I replied as the two looked at each other.

"I'll go contact Joe..." Giovanni replied leaving the room as Xander sighed.

"We still have a problem. There are three tunnels, and we need to come from the backyard. Joe, dad, and I can get the tunnels. We need someone to get the backside." He replied.

"I can get the backside." I told him as he looked at me.

"No Nevaeh, I already feel iffy about you coming anyways. This isn't like training, this is something real that you could get hurt in. You stay with me, and that's the end of discussion." He replied as I sighed.

"Get your stuff we're leaving."

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