Chapter 30 (FINAL CHAPTER)

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*Two Years Later*

"Mommy!" I turned around and saw Nate running towards me as I smiled picking him. 

"How is my baby boy doing!?" I exclaimed giving him kisses all over his face as he giggled. I heard the door open as I saw Xander coming in with Xaria in his arms, and Bailey holding his hand. Xaria had on white dress with sunflowers on it as she looked at me and smiled.

"Mommy look." she pointed to herself and smiled. "I'm pretty?" she asked me as I walked over to her kissing her forehead, and Bailey's forehead.

"Yes mama you are very pretty." I looked at Xander with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay, she had an incident and she wanted a new dress so I bought her this one. And I also bought Nate some stuff." I rolled my eyes  at him chuckling kissing him on the lips.

"Vaeh I'm hungry.." Bailey whined as I walked into the kitchen with them following me. We placed the twins in their highchairs, as Bailey sat in her chair.

"Well I made some baked beans and hotdogs.." I fixed their plates, handing it to them. Xander grabbed me as I looked at him confused.

"So, I was thinking that the two of us can go for a run later in wolf form. I am tired of sitting in the house, so why not. I can ask my mom and dad if they can babysit the kids. And you know, maybe... we can do something a little later.." he winked at me as I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Do you remember the last time we tried to do something, and we got caught by your mom. She got all excited because she thought we were making more babies. For the last months she has been asking me non stop if I was pregnant.." I rolled my eyes laughing as he shrugged.

"I thought that door was locked." he laughed at me as I hit his arm. 

"Ouch!" he yelled rubbing his arms.

"Mommy!" I turned around and saw Xaria glaring at me. "No hitting dada!" she yelled at me as I glared back at as he laughed. I swear that girl is a daddy's girl to the heart. He can literally be beating the shit out of me, and she will sit there and laugh but let me even push him all hell will be raised.

"Thank you princess." he went over there and kissed her on the lips as I rolled my eyes. "Did you behave for mommy today son?" Xander picked him ticking him as he bursted out laughing. 

"Yes, I saw Hannah.." he giggled.

"Was it fun?" he asked him as he nodded. He put him back in his seat and kissed me on the lips. 

"I'm going up to my office, okay?" he told me as I nodded. After all that, the twins were in their room taking a nap, and Bailey was in her room playing with her WII. I was in the kitchen cleaning when Cam came down stairs crying.

"Cameron what's wrong?" I asked him as he sat down on the bar stool.

"I met my mate today.." he trailed off as I smiled at him. "Cameron that's a good thing that you met her, so why are you crying?" I asked him as he looked at me and shook his head.

"It's not a her, it's a him." he told me as I stood there in shock.

"W-Wait, are you gay?" I asked him as he sighed.

"I don't know." he bit down on his lip.

"Did you reject him?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"Oh God no. My mom will disown me if I do that." he replied as I chuckled.

"Well what do you do." I asked him.

"I walked over to him, introduced myself. I think he was caught off guard too." he sighed as I nodded. "But I did invite him to come over though.." he trailed off as I smiled.

"I'm pretty sure everyone will accept you for what it is. Do anyone else know?" he asked me as I nodded.

"Just Ken.. he's a little confused by it." he replied as I nodded.

"Well just know, that we are here for you okay?' I told him giving him a hug as he hugged me back. He ran back upstairs as I continued to clean the kitchen. 

After cleaning, I walked upstairs to the his office to see him typing something up on his laptop. He looked up at me and smiled.  

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" he asked me as I shook my head at him.

"Nothing, I'm just waiting to go on the run." I told him as he nodded. He finished typing something on his laptop then closed it. 

"Babe?" I looked up at him, then I felt his lips connect with mine as I smiled.

"What was that for?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"I can't get a kiss from my mate?" he asked my picking me up slapping my ass.

"Mhm I guess." I grabbed his face kissing him as he smiled.

"Now, if we want to go we better leave now before the kids see us." he pecked my lips as I nodded at him. He grabbed my hand, as we ran out to the back door to the woods, as we shift into our wolf forms.

*After the run*

We ran for about a good 2 hours, just enjoying ourselves. Right now, we are laying in a patch of grass in just our underclothes. I felt good to be honest. I love my family to death of me, especially my kids but sometimes I deserve a break from them. 

"Baby..." I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. I hummed in response as he continued to talk to me. "You know, I am so happy that you are mated to me.." he trailed off as I smiled.

"i am happy you are mated to me too." I kisses his cheek.

"Honestly... I can't ask for anything More Than This."


Yea.. so that sucked. I am thankful for everyone who read this book. I'm just so glad that I can finally end it her for almost a year of freaking writers block. Also I have more book ideas and I can't continue on with it if I have other books to finish so yeah.. 

Thank You Guys So much... 

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