Chapter 25

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Xander and I, was in our room while the twins laid on the bed as we rubbed their backs with lotions. I don't know why, but every second that the twins were awake, we always had them under us, playing with them, or just looking at them. They were wide away, as he we gave them back massages. We heard a knock on the door,  as I stood up and opened it to see Peyton Mother, Yvonne, standing at the door.

"Can I help you?" I asked her as she sighed.

"Can we talk to Xander?" she asked, attitude obvious in her tone of voice as I sighed.

"For?" I asked as she rolled her eyes.

"That is between me, and him. So if you could ever so kindly, move out of the way." she replied as I rolled my eyes back.

"He is busy. Can you guys wait till in the morning?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"What we have to talk about can not wait till tomorrow. This needs to be talked about now." She replied, as I noticed Peyton standing behind her with her arms crossed as I rolled my eyes.

"It is 11 o'clock at night. Why couldn't you guys talk about this after you came? We are trying to put our kids to bed, and we don't need any thing or any body trying to interfere with that." I replied as Peyton pushed her mother aside.

"Babe, what is the-" I heard Xander replied as he looked up and saw the two ladies standing their as he sighed.

"Do you guys not know what time it is? It is almost mid night, and you guys are bothering us." he replied as Peyton sighed.

"Xander, I need to talk to you." she replied, about to grab his hand as I stopped her.

"Don't even think about it." I could feel heaven about to rise from her surface, but I quickly shut the down knowing what could happen.

"Listen Nevaeh. I know that you are his mate and all, but Xander and I have issues that we need to talk about." she replied as I looked at her, to see that she had tears in her eyes. I looked at Xander to see that he noticed the same thing.

"What did you do?" he replied as she busted out crying. "Peyton you better tell me why in the hell you are-"

"I had your kid!" she yelled out as Jesse stood their shock, as so did I. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you any time sooner, but I couldn't face you. After loosing John (her mate) and then loosing you, I just couldn't face it! I'm so sorry!" she yelled crying in his arms as I stood their shocked.

"What is going on here?" Natalia replied as Jesse pushed Peyton off of him.

"What the hell do you mean I have a kid from you? I wrapped it up." he replied as she shook her head.

"I wanted to be with you, and start a family so I poked holes in all of the condoms so-" but he cut her off.

"So let me get this straight. You had my fucking child, because you were a selfish bitch, and then on top of that, kept me away from him for 5 years!?" he exclaimed.

"It is a she and her name is Bailey..." Yvonne butted in as Jesse shook his head. He walked down the stairs brushing past his mom and slamming the front door. I looked at both Yvonne to see her shaking her head.

"Where is she now?" I asked her as she wiped her face

"She is staying with my aunt, a couple of blocks away. She came here with us because we thought maybe Jesse wanted to see her." she replied as I nodded.

"So is that the main reason why you guys wanted to come here? To tell my son that he might have a daughter?" Natalia replied stepping closer as called out for Giovanni.

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