Chapter 23

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We pulled up in front of the house, as we saw the front door swing opened. Giovanni walked out and so did Natalia, but she pushed him in the bushes and ran to the door opening it. "Oh my god Nevaeh you look absolutely gorgeous!!" she yelled as I smiled at her.

"Thanks Natalia." I replied as she looked at the car seats and started to cry.

"Oh my god, my grand babies are here!" she exclaimed as she pulled over the blanket to see a wide awake Nathaniel sucking on his pacifier. "Oh my god. It's like seeing Xander all over again when he was just born. Big ass forehead and all." she exclaimed as Giovanni opened the other and started to unstrap them. He uncovered the blanket and saw a sleeping Xaria with the pacifier hanging out of her mouth, as slight little snores was coming out of her mouth.

"Awe honey. She is absolutely gorgeous. She looks just like Luna Beatrice." he replied playing with her hair as Natalia ran to the other side, pushing him again as she smiled.

"Nevaeh, she has the thick curly hair of yours. And those big eyes. She definitely going to be breaking little boys hearts." she replied as Xander walked to the side where Nathaniel was on.

"What boys? Ain't no boys coming up in that house." Xander replied as I chuckled. "This kid never goes to sleep. He is so nosy. We were on the plane and all he was doing was looking around and looking at people talk. He took like 10 minutes nap but then woke up when he heard the slightest noise.

"Look who his father is." I mumbled as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Son, you do know you were like that too right?" Giovanni replied as Xander shook his head.

"Okay get the kids out of the car. It's too cold to be out here talking." Natalia replied as Giovanni grabbed Xaria and Xander grabbed Nathaniel. I grabbed the baby bags, as I heard Xaria start crying because of the cool air. We walked into the house and immediately went up to a room, as I looked at Xander confused as he smirked at me. He opened the room, and I was in complete awe. It was the nursery, that I had in the vision a couple of months back. But instead half of it was pastel pink and the other was baby blue. It had pictures hanging up when they were in still in my tummy. It had a changing table by the window, and a baby monitor on each crib. They had a T.V, a book shelf with books on it. They had blankets, stuff animals, toys, and bibs on each side of their room with a basket with there name on it.

"Awe it's beautiful.." I replied tearing up as Xander kissed me on the lips.

"Well, I wanted to give my kids something since I didn't do as much as you did. Like Ion think I could carry a child in my stomach for 6 minutes. Never mind 6 months." hey replied as I chuckled.

"Their closets is filled with clothes that me, Giovanni, the pack, and Xander bought. Like it's so many clothes ion think you have to worry about them wearing the same thing more then once." Natalia replied as I chuckled.

After getting situated in the room Giovanni and Natalia left to help the other twins with something. I was trying to place Xaria in her crib but she wouldn't stop crying.

"Shh baby, it's okay." I whispered in her ear, as I walked around the room with her as Xander played with Nathaniel.

"Here lemme see her." he replied as I gave him the baby, as he pushed her to his chest and sat down on the recliner as he screaming and crying immediately stopped. He smirked at me then shrugged.

"What can I say. She's gonna be a daddy girl."


I was downstairs in the kitchen making some bottles for Xaria and Nathaniel for tonight when Natalia came in with a binder. I looked at her confused as she sat down at the island counter and opened it up.

"So are you ready to start planning the Luna and Alpha grace ceremony?" she asked me as I looked at her in shock.

"Um, aren't we suppose to do it at the age of two or three months. Isn't this a little early?" I asked her as she looked at me surprised.

"Early!? We should have planning this when you were in Italy. This is something huge. If everything isn't perfect or in line something could go wrong. We have to Xaria's dress. We have to get Nate's (Nathaniel) suit. We have to your dress, and Xander suit. We have a lot of things to take care of in just an amount of months." she replied as I stood there in shock with the bottles in my hand.

"Um, I don't think it's going to be that hard." I replied. She was about to say something, but I heard the cries of Nate as I placed the bottles in the fridge. "I'll be right back." I replied as I ran up to there nursery. I went to the room
And saw Xaria fast asleep, and Nate wide awake crying. I picked him up, as his crying started to hush.

"It's okay baby. Momma is here." I whispered in his ear as he crying started to hush but he wouldn't go back to sleep. I went downstairs with him to see Natalia already writing stuff down in her binder. I walked to the counter as she looked up at me and Nate.

"Let me see him." She asked as I handed him to her. "Awe look at NaNa baby boy. Oh yes you so handsome!" She replied as he started to smile and gush. "Oh yeah! I was meaning to tell you. Jesse old bestfriend Peyton is coming to visit him and the twins." She told me as I raised an eyebrow.

"I never heard of her.." I relied sitting on the counter stool as she started to rub his back.

"Well about a good three years before you found out that you guys were mates, they sort of had this 'fling' going on ever since her mate died. But she ended up cheating on him, and ended up on bad terms. That was when he started to fool around wit Maddison. She wanted to tie ends together and see if they could be friends." She told me as I nodded.

After talking about a couple of things, I walked upstairs with Nate in my arms and walked in the room to see Xander holding Xander. He looked up and smiled at me and placed her in the crib as I placed Nate in. He sat down in the rocking chair as I sat on his lip as he placed his head on my chest.

"I have a question." I asked running my hands through his hair as he looked at me. "You never mentioned you had a girlfriend before Maddison." I told him as he started to tense up, but slowly started to relax.

"It's nothing babe." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"It's something if she is coming to visit you and my kids." I replied as he sighed.

"We were a couple. She was the girl I lost my virginity too, but she ended up cheating on me with her Alpha. I cut all ties with her and she ended up getting the news that I found my mate and had kids and now she wants to swim her way right back to me. I don't want her near me, you, or my children." He replied as I nodded.

"Well you should forgive her. Even though what she did was ruthless, forgiveness will help you forget about it." I told him.

"But that is the thing. I did forget about it, and moved on. I have my beautiful mate, I have a Luna, and I have two beautiful babies that I love dearly. I have not thought about her since I've been with you, and now it's making me nervous that she wants to do something." He told me. I couldn't help but feel a warm in the inside.

"How long is she staying?" I asked him.

"A week. She's coming this Thursday." He told me as I nodded.

"All we have to do is just make the best of it and the week will go by fast." He replied as he smiled at me.

He gave me a kiss on the lips as I kissed him back.

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