Chapter 24

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*Thursday Morning*

I woke up the following morning to hear the house quite. Everyone was sleep, the only thing interrupting the quietness was the twins soft noises in the baby monitor. I looked over to my side to see Xander knocked out with one arm rested over my waist and the other under his pillow. I slowly grabbed the arms resting on and placed it on the bed. I stepped out of bed and hit the cold wooden floor, and grabbed a pair of his basketball shorts and sweat shirt. I walked into the twins room to see both of them awake, looking at the ceiling.

"Hi mama babies." I replied walking over to both cribs to only see them smiling at me. I checked their dampers, to see that they were wet. I walked to their closet and grabbed both of the their tubs but was catch off guard when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I dropped the tubs and turned around to see a wide awake Xander smiling at me.

"Good morning baby." He replied kissing me on the lips as I kissed him back.

"Hey, why are you up?" I asked him as he shrugged.

"I heard you talking to the babies in the baby monitor. Are you giving them a bath?" He asked me as I nodded.

"Yeah. Can you help me? Giving twins a bath is not as easy as you think it is." I asked as he nodded.

"You don't even have to ask that question. I'm gonna do it regardless." He replied as I smiled at him.

"Okay, grab that shampoo, lotion, baby powder and soap." I told him as he nodded. He grabbed it and placed it in the pink bath tub. He grabbed both of them carrying it under his arms.

"Go set it up in our bathroom. Fill it up with water to this line right here, okay?" I told him pointing to a line in the tub as he nodded. He walked out of the nursery, as I grabbed the outfits and dampers. I walked out of the room to our room and placed the outfits and dampers on the bed next to the lotion and baby powder.

I walked into the twins room, with Xander behind me as I picked up Xaria as he picked up Nate. We took of their nights clothes and dirty dampers putting them in the trash, and the clothes and their separate basket. We wrapped the towels around them and took them to the bathroom. We placed the towels on the tub as we placed the kids in the tubs. I put some soap on Xaria rag as I handed him the soap as he did the same. "Wash under his weewee too." I told him as he nodded. After I washed her up, I put shampoo in her head and started to scrub it as she slowly started to hum, from the pleasure.

"What the hell Nevaeh!" He exclaimed grabbing my hand as I looked at him.

"What?" I asked as his face had a surprised but angry look in his face.

"Why the hell are you getting the soap in her eyes!?" He exclaimed at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Its tear free." I replied pointing to the bottle. "It's not gonna burn their eyes." I replied snatching my hand away and continued doing what I was doing as his face turned back to normal with a sorry expression.

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't know." He replied as I looked at him.

"I know. I would've reacted the same way, if I didn't know." After getting the twins bathed, and wrapped up in their towels, we walked out into our room and placed them in the beds. They had fell asleep in the bath tub which made it a whole lot easier to get them dressed. After getting them dressed, we decided to let them sleep on our bed.

 After getting them dressed, we decided to let them sleep on our bed

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