Chapter 26

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The following morning I woke up to the sound in the baby monitor. It was around 5:15, so the sun has not risen yet so it was still dark in the room. I stood up stretching my arms as I slipped on my slides and robe as I walked to the door. I walked down the hall inside the twins room as I opened it and saw Xaria sleep (as usual) in Nate wide awake yawning. "Good morning mama handsome man!" I exclaimed loud enough just for the two of us to hear as he started to giggle. "Looks like Xaria gonna sleep in... don't blame her." I replied as I pulled the covers over her legs as she pouted in her sleep, just like Xander.

If you are wondering, he never came in last night. He turned off his mind link so no one could even contact him, and I even had the guards to go find him to bring him home but it's like he disappeared. I even tried the dumbest thing and tried calling him but he didn't answer. So now I'm just stuck in the middle, worrying about him but trying to take care of the kids.

I laid Nate back down and left the door open as I walked back to my room and decided to get dressed. I took a quick shower, then put on some lotion and then my clothes.

I walked back downstairs to see Peyton and Yvonne already dressed as I sighed

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I walked back downstairs to see Peyton and Yvonne already dressed as I sighed. "Xander didn't come home last night. I'm just gonna send you guys to go get her and hopefully by the time you guys get back, he'll be here." I replied as they nodded.

I mind linked my guards telling them to come pick the two up. They arrived and the two left to go pick her. As I was making me a cup of coffee the door opened a lord beholds Xander walks in. I didn't really pay him no mind, considering the fact that I am pissed he didn't even mind link me confirming he isn't dead, but Ima be the bigger person and just not mention it.

"Good Morning Nevaeh." He replied.

"Xander." I replied sitting down at the counter grabbing my iPad reading the news page.

"I think we need to talk about the situation." He told me as I sighed, then smelt him as I scrunched up my face.

"Oh god Xander you smell like outside." I replied backing him away from me.

"Nevaeh I'm serious." He replied as I shook my head.

"Honestly, there isn't really nothing to be said now. I took over your saying and they are on their way to pick Bailey up." I replied as he looked at me in shock then in anger.

"Why in the hell would you do that!?" He exclaimed as I starred at him.

"Okay first, ima need you to turn down the tone of voice because I don't know who in the hell you are talking too. And two, you wasn't here and Peyton looked as if she was in a crises, so the only thing I could tell them that she can come today before they go to the UK." I replied.

"Why are they going to the UK?" he asked me as I looked down at my cup of coffee the sighed.

"That's between you and her to talk about." I replied standing up grabbing my iPad then walked to the door way.

"Nevaeh you aren't making this any better for me. I just found out I had another child and your acting like a straight up bitch right now." He told me as I froze in my steps.

"I'm sorry Xander that this isn't going as well as you thought this was, but when you left last night to go clear your head because of this child , I went to sleep crying last night because of all of this. Not only do you have a child with another women and which in my mind I'm the one that can give you your first child, but you have the nerve to sit here and blame me for shit when this don't have shit to do with me. For all you know, I can get my children and leave you-" but he cuts me off by grabbing me and throwing me against the refrigerator.

"You are not fucking leaving me Nevaeh." He growled as I looked in his eyes to see Zeus taking over as I pushed him off of me. Zeus obviously still had control over him as I walked towards him. I could tell Xander had ahold of himself now, and you can see that he was intimidated by me, but I didn't give a damn.


He started at her and to say He was  scared, his legs were low key shaking. "Xander I suggest you get the hell outta my face, because right about now your pissing me off." She growled at him as her eyes started to shift from caramel brown to black. He walked up the stairs to hear the beautiful coo's of my children as he walked in. Surprisingly, not really, Xaria was sleep and Nate was up and wide awake. He grabbed him placing him in his arms as he sat down with him.

"You won't be able to comprehend this so Ima just rant to you, alright?" He told him as he blinked his eyes at Xander as he smiled. "I know I'm not the best father right about now, nor the best mate to your mother. She is trying her best to deal with me and my bullshit and I'm letting her down, my parents down, my younger siblings, and most of all I'm letting you and your sister down and I don't want to be that kind of dad." He replied as a tear fell down his face. "I had another child with a women I wasn't even love with, and now she has to meet her dad that didn't even know about her. Like my whole life is a mess. But I don't want that for you guys. I want you to find your mates one day, I want you to have kids and possibly give your mom and I grandchildren, but I want you to not grow up living in lies like I did." He replied then stopped himself.

"Lucky enough your mother was there for me through it all. I don't tell your mom this and I don't know why but I wake up and thank the moon goddess for what she has blessed me with. Your mother is so beautiful in and out and I sometime take advantage of that and I am so stupid. I don't deserve her.." He replied. Little did he know Nevaeh stood out side the door hearing the father and son conversation.
"One day when you find your mate, I pray she is something like your mama. Beautiful, smart, and kind." Nevaeh couldn't help but to shed tears of joy at what she heard. She stood their for about another 20 minutes as she opened the door to see both boys sleep as she shook her head. She grabbed Nate out of his arms, placing him in the crib placing a kiss on his lips, and doing the same for Xaria. She grabbed a blanket off of the shelf placing it on Xander kissing him on the forehead whispering in his ear,

"I think the moon goddess for you too..."

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