Chapter 18

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The rest of the early morning, I couldn't go back to sleep and neither could Xander. Every five minutes he would ask me if I was okay, and I told him that I was fine.

It's around 10 o'clock and I was in the bathroom, getting dressed. I had on a pair of black jeans, and a white blouse where sleeves hung off my shoulders. I had on a pair of brown sandals as I pulled my hair into a bun and laid down my edges. I was brushing my teeth when Xander came in the bathroom and looked at me.

"How do you feel about this Nevaeh... honestly." He asked me as I sighed. I turned and looked at him as I wiped my mouth and placed my toothbrush in the holder.

"Honestly, I don't want to do this. But at the end of the day it's doesn't matter about what I want, it's a need." I told him as he sighed. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed me on the forehead.

"I know this is hard for you because it's hard for me. I just got mated to you and now you have to leave me because of some blood sucking mother-" I pulled away hitting him as he winced rubbing his arm.

"Watch your mouth.."

"Hey I'm trying. And way to ruin the moment.." he mumbled as I chuckled. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you.." he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too.."
We were in the meeting hall, a lot of chatter going around about the events that happened last night. Of course there was a couple of people saying that it was my fault, but the loyal pack members stood up for me in which I am grateful for.

"As you all know, the events from last night were pretty traumatizing and alarming. As your Alpha leader, I have no reason to lie to you, and to tell you the truth for your own safety. We were attack by Vampires." He said as the whole entire place shifted into chaos. I looked up and saw him looking at me as he sighed. "Enough!!" He yelled in his Alpha tone as everyone chatter went silent. "The Alpha of the vampire family decided that they would come and attack us to get ahold of your luna." He finished as someone stood up.

"Alpha, with all due respect but their is a slight rumor that Luna Nevaeh is pregnant. As a pack, we have the rights to know if she is or isn't pregnant.." a lady stood up as another man stood up.

"Yes! If they are coming after her because she is pregnant then maybe there is something we can do to protect her. We do-"but Xander cut him off.

"You guys do have the rights to know because just as much she is my mate, she is your female leader. Luna Nevaeh is pregnant with twins." He announced as everyone started to cheer and clap. "The vampire population is going down, and we all know in order for them to survive, they need to sacrifice the hearts of the twins of the Luna and Alpha of a werewolf pack, which is us." He replied as they gasped.

"So with that being said your Luna will be staying in Italy, with my aunt. And for you guys their will be a set of new rules, If the pups wants to go outside, a guard and a adult needs to be outside with them. Teens, if you guys are inviting anyone on that isn't in this pack, make sure you come into contact with one of the body guards, so that they know." he told them. One of the pack members stood up.

"When will Luna Nevaeh be leaving." he told them as I sighed.

"Within a week. I want to make sure everything is fine, before she leaves. Including the twins.." he told them as they  nodded. The pack meeting continued on, until around four o'clock. Everyone went their separate ways, as I sat in Xander and I's room. I was watching one of the maids pack my bags as I sat their starring at the wall, as Xander walked in.

"Thank you Gloria. Can Nevaeh and I talk alone for a moment, I'll pack the rest of her bags..." he told her as she nodded.

"Yes Alpha." she replied and stepped out. I sat against the headboard, with the coverers wrapped around my body.

"Baby?" I looked at him as he sighed and laid down next to me. "Well I decided that you'll leave next Saturday. The doctor is coming over in a little bit." he replied as I nodded. "You haven't spoken to me since the meeting. I know there is something on your mind.." he told me as I sighed.

"I really don't want to go to Italy and leave you hear. What happens if they get ahold of you? I don't get it. Why would they want to harm our babies.. and how did they know that that we were going to have twins? They started harassing me way before we got officially bonded together." I told him as he sighed.

"Baby, I don't want you worrying about this." He told me as I rolled my eyes.

"How can I not worry about this Xander? It's one thing if they were coming for me, but they are coming for my future babies.." I told him as he shook his head.

"Nevaeh, don't think like that okay? I made a promise to you when I bonded to you that I was going to keep you safe. And I'm sure as hell going to keep my children safe. This is why I am doing this. I don't want you to doubt that I'm going to fail at keeping you safe." he told me. I looked down, as I started to cry.

"I'm sorry, I just. I'm scared. " I mumbled as he sighed. He pulled me into his lap as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I know you are, and you have every right to be. But you need to have trust in me, and yourself. You are their mother, just as much as I'm their father you have to keep them safe, and if moving to Italy is going to keep them safe, then you and I both know what we have to do... right?" he told me as I nodded. 

"I love you.." I looked at him and smiled.

"I love you too." he replied back, kissing me as I smiled. I kissed him back as he turned me around to face him, to the point where I was straddling him. His hands slipping up my shirt, slightly rubbing it. I moaned a little, as I heard him growl.

We heard the door opened as we both opened our eyes as groaned. He placed me back on the bed as he went to open the door, as Savanna stood their smiling.

"Hello Alpha Xander, Luna Nevaeh.." she replied as I smiled at her.

"Hi Savanna." she replied walking over to us, with two man behind her with a monitor.

"You guys can plug it over there." Xander pointed at the door as they nodded.

"Okay Nevaeh, we will be taking some pictures of the babies, and I'm going to set you up with some new Vitamins." she told me as I nodded. "Can you lay down?" she asked me. I laid down, as she looked at the boys. "You guys can go wait outside.. I'll call you in when she's ready.." she replied as the walked out the door. She lifted up my blouse, and placed some cold jelly stuff on my stomach.

"Right now, they are barely growing their legs and arms, but since you are both Alpha blood type, they will grow and develop faster. So I say around six months you will give birth." she replied as I looked at the screen, and saw two small fetuses swimming around as I smiled. I looked up and saw Xander looking at the screen smiling with tears as I smiled at  him.

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