Chapter 13⚠️

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Okay on the last chapter, part of what I wrote didn't get uploaded. I don't know why Wattpad did that because it did it to my other story, but if I where you, so you don't get confused on this chapter, go back and read the last couple of pages on Chapter 12.

Thank you!

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* Three Months Later *

Three months has passed since the death of grandma Lily, and things were starting to get back to normal. Other then the fact that the person that texted me is still after me, and we don't have any leads on who this person is and what are their intentions.

We tried to ask Aundrias if he knew anything about it, but the only thing he did tell us was that the man that is trying to go after me, there is a 60% chance that he wants to go after the twins too. After hearing that, Xander has put more money, and time on security and guards all around the territory. They are there for a 12 hour shift, and he has security cameras all over the place. I mean I am thankful for what he doing, trying to protect me and all but I feel kind of... weird knowing that someone is watching me 24/7. But then again, I would rather have him watch me then this random as person.

And for my Luna proposal, I asked Xander if there was any thought that he wanted to propone the ceremony, (I lowkey didn't want to) and his exact words were 'Like Hell I am,'. So the past couple of months, we have been going between trying to find this person before he finds us, and planning the ceremony. We decided that we would have it on November 5th, which is about a good two weeks away. I know, it's very soon but that's how it goes in the werewolf world.

Natalia and I were sitting in the kitchen, planning the last minute things until the ceremony. We planned on it being black, white, and gold for the colors because... why not? And we invited over 7 different packs from all over the world to join us, and which all of them gladly accepted. Sadly, we still haven't even got any outfits for the ceremony. We plan on doing it last minute, which is a bad idea... I know. But we really don't have any valid reason on why we are doing it like that.

"Okay, so we plan on going to Lake Monroe and have the ceremony. I looked up the weather that is going to be on that day and it will be only 74 degrees, so it's not to cold and it's not to hot. Also, I talked with the top chefs on the menus for that day, and he said that it will be based off of Italian, Haitian, and Sea food. Considering that he is Italian and he is Haitian and you both love sea food with a passion." she told me as I nodded chuckling. Which is true. Xander and I got into a little disagreement on what food we should have there, he wanted to have Italian but I wanted to bring my culture to the pack considering that I'm the only Haitian here and they have never tasted it before in their life.

But we came to the conclusion why not have both of them, then we could have best of both worlds. "Okay, well when do you want to go out and get our dresses. Considering that we can't go literally at the last minute." I told her as she thought about it.

"How about right now?" she asked me as I looked at her in shock.

"Are you sure? I mean-" but she cuts me off.

"Heck yeah I'm sure. We both have nothing better to do, so go get dressed. I'll see you downstairs in an hour." And with that she ran upstairs as I chuckled. I went upstairs to Xander and I's room. I saw him sitting on bed, typing away on his laptop and watching Netflix. He was wearing basketball shorts, and some Nike socks, with his hair all over the place but with his thick glasses. To be in something so simple, he looked so good.

"Hey baby, how was it with my mom.." he asked me sitting on the edge of the bed as I walked over to where he was and smiled at him. "It was fun. We are about to go out and go dress shopping." I told him.

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