26. His Matter Of Fact

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"Are you feeling any better?" Dev asked me again for the fifth time in an hour keeping the back of his hand on my forehead for about fifteen seconds and looking on the sides muttering to himself.

I moved inside the blanket as the bump allowed me to sleep straight only and that was quite uncomfortable as I wasn't allowed to raise the level of my head because doctor hadn't said any such thing.

This thing annoyed me but who had the guts to cross him? Though his caring facet made my heart melt and the soft tears flowed from the eyes.

"I am fine Dev. " I uttered wiping my tears as I remembered that I had exams next week and I wouldn't be allowed to study if I keep crying at small things.

Stomach pain is a normal issue during pregnancy I thought but when Dev heard me wincing as the sudden pain that erupted, he put me into bed and called upon many doctors and nurses.

Our date was cancelled. For second time.

Our appointment at University called down.

Our special thing hung amidst the air.

"Alright. I will check on you an hour later now. I have got some important work to me. If you need anything press the button. " He stated each sentence like i was a child and needed constant reminder.

" Not more than twenty minutes ago you said the same Dev. " I teased him pressing the button kept on the bed beside my finger and he narrowed his eyes putting his arm before his chest.

" I wanted my file and that's why I came here. " He grudgingly said giving me a caring look next.

Few times I questioned myself if our baby was fine. Or was I healthy enough to carry our baby? But again he loved our child more than himself to do all of it unnecessarily.

He was hustling with the file just to prove his point when I called him, "Dev?"

He rushed to me and looked wide eyed, "What happened?"

"It's nothing. " He was scaring me now with this look that asked if I was okay.
" Dev, baby is alright. Huh? " I asked him quite taken away while he stared me than gave his mind blowing smile.
" Baby is more than fine and that's why I don't want anything that would.. defy it. Just take rest Arohi. " He sat on the edge of the bed staring the bump blankly.

" You scare me when you act like this." I went nervous but smiled to assure him I wasn't worried.

Coming near to me, he placed a kiss on my lips and then moving his head up by ten inches whispered, "There is nothing that should scare you more than me Arohi. You get it baby?"

I peered his dark eyes confusedly as he watched me back with mere darkness in it.

I nodded out of fear.

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